Minutes Meeting of the Board of Directors A meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Wednesday 17 February at 10.30am in the Board Room, Learning and Teaching Scotland, The Optima, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow G2 8DU. Present: Jim Conroy, Board Member (Item 7 onwards) Carole Ford, Board Member Jacqui Hepburn, Board Member Bernard McLeary, Chief Executive John Mulgrew OBE, Chair Iain Nisbet, Board Member Graeme Ogilvy, Board Member In attendance: Alan Armstrong, Director – Curriculum and Assessment Marie Dougan, Interim Director – Learning & Technology Eileen Gill, Chief Professional Adviser, Strategic Organisational Development Alistair Gordon, Interim Director - Corporate Services Kay Livingston, Director – International, Research and Innovation Catherine MacIntyre, Professional Adviser, Policy & Governance Murray McVicar, Scottish Government Stuart Ritchie, Director – Learning and Community Apologies: Alison Coull, Scottish Government Louise Hayward, Board Member Christine Pollock, Cosla Observer Gavin Whitefield, Special Adviser 1. Due Date Alistair Feb 10 Apologies 1.1 2. Action Apologies were received as noted above. Minute of the Previous Meeting + Action Grid held on 16 December 2009 2.1 The Minute of the previous meeting and Action Grid were accepted as a true record. The Minute and Action Grid will now be published on the website, subject to any FOI exemptions. Meeting of the Board of Directors 17 February 2010 1 B.Mins.01/10 Minutes Action 3. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes 3.1 Cosla Representative on the LTS Board (Item 6 refers) Bernard reported that Cosla had requested that the LTS / ADES presentation to the Education Children and Young People Committee meeting on 17 February be postponed. However, Terry Lannigan (ADES) would be present to discuss CfE and the assessment framework, including moderation, and LTS’s role in that. It is possible that the joint LTS / ADES presentation will take place at the next ECYP Committee meeting on 7 May 2010. 3.2 Confucius Classrooms (Item 8.3.2 refers) Kay reported that the first group of teachers will go out to Tianjin in March. Two further Classrooms will also be launched in March: one in East Renfrewshire and the other in Fife. Plans are under way for 60 pupils to take part in an immersion course in China during the summer of 2010. 4. Declarations of Interest 4.1 5. None. Chair’s Report The Board noted the following points: 5.1 Recommendations have been submitted by the Sponsor Department to the Minister, Keith Brown, in respect of the two Board Member vacancies. 5.2 The Cabinet Secretary, Michael Russell, has agreed to come to LTS on 27 April. 5.3 A very positive meeting took place with Graham Houston, Chair of SQA. This will be follow up by a meeting of John, Graham, Janet and Bernard to discuss the format / structure of the proposed joint Board Meeting. 5.4 John attended a dinner / roundtable discussion with Chairs of NDPBs within the Cabinet Secretary’s portfolio (Education and Lifelong Learning). The Cabinet Secretary, Ministerial team and Meeting of the Board of Directors 17 February 2010 2 B.Mins.01/10 Due Date Minutes Action Due Date Alistair Jun 10 Director General, Leslie Evans were also present. The purpose of the event was for each organisation to share priorities / plans and then, at a future date, to discuss how links are being made with other bodies to eliminate overlaps. The follow up meeting will include Chief Executives. 5.5 The Board noted the paper about Board Member Remuneration. Board Members agreed that John and Alistair should progress the matter with the Scottish Government for reasons of diversity and inclusion, particularly in relation to attracting new Board Members. The Board was also keen to ensure equity and consistency with respect to LTS’s status as an NDPB. Board Members will receive a further update at a future meeting. 6. Organisational Development Programme Update 6.1 OD Committee – 27 January 2010 The Minute of the meeting had already been circulated to Board Members. John commented that at the next meeting, which is scheduled for 18 March, the Committee will be looking at proposed structures, along with other important items. 6.2 LTS Review Implementation 6.2.1 Eileen confirmed that the Board’s response had been sent to Colin MacLean, having first been endorsed by the Organisational Development Committee. Work is now underway to produce drafts of the supplementary papers: Curriculum Review, Assessment and ICT. Drafts of these papers will be discussed at the next meeting of the Organusational Development Committee. The new / additional areas in the remit now need to be integrated into day to day activity. Meeting of the Board of Directors 17 February 2010 3 B.Mins.01/10 Minutes 6.2.2 6.3 The Board noted that Murray would like to convene a meeting with the relevant Depute Directors to discuss the response and will report back to the Board with whatever comments emerge from the discussion. 