Minutes Meeting of the Board of Directors A meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Wednesday 16 June 2010 at 10.30am in the Board Room, Learning and Teaching Scotland, The Optima, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow G2 8DU. Present: Carole Ford, Board Member Paul Harris, Board Member Jacqui Hepburn, Board Member Bernard McLeary, Chief Executive and Board Member Iain Nisbet, Board Member Graeme Ogilvy, Deputy Chair Christine Pollock, Cosla Observer In attendance: Alan Armstrong, Director – Curriculum and Assessment Marie Dougan, Director – Learning & Technology Eileen Gill, Chief Professional Adviser, Strategic Organisational Development Alistair Gordon, Director - Corporate Services Anne Jardine, Director – Learning and Community Kay Livingston, Director – International, Research and Innovation Catherine MacIntyre, Professional Adviser, Policy & Governance Apologies: Jim Conroy, Board Member Louise Hayward, Board Member Murray McVicar, Scottish Government Ken Thomson, Board Member Maureen Verrall, Scottish Government Gavin Whitefield, Special Adviser Action 1. Due Date Welcome and Apologies 1.1 Welcome 1.1.1 1.2 Graeme opened the meeting by formally welcoming Paul Harris to the Board of LTS. Paul took up his appointment as a Board Member on 1 June 2010. Apologies 1.2.1 As noted above. Graeme explained that Jim is obliged to participate in the University of Glasgow Commemoration Day events which are taking place on 16 June. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 June 2010 1 B.Mins.03/10 Minutes 1.2.2 2. Due Date Alistair June 2010 Catherine 18.8.10 In addition, Scottish Government colleagues have advised that they are required to attend important policy meetings, including CfE Management Board and the Higher Order Skills Group. Minute of the Previous Meeting + Action Grid held on 28 April 2010 2.1 3. Action The Minute of the previous meeting, Action Grid and Closed Session Discussion were accepted as a true record. The Minute and Action Grid will now be published on the website, subject to any FOI exemptions. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes 3.1 3.2 Cosla Representative on the LTS Board (Item 3.1 refers) 3.1.1 Graeme advised that Murray McVicar had been liaising with Robert Nicol (Cosla), about how actual ‘sign off’ of the LTS Business Plan would be obtained. However, there had been no further feedback. Christine also confirmed that she had not heard from either Robert or Murray. 3.1.2 It was agreed that officers would follow this up again after the Board Meeting with a view to progressing and, hopefully concluding, prior to the August Board Meeting. Chair’s Report : Cabinet Secretary Visit to LTS (Item 3.3 refers) 3.2.1 Board Members noted that following the Cabinet Secretary’s very successful visit to LTS on 26 April, an Action Plan was prepared. This has now been sent to and acknowledge by the Cabinet Secretary’s office. 3.2.2 Graeme also advised the Board that Keith Brown, Minister for Skills and Lifelong Learning, will be visiting LTS on Thursday 19 August. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 June 2010 2 B.Mins.03/10 Minutes 3.3 18.8.10 Marie updated Board Members on a recent meeting held with local authority key contacts to discuss management information reporting from Glow. Attendees confirmed that they were happy with the six pilot reports. There are now a further two reports in development which local authorities confirmed they are happy to pursue. Glow Better : Potential Local Authority Pilot (Item 6.3.7 vi) refers) 3.6.1 3.7 Marie Graeme advised that there was no further information from the Scottish Government in relation to the LTS paper which was submitted by John in February. Graeme also confirmed that he had expected to receive the letter of Ministerial Guidance prior to the Board Meeting, however, it had not materialised. Murray has since indicated that he is progressing the matter as quickly as he can. Glow Better : Management Information Reporting (Item 6.3.7 ii) refers) 3.5.1 3.6 Board Members noted that the joint Chairs and Chief Executives meeting is being arranged for early August. Arrangements for the joint Board Meeting are also progressing with a view to identifying a date in late August / early September. Chair’s Report : LTS Review Implementation (Item 3.5 refers) 3.4.1 3.5 Due Date Chair’s Report : Joint Board Meeting with SQA (Item 3.4 refers) 3.3.1 3.4 Action Marie confirmed that she and Alistair had met with Gavin Whitefield and Morag Hay of North Lanarkshire Council during which they discussed the possibility of a pilot across the local authority. To take this to the next stage, a meeting is now being arranged with the North Lanarkshire eGovernment representative. Marie will provide Board Members with an update at the next meeting. There were no other significant matters arising that did not feature on the agenda. