Education Scotland Management Board

Education Scotland
Management Board
Tuesday 13 December 2011 at 09.30 am
Denholm House, Livingston
Moi Ali (Non-Executive Director)
Alan Armstrong (CMG Member)
Sir Andrew Cubie (Non-Executive Director)
Alastair Delaney (CMG Member)
Louise Hayward (Non-Executive Director)
Anne Jardine (CMG Member)
Gary Kildare (Non-Executive Director)
Catherine MacIntyre (CMG Member)
Bill Maxwell (Chair) (Chief Executive)
Neil McKechnie (CMG Member)
Kenneth Muir (CMG Member)
Iain Nisbet (Non-Executive Director)
Graeme Ogilvy (Non-Executive Director)
Christopher Reynolds (item 12 only) (Consultant, ICN)
Gill Robinson (CMG Member)
Stuart Robinson (CMG Member)
Maggie Tierney (CMG Member)
Kay Livingston (CMG Member)
In attendance:
Caroline Stafford (Secretariat)
Welcome and Apologies
Noted 1:
Bill welcomed everyone to the second meeting of the Management
Board and thanked them for agreeing to the earlier start time.
Noted 2:
There would be an adjustment to the running order of the agenda
with items for noting being taken first to allow more time for a focused
discussion of the Draft Organisational Design and Business Model.
Christopher Reynolds, Consultant, would be joining for that item.
Noted 3:
The above apologies were noted.
Minute of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 4 October 2011 and Action
Noted 1:
The Minute of the previous meeting was approved with all actions
having been progressed or completed.
Action 1:
Caroline to arrange for the Minute and Action Log to be
published on the Education Scotland website, subject to any
FOI exemptions.
Matters Arising from the Previous Minute – Tuesday 4 October 2011
Noted 1:
Management Board
13 December 2011
The Terms of Reference were updated as requested and
circulated to Management Board members for further comment. No
further comments were received and the Terms of Reference were
Noted 2:
There were no other significant matters arising that did not feature on
the agenda of the meeting.
Declarations of Interest
Noted 1:
Following Sir Andrew’s request at the Audit and Risk Committee
meeting, a Register of Interests was tabled.
Organisational Development Programme Progress Update
Noted 1:
The Management Board noted the programme overview and
progress to date since October. The overview is updated monthly in
line with the progression of the programme and it was noted that the
plan is moving forward at a pace.
Noted 2:
The risk register and issues log are a means of managing risks
associated with the programme. Members sought clarity around the
potential risks to the programme and noted Maggie’s assurance that
appropriate discussion takes place at Programme Board level around
the detailed mitigating actions sitting behind each of the risks.
Noted 3:
Assurance was given that the Unions are kept well informed about
each aspect of the programme. No issues have been raised around
the risks associated with the programme or any points relating to the
staffing project.
Implications of Post-16 Education Proposals
Noted 1:
The Management Board noted the potential implications of the Post16 Review proposals for Education Scotland. The Post-16 Review
report is subject to public consultation until 23 December 2011.
Scottish Government will then consider the outcomes of the
consultation before issuing a response to its proposals.
Noted 2:
Ken is liaising with John Henderson of Scotland’s Colleges to prepare
for the response from Scottish Government.
Noted 3:
The Management Board will be provided with a further update in
March once clear proposals have been agreed at Scottish
Government level.
Action 1:
Ken to provide an update on the Post-16 Education Proposals at
the next Management Board scheduled for 15 March.
Establishment of CfE Implementation Group
Noted 1:
Management Board
13 December 2011
Management Board members were reminded that one of the key
strands of the remit given to Education Scotland by the Cabinet
Secretary on its creation, was ‘to lead and support implementation of
Curriculum for Excellence’. As part of this, Education Scotland will
convene a new Implementation Group for Curriculum for Excellence,
under Bill’s Chairmanship. The paper was noted which provided the
Management Board with information about the proposed role,
purpose and constitution of the new Implementation Group.
Noted 2:
Finance Report as at 31 October 2011
Noted 1:
The Management Board noted the Finance Report which shows
Education Scotland’s expected outturn as at 31 October 2011. The
forecast is for an underspend of £1,274,000 and Education Scotland
has agreed to return £250,000 to the Education portfolio. The original
full year’s budget for 2011/12 was £31.69m. The budget for 2012/13
is £31.44m.
Noted 2:
At this stage expenditure is expected to be significantly under
budget. Programme Managers will be identifying whether any further
underspends are likely and confirm whether these should be
declared to Scottish Government. Some of the underspend could be
utilised to fund the cost of voluntary exit programmes but at this
stage it is difficult to predict how much will be required.
Corporate Performance Report
Noted 1:
It was noted that the two reports on corporate performance were
based on the former LTS style of performance reporting at
programme level. There has been an incremental step taken to
combine the level of reporting with the aim being to have a fully
integrated report from 1 April 2012 to reflect the new business
planning year.
Report from Audit and Risk Committee – 5 December 2011
Noted 1:
The process of establishing the Group is now well underway. The
representatives from almost all of the Member organisations have
been confirmed and the first meeting will take place on Friday 13
January. The proposed role, purpose and constitution of the Group
will be discussed by Members at this meeting.
Sir Andrew provided the Management Board with a summary of
proceedings at the second meeting of the Audit and Risk Committee
which was held on 5 December.
Development of Strategic and Annual Business Plans
Noted 1:
The Management Board noted the continued progress with
development of the Annual Business Plan for 2012/13. It is expected
that a final draft of the Plan will come to the next Management Board
meeting on 15 March.
Noted 2:
In addition, the overview for the proposed structure and process for
development of the Corporate Strategy was 2012/15 was also noted.
This includes a timeline for engagement with key stakeholders.
Consultation will take place with Management Board members and
the other Non-Executive Directors between now and reaching the
final draft stage in March.
Agreed 1:
It was agreed that it would be useful for the Management Board to
see how user focus can be embedded across the organisation.
Action 1:
Neil to provide a paper defining Education Scotland’s
Management Board
13 December 2011
user focus at the next Management Board meeting scheduled
for 15 March.
Action 2:
Alastair to provide an update on the development of the
strategic and annual business plans at the next Management
Board meeting scheduled for 15 March.
Christopher Reynolds joined
Draft Organisational Design and Business Model
Noted 1:
The Management Board noted the presentation of the draft
organisational design and business model. It is hoped that Bill can
brief staff about the senior structure at the all staff event planned for
Agreed 1:
The Management Board agreed that the proposals present a very
appropriate model for the high level structure of the new organisation
and agreed to feed back any more specific comments of a more
minor nature to Bill prior to the further discussions that Bill would now
be taking forward with Scottish Government.
Action 1:
Bill agreed to send the Management Board, under restricted
viewing, an electronic version of his presentation to allow them
to feedback any comments.
Any Other Business
Noted 1:
There was no other business for discussion.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday 15 March 2012 at the Optima
Building, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow. This will be followed by a showcase session
which all Non-Executive Directors have been invited to attend.
Management Board
13 December 2011