Minutes Meeting of the Management Board

Meeting of the Management Board
The Inaugural meeting of the Management Board was held on Tuesday 4 October 2011 at
9.00 am in Stirling Management Centre.
Bill Maxwell (Chair)
Moi Ali
Alan Armstrong
Alastair Delaney
Louise Hayward
Anne Jardine
Gary Kildare
Catherine MacIntyre
Neil McKechnie
Kenneth Muir
Iain Nisbet
Graeme Ogilvy
Gill Robinson
Stuart Robinson
Maggie Tierney
Sir Andrew Cubie
Kay Livingston
In attendance:
Caroline Stafford
Welcome and Apologies
Bill welcomed everyone to the Inaugural meeting of the Management Board and the above
apologies were noted.
Declarations of Interest
Noted 1:
There were no declarations of interest.
Draft Terms of Reference
Noted 1:
Board Members reviewed the draft Terms of Reference and
comments were noted.
Action 1:
Caroline to amend the Terms of Reference to reflect
comments made.
Development of Strategic and Annual Business Plans
Business Plan for 2012 / 13
Noted 1:
Management Board
4 October 2011
The intended approach to business planning for 2012 and beyond
and its implications across the work of Education Scotland were
noted. The process for planning for 2012/13 is starting and although
a new approach to this is being developed, it will incorporate use of
the existing ex-HMIE planning software tool.
Noted 2:
Throughout discussion the following items were signposted as key
areas that the Management Board may want to explore.
links to the OD process
resource and financial planning
focus on outcomes rather than outputs
Noted 3:
Outcome focused planning presents an agreed set of objectives for
the education population and highlights how the work of Education
Scotland can contribute to achieve these objectives.
Noted 4:
Bill welcomed discussion and comment both on the model and the
business cycle and process. There was some concern expressed
from Management Board members around the complexity of the
model. Reassurance was given that the model is appropriate for what
Education Scotland is trying to achieve as an organisation. The
model has been impact assessed in order to make sure it is robust,
fit for purpose and flexible in order to accommodate any sudden
changes by Government.
Noted 5:
There is a vast amount of complexity in the work of Education
Scotland which is highlighted by the volume of projects across all
parts of the organisation. However, assurance was given to the
Board that there is the ability to set priorities at CMG level in order to
bring the number of projects in the business planning tool down to a
manageable level.
Noted 6:
The importance of stakeholder engagement was highlighted in order
to break down any potential barriers and maintain clear
communication links.
Noted 7:
The preparation for creating the Business Plan for next year is
moving at pace. Further discussion will be required to agree a
process for producing the 3 year Corporate Plan.
Agreed 1:
Clear communication with staff will be vital when introducing the
Plans and reporting systems.
Action 1:
The development of Strategic and Annual Business Plans will
be discussed further at the next meeting of the Management
Planning for Organisation Review
Noted 1:
After the initial set-up of Education Scotland, the focus was on the
safe running and continuation of business of the 4 constituent parts.
Education Scotland has now reached a stage where it can look for
Noted 2:
Bill Introduced Maggie Tierney and noted her secondment to
Education Scotland to lead and deliver the organisational
development programme. Christopher Reynolds, independent
Consultant has been appointed to advise the CMG.
Noted 3:
The Management Board noted the outline of the organisational
development review process which will capture some of the work
Management Board
4 October 2011
already completed by the two predecessor organisations.
Noted 4:
It is anticipated that by the end of October there will be agreed aims
and objectives for Education Scotland in place which are consistent
with the business planning cycle. It is then anticipated by the end of
November that the foundations of the business model will be in
place. By early December the aim is to have a high level
Noted 5:
There were some concerns around duplicated teams of staff between
the combined organisations and consideration will need to be given
to services that can be provided by SG main.
Agreed 1:
There should be a strong focus on internal communication with staff
encouraging their input and inviting them to look for new synergies.
Action 1:
A further report and proposed structure and business model will
be given to the Management Board in December.
Inspections of private colleges and language schools
Noted 1:
The Management Board noted that Education Scotland has been
asked by UK Border Agency to establish a new inspection
programme for private colleges and language schools.
Noted 2:
The draft Education Scotland framework for this process has been
published on the website, however, at the moment Education
Scotland holds no power to charge for these inspections. The paper
sets out 2 options to seek power to charge for inspections, however,
this will not be forthcoming until April 2012 and not January 2012 as
first thought.
Report from Audit and Risk Committee
Noted 1:
Finance Report as at 31 August 2011
Noted 1:
In the absence of Sir Andrew Cubie, Iain reported on the Audit and
Risk Committee meeting which was held on 26 August 2011. There
were no significant areas of concern highlighted and subject to minor
amendments the Terms of Reference were agreed.
The Finance Report was noted with no significant areas of concern
Corporate Performance Report
Noted 1:
The current corporate performance reporting systems will be
integrated and bring together the systems used previously by LTS
and HMIE.
Noted 2:
Assurance was given to the Management Board that risks currently
at amber status should revert to green following implementation of
actions to mitigate the risk.
Noted 1:
Management Board
4 October 2011
The Management Board noted the background given by Bill to the
Advisory Council papers which were inherited from LTS. It was clear
that these papers would positively inform and sit well within current
on going areas of work within Education Scotland.
Action 1:
Louise to feedback reassurance to the members of the Advisory
Council subgroup that this work had been successfully passed
over to Education Scotland.
Date of Next Meeting
9.30am, Tuesday 13 December 2011, The Ash Room, Denholm House,
Almondvale Business Park, Livingston EH54 6GA
Management Board
4 October 2011