Meeting of the Management Advisory Board A Meeting of the Management Advisory Board was held on Tuesday 18 December 2012 at 10.30am in the Board Room, Denholm House, Livingston Present: Alan Armstrong Anna Boni Sir Andrew Cubie Alastair Delaney Kate Dunlop Michael Ewart Bill Maxwell (Chair) Kenneth Muir Craig Munro Gayle Reilly Stuart Robinson Apologies: Graeme Ogilvy 1.0 Welcome and Apologies Noted 1: 2.0 3.0 Bill welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies noted above. Minute of the previous meeting held on 3 September 2012 and Action Grid Noted 1: The Minute of the previous meeting of Education Scotland’s Management Board were approved with all actions having been progressed or completed. Action 1: Ken to email a copy of the Inspection policy and code of practice document to Graeme Ogilvy. Mike Ewart received a copy of the documents at the meeting. Matters arising Noted 1: There were no matters arising which did not feature on the agenda of the meeting. Management Advisory Board: Minutes 18 December 2012 1 4.0 Declarations of Interest Noted 1: No declarations were made. Items for discussion 5.0 Development of Corporate Plan – Follow-up output from Strategic Planning Away Day Noted 1: An Away day took place on Friday 5th October. It was noted that this was a very valuable exercise, a useful opportunity for the executives and non-executives to get together. Noted 2: It was noted that the report provided a helpful and accurate overview of the day, with key themes emerging. Noted 3: Emerging themes included : 1. improving educational outcomes for all learners 2. eliminating inequality in educational outcomes 3. improving public confidence in education Noted 4: Focus groups exploring the Corporate Plan have been held across the organisation. There have also been wider opportunities to engage with partners and stakeholders on the Corporate Plan. Survey monkey has been used to engage with staff teams & partners. Good feedback has been received and more engagement work still to happen. The Business plan will flow from the Corporate Plan process which will take place throughout January and February. Noted 5: An exciting high profile event took place on 4th December at Inveralmond High school ‘Opening Up the Future’ where workshops took place led by young people to discuss the corporate plan critical friends including Directors of Education , Heads of Service and the General Teaching Council for Scotland Noted 6: Dedicated time has been set aside for the Strategic Directors and Assistant Directors to take forward key aspects of the corporate plan particularly around outcomes. Management Advisory Board: Minutes 18 December 2012 2 Action 1: 6.0 The draft Corporate / Business Plan should be added to the Agenda for the next meeting for discussion. ‘Buddying’ arrangements and the role of the Non-Executive Directors in the development of strategy Noted 1: Each strategic director has been partnered with an nonexecutive director to find out more about the business of Education Scotland. Strategic Director Alastair Delaney Ken Muir Alan Armstrong Craig Munro 7.0 Directorate Early Years, Families and Partnerships School Years Lifelong Learning Strategy, Performance and Corporate Resources Non-Executive Director Mike Ewart Andrew Cubie Graham Ogilvy Kate Dunlop Noted 2: The ‘buddying’ system will provide challenge to the organisation and support Non-executive colleagues to develop a better understanding of the business. Action 1: This item on ‘buddying’ to be discussed at the next Audit and Risk Committee. Action 2: The partnerships to be taken forward and 1-2-1 meetings to be arranged. Update on the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 Noted 1: The specific duties of public bodies were discussed in an updated Equality Act paper. Noted 2: There will be three projects going forward in Education Scotland; two in Directorate A and one in Directorate D, which will be supported by Jane Renton. This work will be undertaken in close collaboration with Scottish Government. Management Advisory Board: Minutes 18 December 2012 3 Items for noting 8.0 9.0 Corporate Risk Noted 1: Members reviewed the corporate risk register and it was noted that no updates had been made to the register since August 2012. This will be progressed at an away day in February 2013. Noted 2: The recruitment campaign was discussed and it was noted that over 400 applications and been received for some 20 posts. Recruitment will take place in January for the Education Officer posts. The risk register should be downgraded to ‘green’ once the posts have been filled. The positive response to the recruitment process is testament to the interest from colleagues across Scotland to working for Education Scotland. Action 1: The corporate risks to be numbered. Framework Document Noted 1: 10.0 Report from Audit and Risk Committee – 21 November (verbal update) Noted 1: 11.0 Bill informed the Board that the Framework Document has now been signed off by the Cabinet Secretary and will be published on the Education Scotland website. Sir Andrew’s updated the board on the previous Audit and Risk Committee, it was noted that this had been a very positive meeting. The non-executives’ had a private meeting before the Audit and Risk committee. It was recommended that similar meetings should take place around each committee meeting. The next stage of the Internal Audit process was agreed. Finance Report Noted 1: Stuart informed members that there is currently an underspend of £1m; it was noted that this has been earmarked for improvements to the Corporate ICT platform and investment in the redeveloped of the Optima Management Advisory Board: Minutes 18 December 2012 4 facilities but a small proportion of the money will remain. 12.0 13.0 Updated Terms of Reference Noted 1: The Terms of Reference for the Management Advisory Board and Audit and Risk Committee are now aligned. Noted 2: A view to which of the seven key Strategic priorities should come first was discussed and it was agreed that a further discussion will take place at the next meeting. AOB Noted 1: 14.0 No other items of business was discussed. Date of Next Meeting Noted 1: The next meeting is scheduled to take place at 2pm on Thursday 28 March in Denholm House, Livingston. Management Advisory Board: Minutes 18 December 2012 5