Minutes Meeting of the Board of Directors A meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Wednesday 28 April at 10.30am in the Board Room, Learning and Teaching Scotland, The Optima, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow G2 8DU. Present: Jim Conroy, Board Member Carole Ford, Board Member Jacqui Hepburn, Board Member Bernard McLeary, Chief Executive and Board Member Iain Nisbet, Board Member Graeme Ogilvy, Deputy Chair In attendance: Alan Armstrong, Director – Curriculum and Assessment Andrew Brown, Head of Glow (Item 6.3 only) Marie Dougan, Director – Learning & Technology Eileen Gill, Chief Professional Adviser, Strategic Organisational Development Alistair Gordon, Director - Corporate Services Anne Jardine, Director – Learning and Community Kay Livingston, Director – International, Research and Innovation Catherine MacIntyre, Professional Adviser, Policy & Governance Murray McVicar, Scottish Government Gavin Whitefield, Special Adviser Apologies: Alison Coull, Scottish Government Louise Hayward, Board Member Christine Pollock, Cosla Observer Action 1. Due Date Welcome and Apologies 1.1 Welcome 1.1.1 Graeme welcomed everyone to the meeting, noting in particular Murray McVicar, Scottish Government and Anne Jardine, who has recently been appointed to the post of (Interim) Director of Learning and Community. 1.1.2 Graeme then advised the Board that, prior to the end of his four year term as Chair of LTS, John had nominated Graeme as Deputy Chair and this position has since been confirmed in a letter from Colin MacLean, Director Learning at the Scottish Government. Graeme will, therefore, carry out the role of the Chair of LTS until such time as a new Chair is appointed. The Board noted that the advertisement for the Chair would be going into the Press and online on Friday 30 April. Meeting of the Board of Directors 28 April 2010 1 B.Mins.02/10 Minutes Action Due Date Alistair May 2010 . 1.2 1.1.3 Graeme also advised that, in terms of good corporate governance, whilst he is carrying out the role of the Chair, it would not be appropriate for him to continue to Chair the Audit Committee. During this period Iain Nisbet has agreed to take over responsibility for Chairing Audit Committee meetings. 1.1.4 Board Members will receive confirmation of all changes to Committee arrangements in due course. Apologies 1.2.1 2. Minute of the Previous Meeting + Action Grid held on 17 February 2009 2.1 3. Apologies were received as noted above. The Minute of the previous meeting and Action Grid were accepted as a true record. The Minute and Action Grid will now be published on the website, subject to any FOI exemptions. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes 3.1 Cosla Representative on the LTS Board (Item 3.1 refers) 3.1.1 3.2 Murray advised the Board that he had been in contact with Cosla to discuss the process for contributing to the LTS Business Plan. However, no further progress can be made until discussion has taken place with the Cosla Observer on the LTS Board, Christine Pollock. Chair’s Report : New Board Members (Item 5.1 refers) 3.2.1 Graeme advised that the Minister, Keith Brown, had confirmed the appointment of two new Board Members. Both candidates have indicated that they will accept the appointment and formal correspondence (which has been reviewed by Graeme and Bernard) is now being finalised. It is hoped that the new Board Members will be able to attend the June Board meeting. Meeting of the Board of Directors 28 April 2010 2 B.Mins.02/10 Minutes Action 3.3 Due Date Chair’s Report : Cabinet Secretary Visit to LTS (Item 5.2 refers) 3.3.1 Graeme said that overall it had been a very good meeting with the Cabinet Secretary. Mr Russell had been very interested in LTS’s contribution to Curriculum for Excellence and had also had a keen interest in Glow. 3.3.2 Bernard agreed that it had been a very positive meeting from LTS’s perspective and the key issues were about what LTS is delivering and contributing, particularly in light of the statement from CfE Management Board. Mr Russell wants to drive forward on Glow and is very supportive for the future of Glow. He spoke about his recent visit to Apple in Cupertino, California; not only did Apple know about Glow, but they also knew about LTS. 3.3.3 Other areas discussed included: i) Small / rural schools and how LTS can support them in terms of culture and technology. As at 2007, there were over 440 schools with less than 40 pupils. ii) Mr Russell’s Ten Point Plan for CfE, how that will be taken forward and the importance of good communications. iii) LTS’s international work and the First Minister’s interest in China. Mr Russell commented that he would be going to the Shanghai Expo in September 2010 and he indicated that he would expect to see an LTS presence there. iv) Support for Gaelic. v) The role of the LTS Area Advisers and the immediate actions being taken by them to assist local authorities with implementation of CfE. Meeting of the Board of Directors 28 April 2010 3 B.Mins.02/10 Minutes 3.3.4 3.4 The Board noted the expectation that SQA would arrange a joint meeting of the Chairs / Chief Executives to agree the outline programme for the joint Board Meeting. Bernard will follow this up with Janet Brown at their next update. May 2010 Murray explained that there was now a new Depute Director (Maureen Verrall) within the Sponsor Team and Murray thought it appropriate to