6.2.3 Bernard stressed that this was about relationships, communication, being outcomes focused - LTS working in partnership with the Scottish Government. Bernard also referred to John’s discussion with Colin MacLean regarding inconsistencies 6.2.4 Discussion needs to take place on funding models, rights and responsibilities and, therefore, there is a broader context about moving LTS forward as an NDPB – John Swinney’s ‘Terms of Engagement’. Bernard would like that discussion to take place and then report back to the Board. Action Due Date Murray 28.4.10 Programme Priorities 6.3.1 Eileen reported that the first stage of review of the high level structure had been completed. PA Consulting will now be looking at the layer below to assess the roles that will be needed to support the proposed high level structure. The proposals from both reviews will be integrated into one paper for discussion at the Organisational Development Committee meeting on 18 March. It is also hoped that some additional work, currently being undertaken by Hay Group on related salary information, will also be included within this paper. 6.3.2 The Board appreciated the volume of work and activity that lies behind this and noted that officers are taking a participative approach, with senior staff having had the opportunity to give views. All Board Members will be kept well informed as this process moves forward. 6.3.3 The Board noted that other progress is being made in terms of our partnership working with Cosla and SQA, engaging with staff and knowledge sharing / management. Meeting of the Board of Directors 17 February 2010 4 B.Mins.01/10 Minutes Action 6.3.4 6.4 Some other aspects of the Organinisational Development Programme have been reprioritised because of the resource commitment to ensure smooth transition of the Learning Connections team within LTS. However, the Programme, generally, will gather pace over the next few months. Learning Connections Transition (+ presentation) 6.4.1 The Board noted that, overall, good progress is being made, with good communications both with the Learning Connections (LC) team and individuals. CMT has endorsed the Business Plan and this will now go to the Scottish Government. LC work plans will be fully integrated within the LTS Annual Business Plan. 6.4.2 LTS is working with the Scottish Government Actuaries Department and Strathclyde Pensions actuaries to resolve issues relating to TUPE. 6.4.3 Eileen also reported that the Scottish Government has announced LTS as the preferred option for transfer of the Standards Council. This will need to be looked at carefully, and separately from the LC team, in terms of structure and governance arrangements. 6.4.4 In response to a query from Graeme, Bernard explained that the reference to joint planning with SQA was slightly separate from LTS’s overall shared services strategy. This specifically related to CfE and Assessment, with the aim of identifying interdependencies; risk and deliverables. SQA’s Programme Office will be managing the process and this has the potential for shared services. However, we are discussing potential for sharing services with other organisations and not only SQA. John commented that the Board should not assume that this is the pattern with other NDPBs. 6.4.5 Jacqui said that what the Scottish Government is looking for is cohesive infrastructure; cohesive Boards and cohesive planning. Meeting of the Board of Directors 17 February 2010 5 B.Mins.01/10 Due Date Minutes Action 6.5 7. Learning Connections Presentation 6.5.1 John welcomed colleagues from Learning Connections, Clare El Azebbi and Edith MacQuarrie, who joined the meeting to give Board Members an overview of the main areas of work. This included reference to key Scottish Government policies, national partners and how Learning Connections contributes to the Scottish Government’s national purpose. 6.5.2 Board Members were impressed with the breadth of support and advice provided by the LC team. This included providing specialist advice to the Scottish Government and development of an adult literacy and numeracy strategy, as well as working with SQA on development of NQs for literacy and numeracy and working jointly with HMIE on measuring impact. 6.5.3 The Board also noted the areas where the team are already working in partnership with LTS and the increased benefit that full integration of the LC team within LTS will bring to the education system. 6.5.4 Graeme commented on the importance of links into employers needs and community benefit projects such as the Commonwealth Games. 6.5.5 John then thanked Clare and Edith for the very informative presentation and said that colleagues were looking forward to welcoming the team on board from 1 April 2010. Chief Executive’s Report 7.1 CfE and Assessment 7.1.1 Alan summarised the work that LTS had undertaken to support launch of the Experiences and Outcomes last year and explained that LTS is now very involved with delivery of Building your Curriculum exemplars. Meeting of the Board of Directors 17 February 2010 6 B.Mins.01/10 Due Date Minutes Action A new area of the website will be developed where practitioners can get examples and leave comments. Quality assured materials will also be available. 