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 June 2010 3 B.Mins.03/10 Minutes Action 4. Declarations of Interest 4.1 5. Due Date None. Organisational Development Programme Update 5.1 Programme Progress Update 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 Board Members noted that the Organisational Development Committee did not meet in May because we are still awaiting feedback from the Scottish Government on the LTS review implementation paper. However, rather than postpone further, officers will move forward on development of both the supplementary papers and LTS Strategic Objectives with a view to updating the Board at the next meeting. Eileen 18.8.10 Eileen also explained that, over the course of the next few weeks, the CMT will be taking stock of the Programme’s focus, priorities and approach. The Board will receive a report on any proposed changes at the next meeting. Eileen 18.8.10 Other updates included: i) Good progress is being made on the knowledge agenda and work is now underway to identify business requirements in more detail. ii) Engagement with staff continues and reports have now been received from the three Focus Groups (People, Sustainability, External Communications). iii) An All Staff Meeting is taking place on 22 June to provide staff with an update on the OD Programme activities, as well as setting out what lies ahead. iv) Corporate Services staff are undertaking work on an Options Appraisal of the LTS offices and services in Dundee. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 June 2010 4 B.Mins.03/10 Minutes Action 5.2 5.3 Due Date LTS Funding Model 5.2.1 Bernard reminded the Board of the current position in relation to the way LTS is funded, where LTS is often working from both an indicative as well as annual budget. 5.2.2 LTS is expecting that for 2010/11 the Scottish Government will cluster a number of single budget streams. In future, however, the aim is to move to an outcomes budget which will give the Board more control over LTS’s strategy and more flexibility in terms of delivery. 5.2.3 Initial discussions have taken place with PwC and ScottMoncrieff based on an outline scope which was included in the paper for the Board’s comment. The shape of the budget will determine what the Scottish Government asks LTS to do and will also affect the shape of the staffing profile. 5.2.4 Graeme commented on ‘commercialisation’ and said that the Scottish Government is looking at where they can commercialise good work within Scotland and the UK, as well as internationally. For example, Glow and digital scanning with Historic Scotland. 5.2.5 Christine said that the LTS approach is in keeping with other parts of the public sector. Most local authorities have looked at outsourced Trusts for Arts and Leisure and these will be outcomes focused and delivered through the local authority performance management system. 5.2.6 The Board agreed with the proposed outline scope and supported the work being undertaken by officers. NDPB – Scottish Government Shared Services Project 5.3.1 Eileen gave a brief report to the Board which explained the purpose and intended outcomes from this project. The project is being led by Stephen Devine (Scottish Government) and is currently scheduled to report by the Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 June 2010 5 B.Mins.03/10 Minutes Action Due Date Marie 21.10.10 end of June. The report is expected to include five practical shared services opportunities to be taken forward and these will be developed into projects that will deliver significant savings during the next spending review period. 5.3.2 The Board noted that LTS has contributed financially to the NDPB Shared Services group. 5.3.3 Christine commented that North Lanarkshire is leading on the Waste Management strand of the Arbuthnott recommendations and there is still energy within authorities to take shared services forward. Christine suggested that, on the basis that 28 out of 32 local authorities use SEEMIS, it may be worth some further investigation to determine any possible connections with Glow. 5.3.4 6. Eileen added that LTS had recently met with SQA colleagues and identified further potential opportunities for sharing services. Deputy Chair’s Report 6.1 6.2 Recruitment of New Chair 6.1.1 Graeme reminded Board Members that the call for applications was issued on 30 April with a closing date of 28 May and our understanding was that the process was progressing. However, recent advice from the Scottish Government (Maureen Verrall, Deputy Director, QuAS) is that the process will be deferred. 6.1.2 Graeme has asked the Scottish Government for a written statement which will be circulated to Board Members in due course. Catherine Jun 10 Board Member Remuneration 6.2.1 Alistair reminded Board Members of previous discussions and referred to the Board’s request that Alistair progress with colleagues in the Scottish Government. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 June 2010 6 B.Mins.03/10 Minutes 6.3 6.2.2 Alistair advised that should Board Members agree to pursue this matter, it would be necessary to submit a business case for sign off by Scottish Government Pay Policy. As discussed previously, the strong argument for doing so would be on the basis of equality, diversity and inclusion. The Scottish Government Remuneration Group would then review the business case, but for new Board Members only. 6.2.3 Board Members noted the position and also noted that the Audit Scotland Review of Boards Study was due to publish its findings in June. It was agreed that it would be sensible to wait for the outcome of that study before progressing this matter further. However, going forward, the Board would also keep a watching brief on equalities in relation to the wider community engagement. Due Date Alistair 21.10.10 LTS Board Re-Appointments 6.3.1 6.4 Action Letters have been sent from the Minister, Keith Brown, to Graeme and Jim confirming reappointment to the LTS Board for a further 4 years. Board Members also noted that Carole will be stepping down from the LTS Board on 31 August 2010. Quarterly Meeting with Scottish Government Director Learning 6.4.1 Graeme then gave a summary of the key points from his recent meeting with Colin MacLean, Director Learning at the Scottish Government. Discussion included: i) Scottish Government Priority areas for LTS: CfE; Glow; partnerships. ii) LTS Response to the Review: SG is currently working through this with Ministers and Ministers are thinking longterm. iii) Single budget for LTS: SG working on this, but it will not be this financial year. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 June 2010 7 B.Mins.03/10 Minutes Action 7. iv) Shared services and efficiencies amongst NDPBs. v) Progress with the meeting of the LTS / SQA Boards. Due Date Chief Executive’s Report 7.1 Curriculum for Excellence, Assessment and Glow Alan spoke to this section and highlighted a number of areas including: 7.1.1 LTS is working very closely with HMIE in shaping up activities between August and December, liaising on planning and delivery to ensure there are complementary activities. A Project Board comprising LTS / HMIE / ADES has been formed to oversee this work. 7.1.2 The Assessment exemplars has proven to be one of the main engagement and support successes in CfE so far and LTS has taken the lead on this. The next set of materials will go through the quality assurance process and will be published online during June / July. Visits to the Assessment exemplar section of the LTS website have increased dramatically over the last few weeks. 7.1.3 Referring to the Cabinet Secretary’s Ten Point Plan, Carole questioned the effectiveness of the mechanism through which schools could ask for further assistance with implementation of CfE. Carole also suggested that further clarity about the NAR exemplar materials would be helpful to ensure that teachers understand that these are not assessment materials. 7.1.4 Bernard advised that the policy lines on reporting had not yet been finalised. Also, it is not intended that the NAR will have fully worked through examples of assessment, and again, it is about managing expectations, perhaps through the Cabinet Secretary’s stakeholder group. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 June 2010 8 B.Mins.03/10 Minutes Action 7.2 7.1.5 Christine’s view was that development of the exemplar materials had been a big success and LTS should be congratulated. The exemplars are at the early development stage and something that has to be ongoing. Most of Christine’s staff reported their involvement in developing the materials as really good CPD. It was explained that the exemplars were always intended to reflect good practice and not assessment. Alan added that reporting and profiling was being dealt with through the CfE Management Board. 7.1.6 The Board agreed on the importance of communicating this and noted that the Scottish Government has an ongoing joint (Scottish Government + partners) communications plan and that the CfE Management Board papers, once approved, are also published on the website. 7.1.7 Iain asked about support and CPD materials specifically relating to the 2009 Additional Support for Learning and Code of Practice and how these would link with CfE. Anne advised that LTS had not yet received any detail from the Scottish Government and offered to provide an update at the next Board Meeting. The Board noted the report. LTS Website Re-development Project 7.4.1 7.5 The Board noted the report. LTS CPD Pilots with Local Authorities 7.3.1 7.4 18.8.10 LTS / SQA Joint Planning 7.2.1 7.3 Anne Due Date The Board noted the report. LL Online 7.5.1 The Board noted the report. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 June 2010 9 B.Mins.03/10 Minutes Action 7.6 7.7 Games Technologies 7.6.1 Marie reported on some of the work underway within the Learning and Technology Futures team, including the role of the virtual world. LTS has been working closely with Historic Scotland and recently met with their SMT. Historic Scotland has a major piece of work underway called The Scottish Ten which involves digitally scanning 5 Scottish and 5 international world heritage sites, for example, Mount Rushmore. 7.6.2 LTS will be exploring the opportunities to involve learners in projects using this sort of technology. The Board also noted that there are plans to rescan the Bannockburn Visitors Centre and it is likely that LTS will be represented on that project board. Interconnect Completion Update 7.7.1 7.8 The Board noted the report. Internet Safety 7.8.1 7.9 Due Date The Board noted the report. Scottish Learning Festival 2010 7.9.1 Kay advised that this is the first time the conference programme has been made available exclusively online. Registrations are currently on a par with last year and figures are similarly on a par for the three main keynotes. Spotlight registrations are also going well with Assessment attracting the highest number. 7.9.2 Other points to note were as follows: i) Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 June 2010 Another major innovation is much greater involvement of pupil participation with senior pupils involved in chairing sessions. 