give Maureen a chance to comment on the LTS paper. Murray is also making arrangements for Graeme to meet Colin MacLean sometime in May and it is expected that implementation of the outcomes from the Review would be part of their agenda for discussion. Declarations of Interest 4.1 5. Bernard Murray added that it had been a good and positive meeting. Mr Russell is sensitive to the need to give the system confidence. LTS Review Implementation (Item 6.2.2 refers) 3.5.1 4. Due Date Chair’s Report : LTS / SQA Joint Board Meeting (Item 5.3 refers) 3.4.1 3.5 Action None. Organisational Development Programme Update 5.1 OD Committee – 18 March 2010 5.1.1 5.2 Board Members noted that the Minute of the meeting held on 18 March had been circulated for information. Graeme commented on the recent OD Committee meeting which took place on 21 April specifically to review proposals for the new High Level Structure and confirmed that the Board would discuss this item in Closed Session at the end of the meeting. Programme Priorities Eileen gave a brief update on progress across the Programme which included: Meeting of the Board of Directors 28 April 2010 4 B.Mins.02/10 Minutes Action 5.2.1 LTS is still awaiting a response from the Scottish Government to the original LTS paper which was sent to Colin MacLean on 12 February (ref 3.5 above). This will be important to ensure that there is common understanding between the Scottish Government and LTS. Consequently, there has been a delay to the further development of the Supplementary Papers and the Strategic Objectives which will go the Organisational Development Committee for discussion in due course. 5.2.2 Actions arising from the recent Local Authority Pilot Evaluation undertaken by David Montgomery will be taken forward by the relevant Strand Groups as the Programme moves forward. 5.2.3 Work on the Funding Model and Unit Costs will be undertaken during the course of the next few weeks. Both will be critical in moving the business forward and will be reported to the Board at a future meeting. 5.2.4 The Strand Groups are now picking up pace and are progressing work in a number of areas including: review of partnerships; shared services strategy and knowledge strategy across all LTS’s business. 5.2.5 The HR Strand Group is looking at the initial output from a skills audit. This has longer term value to LTS, but is also useful in the short term as the information can be incorporated into the current Annual Review process. The Board noted that the Strand Group would need to undertake further analysis on the findings of the audit and link this into competences, before reaching any firm conclusions. 5.2.6 Communication with staff continues to be a key feature of the Programme. The Focus Groups with staff will be reporting to CMT shortly and another All Staff Meeting is being planned to take place later in June. Meeting of the Board of Directors 28 April 2010 5 Due Date B.Mins.02/10 Minutes Action 6. Due Date Chief Executive’s Report 6.1 Cabinet Secretary’s Decision on CfE Implementation Timescales – Implications for LTS (verbal update) 6.1.1 Bernard commented on the outcomes from the CfE Management Board meeting on 22 April. The Management Board’s view is that an overall plan for CfE exists; this will be managed and the associated risks mitigated. It was on that basis that the decision not to delay was taken. 6.1.2 The EIS position was discussed. Their view is that there is not enough information on qualifications and implementation of CfE should, therefore, be delayed for at least a year. The EIS did, however, state that, in principle, they do support CfE (experiences and outcomes). It is expected that the Cabinet Secretary will meet with the EIS in the near future. 6.1.3 The Board also discussed the recent surveys undertaken by the Scottish Government and the EIS, and the SSTA. 6.1.4 Gavin commented that the bleak financial outlook could be a major factor in teachers’ views. Carole agreed that this was a serious issue in terms of resource implications. 6.1.5 Bernard said that the Cabinet Secretary did acknowledge that no one could have foreseen the current financial climate, but everyone is affected by this. The future of public sector pay is also likely to have an impact. 6.2 Curriculum and Assessment 6.2.1 The Board noted that LTS successfully developed over 100 pre-NAR exemplars which were launched on the LTS website, by 20 April, as agreed with the Scottish Government. There had been a very positive statement from local authorities in terms of support, with over 150 schools from all 32 local authorities contributing. Meeting of the Board of Directors 28 April 2010 6 B.Mins.02/10 Minutes Action 6.2.2 Due Date Bernard emphasised that there had been a ‘light touch’ quality assurance for these materials which will then be subject to a robust quality assurance process prior to launch of the NAR in September. The LTS website includes a statement about the quality assurance process and also provides guidance on how to use the resources. 