HMIE Management Board Tuesday 26 May Apex Hotel, Edinburgh Present: Graham Donaldson (GHCD) Kenneth Muir (KBM) Wray Bodys (JWSB) Annette Bruton (AB) Neil McKechnie (NMM) Morag Gunion (MG) Stuart Robinson (SAR) Chris McIlroy (CM1) Frank Crawford (FC) Sir Andrew Cubie (AC) Gary Kildare (GK) Shirley Young (SY) Gill Robinson(GR) Apologies: Alistair Marquis Minutes: Eileen Quigley GHCD opened the meeting by giving Alistair Marquis’s apologies and advising Management Board that Gill Robinson will be returning to HMIE from her secondment in July. The re-configuration of the Chief Inspectors’ roles should also happen around this time. GHCD informed MB that he had met with the Non-Executive Board Members prior to this meeting to discuss HMIE’s governance and he will prepare a summary paper to outline the detail of those discussions. 1. Minutes of the meeting held on 18 March 2009 Noted: A number of minor amendments to the minutes of the meeting were raised but otherwise they were accepted as accurate. 2. Matters Arising 5. Second cycle of child protection inspections Noted: NMM reported that Ministers have endorsed HMIE’s proposed approach to child protection. Feedback indicates that the proposed approach is commanding confidence in our key stakeholders. 7. Validated self-evaluation Noted The validated self-evaluation trials are coming to a conclusion but we are not yet in the position to fully report to the Board. The feedback has been positive and we are receiving more requests from local authorities Action: AB will bring full analysis to the next Management Board meeting. 9. Finance Action: SAR is working on a paper on future budgets given the current economic climate and this will be brought to Management Board. 1 12. Fatal Accident Inquiry Noted: Dundas Wilson (Solicitors) will represent HMIE at the forthcoming Fatal Accident Inquiry. KBM has met with them to give them all the evidence that we hold and he advised that the enquiry is now likely to take place September-October time. Dundas Wilson will brief the team involved on what to expect at the inquiry. Substantive discussion items 3. Planning for new scrutiny bodies 2011 Noted: GHCD formally welcomed Shane Rankin to Management Board. Shane reminded the Board of the reasons for the scrutiny reform and the decision to create two new scrutiny bodies. He went on to explain that the changes will be in two stages; firstly preparing the legislation for the new bodies then secondly looking at how the bodies will work. The latter is being taken forward by the Change Delivery Group. Senior key stakeholders and unions are represented on this group. He explained that it would be important for HMIE to be involved in developing the new policies, future approaches and methodology to help ensure scrutiny bodies work together. After Shane presented his overview, there were questions from Management Board members. These included how Shane saw joint working in pre-school being affected by the creation of the new bodies; is there any indication as to the cost savings that are envisaged; and how it will be possible to measure the extent to which the new bodies will create better outcomes for individuals. Shane explained that it was difficult, at this stage in the process, to provide firm answers. NMM explained that HMIE has been involved in drafting the legislation governing the bodies and that there still remains the possibility of staff from Directorate 6 transferring to one of the new bodies. HMIE’s direction of travel sits well with the intended work of the post Crerar groups. 4. Audit and Risk Noted: Audit and Risk Committee are now obliged to give a formal report on their work to Management Board. AC noted that the committee would be strengthened by the arrival of the new Non-Executive Board Member, David Morrison, who will attend his first Audit and Risk Committee meeting tomorrow. AC also advised that there are no issues that the Audit and Risk Committee need to bring to the attention of the Board and noted that credit should go to the Finance Team for the successful sign-off of the accounts within a tight timeframe, with a clean audit opinion from Audit Scotland and for managing expenditure so that the outturn was so close to budget. AC recommended that the Board should approve the annual accounts subject to any significant issues being raised at the Audit and Risk Committee meeting. The Board approved the accounts on that basis. 5. Information Management Noted: Information Management will be a standing item on the agenda of Management Board at the request of the Cabinet Office. SAR gave the Board an overview of his summary paper highlighting some key issues. The Certificates of Assurance have been signed off. The corporate level risks have been reviewed and updated for 2009-10. The new traffic light system for risk management is currently being trialled. The business 2 continuity team has been working on HMIE’s possible response to the Swine Flu Pandemic. SAR also provided an update on the security policy framework. Noted: GHCD noted that the traffic light system fulfils his requirements. He also felt that the Security Policy Framework was a helpful document but care would be required to ensure that it was used proportionately. GHCD also indicated that further work would be required on business continuity on the assumption that the pandemic may become worse in the Autumn. 6. HMIE Annual Report Noted: MG explained that the Annual Report is similar in format to previous years but that some content had been scaled back to reduce the size of the report with the aim of reducing costs. Further performance data will still be available on HMIE’s website. MG invited comments from the Board. The Board agreed the report. 7. HMIE Policy and Strategy Framework Noted: The Policy and Strategy Framework has been updated in response to previous discussions. The framework now includes the need for an equality impact assessment to be undertaken on any new policy that is developed. The Board agreed the Policy and Strategy Framework. 8. Update on inspections Noted: JWSB gave MB an overview of the summary paper highlighting several key points. He explained that RIF have not yet been shared with schools but that this should begin in the next inspection block. This was followed by detailed discussion on the publication of National Performance Framework data. JWSB explained that it is too early to bring an extensive paper to Management Board but highlighted some key points in the paper. This was followed by discussion on the implications of how NPF figures might be used once they are in the public domain. It was agreed that care would need to be taken to spell out clear ‘health warnings’ given that the sample is not yet large enough to be representative and the data from one year is not enough to show trends. Noted: JWSB explained to MB that HMIE will begin inspecting DWP funded training provision from later this year. Agreed: We should wait until the point of publishing the first inspection report on DWP funded training before seeking any significant media coverage. 9. HMIE post-Crerar Action Plan Noted: JWSB invited the Board to comment on the early draft of the Action Plan and advised that there will be substantive discussion at the next Management Board meeting when the Board will be asked to approve a more refined plan. 10. Research Policy Noted: FC gave Management Board an overview of his paper on the research policy, asking if the Board was content for him to develop it further. 3 Action: FC to contact Peter Connelly to speak to him about the work that he previously did on research. FC will develop the policy further. 11. Policy on Equality and Diversity Noted: KBM gave MB an overview of the Equality and Diversity Policy, explaining that HMIE subscribe to The Scottish Government’s scheme on Equality and Diversity but that we also establish our own action plans. He recommended that Management Board approve the Policy. The Board agreed the Policy. Action: KBM to consider adding reference to future consideration of equity with regard to socio-economic factors. Items for noting 12. Quarterly Reports Noted: SAR gave MB an overview of the quarterly reports. He highlighted that the yearly complaint figure had reduced and that general enquiries continued to increase. He also advised that a review of the format of the reports would be carried out. MB noted the quarterly reports. 13. HMIE Publications Noted: MB noted the publications. 14. Any other business Noted: GHCD advised Management Board that this was the last Board meeting that JWSB would be attending as he retires in August. He formally wished him well for the future and thanked him for his very positive contribution to HMIE, the rigorous approach he always brought to his work coupled with humorous observations on aspects of our work. The Board thanked JWSB for his huge contribution over the years. 4