This policy came into effect in March 2011 by HM Inspectorate of Education after consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group. It supersedes all previous versions. HMIE Risk Management Policy 1. Introduction and purpose of policy This risk management policy has been developed to set out our plans for ensuring that HMIE’s core objective of promoting improvements in standards, quality and attainment in Scottish education through first hand independent evaluation is achieved through identifying and managing effectively the organisation’s risks. 2. Risk management In line with HMIE Framework Document requirements, HMSCI, as Accountable Officer, is required to ensure that a formal assessment of business risks is undertaken and periodically reviewed in accordance with relevant guidance in the Scottish Public Finance Manual. The Audit and Risk Committee is required to review continuously the systems of internal control, in particular corporate level risks and their management, to allow the Agency’s Accountable Officer to sign the annual Statement of Internal Control. 3. Risk management principles HMIE’s risk management principles are to: ensure that risk management is clearly and consistently integrated and evidenced in the culture of HMIE; manage risk in accordance with best practice; and anticipate and respond to changing social, financial, political, environmental and legislative requirements. These objectives will be achieved by: clearly defining the roles, responsibilities and reporting lines within the HMIE for risk management; including risk management issues when writing reports and considering decisions; maintaining a register of risks linked to HMIE’s corporate and operational objectives, also those risks linked to working in partnership with other agencies; preparing contingency plans to secure business continuity where there is a potential for an event to have a major impact upon HMIE’s ability to function; and monitor arrangements continually and seek continuous improvement. By effectively managing our risks and opportunities, which is all part of good Version 1.4 3 Mar 11 to MB This policy came into effect in March 2011 by HM Inspectorate of Education after consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group. It supersedes all previous versions. governance, we will be in a stronger position to deliver our objectives, provide an improved service, work better as a partner with other organisations/agencies and achieve improved value for money. 4. Roles and responsibilities HMIE is committed to establishing and maintaining a systematic approach to the identification and management of risk. As the Accountable Officer, the Senior Chief Inspector, has overall responsibility for the management of risks within the organisation. The Chair of the Risk Management Group will report to the Audit and Risk Committee, with the Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee reporting to the Management Board. Collectively the Senior Management Group has responsibility for HMIE’s Corporate Level Risks. The Corporate Services Director will exercise a strategic overview of HMI activity in this area. The chief inspectors for each directorate will be responsible for Directorate owned corporate level risks, Directorate risks, task managers will be responsible for all task risks. Business Managers have the responsibility for developing and implementing controls; and reviewing and reporting on progress. The identified risks and relevant control measures will be managed through HMIE’s Risk Register. These will be reported to the Risk Management Group. The reporting of risks will identify when they are to be escalated from Directorate to SMG. 5. Risk monitoring Few risks remain static. New issues and risks are likely to emerge and existing risks may change. Having identified the risks, assessed them and put control measures in place, it is essential that they are routinely monitored. 6. The risk register The risk register is a tool for capturing important information about a risk or opportunity, and is a continual process. New risks will be identified, some will be terminated, control measures will need to be updated in response to changing internal and external events. The data contained within the risk register will be used to inform our performance reporting process. SMG and the Audit and Risk Committee will be regularly informed on the content of the corporate risk register, which includes directorate owned corporate level risks. 7. Other relevant or related policies or strategies The following policies/strategies adopted by HMIE or being formulated at the date of this policy are of direct relevance in identifying and managing effectively the organisations risks and will be taken into account where relevant. Version 1.4 3 Mar 11 to MB This policy came into effect in March 2011 by HM Inspectorate of Education after consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group. It supersedes all previous versions. 8. Business Continuity Policy Records management policy Management planning principles Implementation, quality assurance and reporting procedures The risk management strategy will set out clear objectives, which will be addressed through the risk management group. The Risk Management Group will meet three times annually to ensure effective formulation, implementation and review of the policy and strategy. The Corporate Services Director will report (by exception) to SMG twice a year and provide a full report to MB once a year. 9. Review arrangements, including date of next formal review This policy will be reviewed in insert date two years after policy has been approved. Contact arrangements to enable feedback Any comments or queries on this policy should be addressed to: Business Management and Communications Team, HM Inspectorate of Education, 2nd Floor, Denholm House, Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston EH54 6GA. Telephone 01506 600265 Email: PS/ Version 1.4 3 Mar 11 to MB