6.3 Glow Metrics + Presentation Graeme reminded the Board of previous discussion at the December meeting and invited Andrew Brown, Head of Glow, to take the Board through the detail of the presentation. The key points included: 6.3.1 6.3.2 Glow Usage i) Upward trend with 700,000 accounts currently (scope of Glow is 800,000). The main issue is how local authorities are provisioning and managing these accounts. ii) Upward trend in the number of unique users making use of the system and returning usage is also increasing. In March 2010 there were 1 million log ins to Glow. iii) Until recently, no structural design changes had been implemented since 2005. The vast majority of change requests in 2010 have come from users compared with previous (2008) change requests which tended to come from local authority contacts or the Glow team themselves. Glow Benefits i) Meeting of the Board of Directors 28 April 2010 The Benefits Manager has been working with local authorities over the last few months. Using the ‘key benefits statement’, teachers have been surveyed to find out what they believe are the key benefits. 7 B.Mins.02/10 Minutes Action ii) 6.3.3 6.3.5 It is important this year to undertake research to sample users across the country in order to gain insight into usage and benefit. Current evidence suggests that even those not using Glow think that Glow will help with key educational initiatives. Glow Refresh i) The current Glow refresh includes improvements to the environment and introduction of new services, e.g. wiki and blog. A simpler interface is also in development which will give easier access to email, offer a better search facility and allow personalisation of the homepage. ii) The next stage is to look at mobile devices and to develop the interface so that it operates across a number of different platforms. Glow Meets i) 6.3.6 A campaign for pupils – I Love Glow – is also being run on the public facing site. Pupils can submit video clips and a winner is then chosen each month. Research Evidence i) 6.3.4 Due Date Stephen Moffat, current writer for the BBC series Dr Who, has agreed to do a GlowMeet with Gavinburn School. The facility now exists for this GlowMeet to be rolled out across the whole of Scotland and also coincides with a BBC initiative designed to encourage creative thought and writing. Online Community for Headteachers i) Meeting of the Board of Directors 28 April 2010 From 17 May 2010, the online communities will now launch in Glow bringing with it the advantage of all the other Glow tools. 8 B.Mins.02/10 Minutes 6.3.7 Action Due Date Marie 16.06.10 Glow Better i) There is now an area within Glow where any user can comment / make suggestions about how to use Glow most effectively. ii) Jim suggested that one of the difficulties in using self analysis is that the current provider is suggesting improvements as the deliverer rather than what would be substantial change for teachers. Bernard agreed that one of the weaknesses of Glow which is now being addressed, is that it was not easy to extract data. Research was commissioned by LTS, but there is a need to deeper analysis and the online survey will help with this. Marie added that local authorities are now able to interrogate data themselves and offered to provide an update on this at a future meeting. iii) Iain queried how LTS knows what proportion of schools / classrooms use Glow in their teaching to enhance learning and not just for email. Andrew explained that the management reporting suite now gives us that information and this sort of information is becoming clearer. It includes exactly what elements of Glow are actually being used, how much time is being spent on each and what impact this is having. iv) Jacqui said it would be interesting to see if there is a correlation between CfE use of resources and Glow uptake and, therefore, how LTS could work with authorities. Bernard said that LTS is going to try to work with good authorities and promulgate best practice across others, as well as providing direct support to local authorities that are at a less advanced stage. However, there needs to be a redefinition of the role and responsibilities between local authorities and national organisations such as LTS. The Scottish Government has built in £5m of efficiencies as a result of Glow, therefore, teachers / local authorities need to look to new forms of delivering resources, CPD, etc. Meeting of the Board of Directors 28 April 2010 9 B.Mins.02/10 Minutes v) Carole said that financial constraints will also impact this. Some local authorities are better resourced in terms of IT and there is concern around what will happen with school ICT budgets. Bernard said that use of mobile devices and smaller laptops will be important. vi) Bernard suggested using Glow, as a pilot, within a local authority to gauge if real efficiencies could be made. Gavin agreed that this would be very worthwhile and said he would be happy to discuss this further with Bernard. vii) 6.4 Due Date Bernard 16.06.10 Jim said that given the Donaldson Review, LTS should be looking now at Glow becoming the architecture for teachers to map their own development. Bernard confirmed that some initial work is already underway looking at how to use Glow for online CPD. The Open University already uses online provision extensively and this will become more important as we progress to the Senior Phase, e.g. delivery of minority subjects. International Update 6.4.1 6.5 Action The Board noted the report. LL Online 6.5.1 Graeme advised Board Members that he had attended the launch on Monday 19 April which was also attended by both Jim Mather and Keith Brown. Both Ministers were very impressed with what they saw and were very complimentary. 