7.1.2 Another key area is BtC5 – Assessment. LTS recently supported 8 events to help practitioners understand what this means and these events were extremely well evaluated. Local authority staff are now replicating ideas and materials locally which is helping to build capacity in the system. 7.1.3 Norman then took the Board through a detailed presentation which made reference to a number of key points, including: i) LTS is supporting practitioners using a new approach with increased focus on breadth; challenge and application of learning. ii) The emphasis on sharing standards and expectations through national system and moderation. iii) LTS is focusing on delivery of exemplars for 20 April, as well as developing content for NAR. The key difference with this process is that there is an opportunity for practitioners to contribute. iv) LTS is working closely with SQA to deliver on NAR and also to ensure integration with other existing services, e.g. NQs and SSA. Progress so far: v) All 32 local authorities are involved with over 150 schools engaged. vi) The intention is to publish emerging practice (preNAR) on a special area of the LTS website. vii) The Assessment Governing Group is satisfied that the range of examples from Phase 1 provided good coverage of priority curriculum areas. Meeting of the Board of Directors 17 February 2010 7 B.Mins.01/10 Due Date Minutes Action Due Date Alan 28.4.10 viii) LTS is now working with local authorities to fill gaps in non-priority areas. ix) All materials will be quality assured before going onto the NAR for launch in September 2010. Risks: x) Potential risks exist in relation to coverage and quality of materials. However, LTS is managing the risk by working very closely with local authorities and intervening at an early stage. xi) Contingency plans are also in place to cover issues of capacity and quality. LTS is also liaising with SQA, HMIE and has regular contact with ADES and individual local authority contacts. xii) Truncated timescales. 7.1.4 7.1.5 John commented that the Cabinet Secretary made it clear that whatever timescales are agreed must be adhered to and LTS is, therefore, under a lot of pressure to deliver. John asked that the Board be kept informed of progress against milestones. The Board then discussed some of the issues and perceptions that exist within schools, including: i) The lack of clarity that exists around responsibilities within partnerships and high expectations of local authorities. ii) Teachers believe that CfE means LTS and there is a serious issue that practitioners believe LTS is responsible for everything. iii) Teachers are not making the distinction between what is on NAR and formal assessments / tests and will, therefore, conflate the two. LTS needs to flag up that Meeting of the Board of Directors 17 February 2010 8 B.Mins.01/10 Minutes Action the materials available on 20 April are not quality assured and have been provided by schools / local authorities. 7.1.6 Bernard suggested using SLS and other professional associations as a means of communicating clear messages to all practitioners. 7.1.7 Board Members also discussed a number of other related matters, including: 7.1.8 7.2 the extent to which teachers perceive themselves to be autonomous and, therefore, how much exemplification is required. ii) The issue of accountability and, in particular, the focus on LTS’s accountability. iii) The role of local authorities in delivering CfE. Board Members noted that CfE Management Board now has an Implementation workstream in order to identify potential issues / hotspots. John said it had been an exceedingly helpful discussion and reflected on a previous discussion about CfE with Philip Rycroft when some clarity was required within the Scottish Government. It may be necessary to have a similar conversation in anticipation of communication difficulties. There is, nevertheless, a firm commitment from LTS to deliver on its responsibilities. Interconnect 7.2.1 7.3 i) The Board noted the report. Digital Company – Commercial In Confidence 7.3.1 The Board noted the report. Meeting of the Board of Directors 17 February 2010 9 B.Mins.01/10 Due Date Minutes 7.4 8. Alistair 28.4.10 Bernard outlined the progress to date and said that he was confident that LTS would take this forward. Glow 2 7.5 1 [ Due Date LTS / SQA Joint Business Planning and Delivery 7.4.1 7.5 Action Alistair advised that the timescales and actions are still ‘Commercial In Confidence’ at the present time. However, work has been ongoing since LTS received the mandate from the Scottish Government. Preparation for the consultation and market scanning is now underway Not disclosed ] Annual Planning and Budgeting 8.1 First Draft Annual Business Plan 2010 / 11 8.1.1 Alistair advised that the Business Plan for this year should demonstrate that our work is aligned with LTS’s new remit and, the draft Plan is, therefore, structured to reflect this. Further work is being undertaken on development of strategic objectives which will go to the Organisational Development Committee in March. The final draft of the Business Plan will come to the Board on 28 April. 