10 B.Mins.03/10 Minutes Action ii) The exhibition is also on target and the intention this year is to have more showcase events on the LTS stand. iii) Twilight sessions will be held on the Wednesday evening. iv) There has been no further update from the Scottish Government on involvement of ‘iconic Scottish figures’, eg Nick Nairn providing input on a seminar re healthy eating. LTS has been looking at models for involvement and put forward suggestions to Colin MacLean, but there has been no feedback as yet. Due Date 7.10 Dundee Office Lease Arrangements 7.10.1 8. Alistair confirmed that the lease at the Overgate in Dundee would be extended (fourth extension) until end March 2011. The Board noted that, as part of the Organisational Development Programme, officers are carrying out an options appraisal of our Dundee office and Distribution Centre. Glow Futures Procurement and Governance i) Bernard reminded Board Members of the increased responsibility on both the Board and CMT as a result of the terms outlined in the Mandate from the Scottish Government. ii) In line with OGC principles, LTS has now completed the process of establishing the Glow Futures Programme Board with Bernard appointed as Senior Responsible Officer (SRO). The first meeting took place on 8 June. LTS will also be using Gateway Review at various stages within the Programme life cycle to ensure that Programme is being managed effectively and deliverables are being met. iii) The papers being presented to the Board are intended to give Board Members an indication of the approach and direction, and to make Board Members aware of the formalised assurance processes that are now in place within LTS. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 June 2010 11 B.Mins.03/10 Minutes Action 8.1 Governance Structure – Roles and Responsibilities 8.1.1 8.2 Board Members noted the outline procurement paper and that a phased procurement approach is being considered. However, this particular strategy requires to be fully risk assessed and will, therefore, come back to the Board for discussion and approval. Engagement with Industry and Stakeholders 8.3.1 8.4 Alistair referred Board Members to the roles and responsibilities outlined in the structure diagram, noting the liaison / representative from the Scottish Government. Draft Outline Procurement Strategy and Options Appraisal 8.2.1 8.3 Due Date Marie confirmed that LTS has a major horizon scanning programme underway and is engaging, at a strategic level, with many of the ICT companies likely to have the type of services that would be considered as part of Glow Futures. The National Consultation is, of course, also in progress. Risk Evaluation 8.4.1 The Board noted that a full risk workshop is taking place and detailed risk assessment will be carried out. In the meantime, the key risks have been identified and mitigating actions put in place. 8.4.2 [ Not Disclosed ] 8.4.3 Jacqui asked about implications for LTS as a result of recent developments regarding the future of Becta. Bernard confirmed that officers are putting together a brief paper outlining what the loss will be and what LTS could potentially do in response. 8.4.4 The Board noted that the Chief Executive of C2K (Northern Ireland project set up to deliver high quality, sustainable infrastructure, connectivity and resources to schools) has Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 June 2010 12 B.Mins.03/10 Minutes already been in contact with Bernard seeking an opportunity for early discussions with LTS. 8.4.5 [ Not disclosed ] 8.4.6 [ Not disclosed ] 8.4.7 Bernard stated that further work will be undertaken around the procurement strategy through the Glow Futures Programme Board and a paper will then be brought to the Board on the risks associated with the phased model. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 June 2010 13 Alistair 18.8.10 B.Mins.03/10 Minutes 9. 9.2 Alistair 18.8.10 Alistair presented the report and drew attention to the following points: 9.1.1 As at April 2010 Glow Futures was showing ‘red’ status. However, now that the Programme Board has been established and the first meeting has taken place, the status will reduce. 9.1.2 Work on integrating the Communities Team work plans is continuing and more detail on this will be included within the next report. 9.1.3 The formal grant letter for 2010/11 with detailed funding for the programmes has not yet been received. Graeme noted that it will be important that the Corporate Performance report is clearly aligned to the remit deliverables within the Annual Business Plan. Advisory Council 10.1 11. Due Date Corporate Performance Report 9.1 10. Action The Board noted the Minute from the last meeting. Graeme advised Board Members that Louise is still recuperating and her health is much improved. Items for Noting 11.1 Finance Reports – March and April 2010 11.1.1 Alistair commented that the Management Accounts showed a modest deficit of £1,700 in March 2010. However, since receiving the FRS 17 valuation, LTS’s pension liability as at 31 March 2010 now shows a significant deterioration. The implication of this is that the liability has increased from £2.7m at 31 March 09 to £8.3m at 31 March 2010. In Balance Sheet terms this pushes LTS into a £1.5m overall deficit. This particular issue is due to go to the Audit Committee on 26 June and will then come to the Board on 18 August. Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 June 2010 14 B.Mins.03/10 Minutes Action Due Date 11.2 Media Update – April and May 2010 11.2.1 Noted. 11.3 Advisory Council Minutes – 16 March 2010 11.3.1 Noted. 11.4 Remuneration Committee Minutes – 1 June 2010. 11.4.1 12. Noted. Discussion took place in Closed Session. AOB 12.1 Carole’s Retirement from the Board 12.1.1 13. Graeme advised Board Members that Carole would be retiring from the LTS Board on 31 August 2010 and, therefore, August would be Carole’s last Board Meeting. An informal lunch will take place after the meeting in the Dundee office. Date of Next Meeting 13.1 The next meeting is scheduled to take place at 11am on Wednesday 18 August in the Baxter Room, City House, Overgate, Dundee. Approved by: ______________________________________ Graeme Ogilvy, Deputy Chair Date: _________________ Approved by: ______________________________________ Alistair Gordon, Company Secretary Date: _________________ Meeting of the Board of Directors 16 June 2010 15 B.Mins.03/10