6.5.2 Bernard explained that this was a consolidation of LTS’s work with LL-Online and the current science resources will support CfE and certain aspects of the Science and Engineering Action Plan. The Managing Director of LL-Online said they would not have relocated to Scotland were it not for LTS. Meeting of the Board of Directors 28 April 2010 10 B.Mins.02/10 Minutes 7. 8. Action Due Date Alistair 16.06.10 Glow Futures Procurement and Governance 7.1 The papers presented to the Board set out the current and proposed arrangements for governance of this programme, including a ‘twin track’ approach with both LTS and the Scottish Government noting the Scottish Government’s statement that: as the originator and project sponsor, the Scottish Goernment will retain overall strategic ownership and direction of the project. 7.2 Alistair explained early thoughts on the technical specification for Glow Futures and confirmed that a suite of papers including engagement with industry, resources, risk and procurement strategy will be coming to future Board Meetings. Board Members noted that elements of the procurement strategy will be ‘commercial in confidence’. 7.3 Jim queried the notion of a ‘twin track’ approach and the problems of clearly identifying the LTS Board’s responsibilities. Bernard agreed that there is a degree of ambiguity and, therefore, a clear requirement for role definition and specific accountability. Jim said that the latter – accountability - needs absolute clarity and all appropriate paperwork in place. 7.4 Jacqui suggest that the Board might want to consider having a LTS Board Member act as an Observer on the Glow Futures Project Board. 7.5 The Board also noted that Frontline will be undertaking the consultation with stakeholders until September 2010 and LTS will continue that dialogue to ensure that there is a feedback loop. Annual Planning and Budgeting 8.1 Final Draft Annual Business Plan 2010/11 8.1.1 Bernard confirmed that this was now the final draft version of the Plan which was being presented to the Board for approval. Board Members noted that discussions with the Scottish Government had not yet been concluded and, therefore, the Plan may be subject to some refinement. It was also noted that National Outcome 15 had been omitted from page 3. Meeting of the Board of Directors 28 April 2010 11 B.Mins.02/10 Minutes 8.1.2 8.2 9. 10. Action Due Date Anne 18.08.10 Notwithstanding the comments above, the Board unanimously approved the Annual Business Plan 2010/11. Final Draft Annual Budget 2010/11 8.2.1 Alistair reminded the Board that the budget is for 2010/11 only, largely because the Scottish Government does not yet know what the budget will be in 2011/12. It is possible, therefore, that this could result in greater budget strain for LTS in the next financial year. 8.2.2 The Board noted that the Audit Committee had approved the budget in terms of its technical accuracy and unanimously approved the Budget for 2010/11. Corporate Performance Report 9.1 Alistair advised the Board that for 2010/11, the Corporate Performance Report will be based on LTS’s commitments as detailed in the Annual Business Plan. 9.2 The Board noted Alistair’s comment regarding the year end figure for 2009/10 which shows a very modest deficit in the region of £2£3k and that 2009/10 efficiencies are virtually on track to realise savings of £500,000. Proposed Partnership with Scotland’s Colleges : Statement of Intent 10.1 Bernard reminded Board Members of the existing Memorandum of Understanding between LTS and SFEU which now requires to be updated to reflect the change in SFEU’s status as part of Scotland’s Colleges and to reflect LTS’s new Remit. 10.2 Board Members noted that the proposal had been welcomed by Scotland’s Colleges Board and then endorsed the Statement of Intent as the basis of LTS’s new relationship with Scotland’s Colleges. 10.3 Bernard confirmed that officers would now take this forward with colleagues in Scotland’s Colleges to develop a set of deliverables. A paper setting out the deliverables and how they will contribute to LTS’s Annual Business Plan will be brought to a future Board meeting. Meeting of the Board of Directors 28 April 2010 12 B.Mins.02/10 Minutes Action 11. Due Date Advisory Council Update 11.1 Unfortunately, Louise had been taken ill while on holiday and was, therefore, unable to attend the Board Meeting. Board Members extended their good wishes to Louise and their hopes for her speedy recovery back to full health. 12. Items for Noting 12.1 Finance Reports – January and February 2010 12.1.1 Noted. 12.2 Media Update – February and March 2010 12.2.1 Noted. 12.3 Audit Committee Meeting : 25 March 2010 12.3.1 13. Graeme gave a brief account of the business at the last Audit Committee meeting. The full Minute of that meeting will be circulated to Board Members in due course. AOB 13.1 Dinner for John 13.1.1 14. It has not been possible to identify a date suitable for all Board Members from those dates originally suggested by John. Victoria will be contacting Board Members shortly with alternative dates. Date of Next Meeting 14.1 The next meeting is scheduled to take place at 10.30am on Wednesday 16 June in the Board Room of Learning and Teaching Scotland. Approved by: ______________________________________ Graeme Ogilvy, Deputy Chair Date: _________________ Approved by: ______________________________________ Alistair Gordon, Company Secretary Date: _________________ Meeting of the Board of Directors 28 April 2010 13 B.Mins.02/10