Meeting of the Audit & Risk Committee A meeting of the Audit & Risk Committee was held on Thursday 7 June at 12.30pm in the Board Room, Optima Building, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow, G2 8DU Present: Sir Andrew Cubie (Chair) Charles Lovatt Bill Maxwell David Morrison Iain Nisbet Shirley Young In attendance : Ruth Brown (External Auditor) Laura Burman Morag Campsie (External Auditor) Les Henderson (Internal Auditor) Gillian Howells Catherine MacIntyre Stuart Robinson Caroline Stafford 1.0 Welcome and Apologies Noted 1: 2.0 Minutes and Action Log of the meeting held on 14 February 2012. Noted 1: 3.0 Sir Andrew welcomed everyone to the meeting and it was noted that Allan Smith has retired from Internal Audit and therefore from his position as a Member of the Audit & Risk Committee. Colleagues formally recorded thanks for Allan’s contribution to the Committee. The Minute of the previous meeting was approved as an accurate record. Matters arising Noted 1: Audit & Risk Committee 7 June 2012 There were no matters arising which did not feature on the agenda of the meeting. 1 4.0 Declarations / Register of Interests Noted 1: No declarations were made. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 5.0 Annual Reporting 5.1 Report and accounts for the year ending 31 March 2012 5.2 Noted 1: The Committee recognised that it has been a challenging past 12 months as Stuart spoke about the migration of reporting systems. Stuart expressed his gratitude to colleagues from Internal Audit and Audit Scotland for their assistance and guidance during the past year. Noted 2 : Pending further adjustments as discussed and noted, the Audit & Risk Committee was content to approve and recommend that the Education Scotland Management Board sign off the Annual Report and Accounts. Fraud Noted 1: 5.3 Health and Safety Noted 1: 5.4 The Fraud Policy has been brought to the attention of all staff and the Committee were happy to note that there have been no instances of fraud during the past year. Education Scotland has established a health and safety committee with representatives from each office. There is one personal injury claim outstanding which appears close to settlement. Annual Report from Audit & Risk Committee to Management Board Agreed 1: Audit & Risk Committee 7 June 2012 The Committee agreed that, with the addition of reference to health and safety, the report was an accurate reflection of the work of the Audit & Risk Committee. 2 6.0 Audit Scotland 6.1 Review of Internal Controls Noted 1: 6.2 The Committee noted the report and the main issues identified during the audit. ISA 260 – Report to those charged with Governance Noted 1: The Committee noted the report and the main issues identified during the audit. 7.0 Internal Audit 7.1 Annual Report on Internal Audit Activities across Education Scotland and Annual Assurance 2011 / 12 7.2 Noted 1: The Committee noted the paper which reports on internal audit work within Education Scotland in 2011 / 12 and provides Members with an assurance relating to the organisations system of internal control. Noted 2: Successful phase 1 of the OD Programme review has been completed. Agreed 1: Education Scotland to be used as an example for lessons learned for merging bodies and agencies. Action 1: Audit Scotland agreed to give a presentation on the report of merging bodies and agencies at August’s Committee meeting. Action 2: Laura to liaise with Charles over his view of the risk register. Internal Audit Risk Based Plan – April 2012 – March 2013, including 3 year forward look to 2015 Noted 1: Audit & Risk Committee 7 June 2012 Les will present the plan at the next Committee meeting in August. 3 8.0 Corporate Risk 8.1 Final Draft Revised Risk Management Policy and Strategy Agreed 1: 8.2 9.0 The Risk Management Policy and Strategy was approved. Review of Corporate Risk Register (as at 31 March 2012) Noted 1: The new style and format of the report was noted. Action 1: An outline strategy and timetable for the Inspection Policy and Code of Practice to be on the agenda for the next Committee meeting in August. Final Draft Framework Document Noted 1: The Committee had already reviewed the Framework Document and it is now with Scottish Government colleagues for final comments. ITEMS FOR NOTING 10.0 Final Draft Complaints Policy Noted 1: 11.0 Final Draft Certificate of Assurance Noted 1: 12.0 The Certificate of Assurance was approved. Any other business Noted 1: was 13.0 The Complaints Policy was approved. It will now go to the Management Board on 28 June. As the tenure of some of the Non-Executive Directors coming to an end, Bill thanked all of them for their service and contribution to the Audit & Risk Committee and Education Scotland. Sir Andrew also noted his thanks and appreciation to all those concerned. Date of Next Meeting Wednesday 22 August at 10.30am in the Board Room, Denholm House, Livingston Audit & Risk Committee 7 June 2012 4