8.2 First Draft Annual Budget 2010/11 8.2.1 Alistair explained that the figures in the paper were illustrative and show more expenditure in the coming financial year than at present. This is due to the Learning Connections transition and the impact of the Interconnect and Glow 2. Meeting of the Board of Directors 17 February 2010 10 B.Mins.01/10 Minutes 8.2.2 A fully worked up budget will go the Audit Committee on 25 March for review of technical accuracy, with the final draft Alistair Budget coming to the Board for approval on 28 April. 9. 10. Corporate Performance Report 9.1 Alistair confirmed that the RAG status was currently showing corporate performance to be on track. The Board noted the new section within the report on Corporate Efficiency which illustrates the measures that LTS has committed to the Scottish Government and confirms that we are on target to deliver at the present time. The Board can also see how these efficiencies are being met. 9.2 Jim asked if the efficiencies can be sustained in the longer term without impacting on LTS’s ability to deliver. Bernard said that it is painful for the organisation. Staff will need to be more productive and will be given support through the implementation of the competency framework and distributed leadership. 9.3 Jacqui commented that the figures were procurement indicators rather than productivity gains. The Board noted the importance of identifying unit costs and the impact that the Learning Connections transition will have on LTS’s unit costs. Advisory Council 10.1 11. The Board noted that the appointments process is progressing. Louise also advised that the work in relation to listening to the voice of young people is of great interest to the Cabinet Secretary. The Advisory Council working group will shortly be producing a paper and is keen to ensure that LTS is listening to the entire spectrum of young people. Items for Noting 11.1 Delivering the Outcomes from the Review : Action Plan Noted. Meeting of the Board of Directors 17 February 2010 11 B.Mins.01/10 28.4.10 Minutes Action 11.2 Finance Report – December 2009 Alistair commented that as at end December the figures were relatively strong. Confirmation from the Scottish Government on the £250k Voluntary Severance Scheme has not yet been received, but Murray is expected to respond in the next few days. 11.3 Media Update – December 2009 / January 2010 Noted. 11.4 Effective Public Bodies Programme Noted. 12. 13. AOB 12.1 John reminded Board Members that this was Stuart Ritchie’s last Board Meeting as he would be leaving LTS on 9 April. Originally a teacher and then HMI, Stuart joined LTS in 2006 as Director Curriculum. Since then, his experience and contribution to the organisation has been invaluable. John also thanked Stuart for his contribution to the Board and wished him well in the future. 12.2 Bernard added that Stuart had been an excellent colleague. He had originally started working with LTS on secondment during a difficult period for LTS and had helped to shape the organisation. On behalf of all colleagues, Bernard said that Stuart would be missed and thanked him for his professionalism. Date of Next Meeting 13.1 The next meeting is scheduled to take place at 10.30am on Wednesday 28 April 2010 in the Board Room of Learning and Teaching Scotland, Glasgow. Meeting of the Board of Directors 17 February 2010 12 B.Mins.01/10 Due Date Minutes Addendum to the Minute Subsequent to the meeting, and in response to John’s and Bernard’s remarks, Stuart asked that the following statement be recorded in the minute: “I have very much enjoyed my time in LTS. I wish to record my appreciation of the opportunity to work with the Board on matters of great import for LTS and for the education system as a whole. Under John’s chairmanship, the Board has overseen tremendous advances in the work of LTS, in its reputation as one of the key national lead bodies in education, and in its impact in improving outcomes for children and young people across Scotland. The Board deserves considerable credit for its contribution to our response to the Scottish Government’s Review of LTS, in which context we were particularly indebted to Bernard’s strategic and tactical nous. I wish you well with the huge challenges of driving forward Curriculum for Excellence and Glow, in the certain knowledge that the “new” LTS will continue to flourish under your direction.” Approved by: ______________________________________ John Mulgrew OBE, Chair Date: _________________ Approved by: ______________________________________ Alistair Gordon, Company Secretary Date: _________________ Meeting of the Board of Directors 17 February 2010 13 B.Mins.01/10