June 2009 This policy came into effect on June 2009 by HM Inspectorate of Education after endorsement by HMIE Senior Management Group. It supersedes all previous versions. Curriculum for Excellence: continuing professional development (CPD) strategy 1. INTRODUCTION This CPD strategy has been designed to enable all HMII, Assistant Inspectors and Associate Assessors to gain sufficient knowledge and understanding of Curriculum for Excellence to evaluate and support its successful implementation across all sectors of education. 2. CONTEXT Curriculum for Excellence aims to achieve a transformational change in education in Scotland by providing a coherent, more flexible and enriched curriculum from 3-18, firmly focused on the individual needs of the child and young person. It aims to improve outcomes for learners and equip them with the knowledge, skills and attributes they will need for learning, life and work in a rapidly changing world. As a result, it raises expectations of all sectors with regard to the: ongoing evaluation and development of the curriculum; planning and delivery of the curriculum; meeting of and reporting on intended outcomes of learning; types of learning and teaching approaches required; arrangements for carrying out assessment and measuring progress; and planning and promotion of learning opportunities. The successful implementation of Curriculum for Excellence requires managers and practitioners to change radically their thinking about how they plan and deliver learning and teaching. HMIE needs to be in a position to support staff at all levels and in all sectors in the planning and implementation of Curriculum for Excellence. In order to fulfil the aims of Curriculum for Excellence, sectors will require to work increasingly in partnership with each other. As a result, HMII, Assistant Inspectors and Associate Assessors will require to increase their knowledge and understanding of the interfaces between different sectors to enable them to provide well-informed advice and feedback to staff. 3. CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS This strategy will have been successful if all HMII, Assistant Inspectors and Associate Assessors are able to: make accurate evaluations and report clearly on progress with implementing Curriculum for Excellence; 1 June 2009 4. give a strong lead and consistent messages to managers and practitioners in implementing Curriculum for Excellence; discuss key documents, resources and CPD opportunities with managers and practitioners; and respond appropriately and consistently to questions and queries presented to them during inspection and review and in other professional situations and activities. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES CPD will be through HMIE-organised corporate and Directorate training events, attendance at external events organised nationally and locally, and through professional reading and reflection at individual level. Directorate 1 will lead on the planning and organising of corporate CPD activities liaising with colleagues involved in CfE developments. The Lead Inspector (CPD) and the Assistant Chief Inspector (ACI) in Directorate 1 with operational responsibility for Human Resources (HR) will ensure that CPD and relevant resources and materials relating to CfE are made available to all HMII, Assistant Inspectors and Associate Assessors. In doing so, they will liaise closely with the HR Team, the Business Management & Communications Team (BMCT) and the Corporate Planning Team (CPT). Directorate ACIs and sectoral Lead Inspectors, working with National Specialists as appropriate, will lead on the planning and organising of Directorate CPD activities, including input relating to Curriculum for Excellence. ACIs have a responsibility to liaise with their counterparts in other Directorates to ensure there is no overlap and duplication across Directorate CPD events and that HMII, Assistant Inspectors and Associate Assessors develop their understanding of cross-sectoral issues. The ACI with responsibility for Associate Assessors (AAs) will ensure that AAs are provided with induction and CPD to enable them to support the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence. All HMII, Assistant Inspectors and Associate Assessors have a responsibility to undertake continuing professional development (CPD) on Curriculum for Excellence. They should ensure that they are sufficiently knowledgeable on all aspects of Curriculum for Excellence to support its implementation with confidence. 5. OTHER RELEVANT OR RELATED POLICIES OR STRATEGIES The Human Resources policy and strategy are of particular relevance. 6. IMPLEMENTATION, QUALITY ASSURANCE & REPORTING PROCEDURES HM Chief Inspector, Directorate 1 will report to Senior Management Group and Management Board on CPD for Curriculum for Excellence and its outcomes. See Appendix 1 for details of plans for CPD. 7. REVIEW ARRANGEMENTS This strategy will be reviewed in January 2010. 2 June 2009 7. CONTACT DETAILS Any comments or queries on this strategy should be addressed to: BMCT, HM Inspectorate of Education, 2nd Floor, Denholm House, Almondvale Way, Livingston EH54 6GA. telephone: 01506 600265 e-mail: rona.littleproud@hmie.gsi.gov.uk 8. RELEVANT HYPERLINKS Curriculum for Excellence website Curriculum for Excellence area of HMIE intranet 3 June 2009 APPENDIX 1: OVERVIEW OF PLANNED CPD DATE/EVENT June – August 2009 CPD ACTIVITIES RELATED TO CfE personal/small group/office group reading, discussion and familiarisation of: Building the Curriculum 2, 3 and 4 Experiences and Outcomes Early Years Framework Skills for Scotland materials in GP area of HMIE websites & JtE CURREV task group advice on Experiences and Outcomes (including literacy, numeracy and H&WB), interdisciplinary work and curriculum design (to be issued after CURREV meeting on 30th June) copies of all above to be placed on HMIE intranet for easy access. individual/small group/office group record of implications and issues to be brought to August seminar with a view to informing consistency issues and update of Q+A paper on CfE. All Directorate Quality Group meetings to discuss “CfE: issues, implications and good practice” as standing agenda item. Outcomes to feed into small group/office discussions and to inform inputs at August national seminar and directorate training events. Wednesday 19/8/09 Day 2 – National Seminar Agenda to focus on CfE and links to ISE2 SCI input & final plenary: expectations and ISE2 links CfE programme framework and timescales & EA implementation plans for CfE Scenarios designed to stimulate group discussion on a range of issues relating to CfE, including aspects of learning and teaching, literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, interdisciplinary Building our Curriculum: “testing the framework” Dates TBC Bespoke, regional training events for Associate Assessors. 4 June 2009 August 2009 Directorate Conferences All Directorate conferences to set aside time to consider outcomes from National Seminar and consider the following in their own sectoral context Learning and teaching approaches, including active learning exemplification materials on Es and Os, skills guidance and assessment Scottish Baccalaureate (Dir 3) implications of key points in draft recognising achievement guidance document literacy, numeracy, H&WB in sectoral context CfE Q+A and “lines to take” to be updated and reissued to all HMII, Assistant Inspectors and Associate Assessors. SDCORP (December 7/8/9 2009) December 2009 Directorate Conferences SDCORP (June 2010) Content on CfE as appropriate. Content on CfE as appropriate. Content on CfE as appropriate August 2010 Directorate Conferences Content on CfE as appropriate 5