Cabrillo College Palo Alto University Transfer Requirements Transfer students must successfully complete 90 quarter (60 semester)* transferable units with a minimum 2.0 GPA, to be considered for admission to Palo Alto University's (PAU) undergraduate programs. Only courses with a grade of C or better will be accepted. Admission into any of PAU’s undergraduate programs also requires the completion of a General Psychology course, or comparable introductory level psychology course. Admissions into the undergraduate programs requires the completion of the California State University General Education/Breadth (CSU GE Breadth) with grades of C or better in each course. Only College Level courses with grades of C or higher are transferrable. For more information or to meet with an Undergraduate Admissions Counselor : 650-417-2051 Verifiability of transfer credit: More information on Cabrillo College: California State University General Education/Breadth (CSU GE Breadth) Requirements Area A—English Language Communication and Critical Thinking -Minimum of 9 semester units (12 quarter units) Area B—Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning -Minimum of 9 semester units (12 quarter units) -Includes one course from each: Mathematics**/Quantitative Reasoning, Physical Science, and Life Science Area C—Arts and Humanities -Minimum of 9 semester unit (12 quarter units) -Select at least one course in each: Arts and Humanities Area D—Social Sciences -Minimum of 9 semester units (12 quarter units) -With courses in at least two disciplines, including General Psychology Area E—Lifelong Learning and Self-Development -Minimum of 3 units** (4-5 quarter units) *Palo Alto University will accept a maximum of 6 courses in Physical Education for transfer. Some occupational/vocational coursework is not eligible for transfer. **Minimum of Intermediate Algebra is required, Statistics and Probability highly recommended Transfer Preparation for Palo Alto University Psychology and Social Action (PSA) Major Cabrillo Course (Required) PSYCH 1/1H General Psychology/Honors General Psychology 3 semester units (may count toward GE) Also, an additional 1-3 courses (1 course may count toward GE, if applicable) PSYCH 2A Statistics for Behavioral Sciences 3 semester units PSYCH 2B Research Methods in Psychology 4 semester units PSYCH 4 Introduction to Biological Psychology 3 semester units PSYCH 6 Introduction to Social Psychology 3 semester units PSYCH 8 Introduction to Developmental Psychology 3 semester units PSYCH 12 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology 3 semester units PSYCH 31 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology 3 semester units WS 7 Psychology of Women 3 semester units Business Psychology (BP) Major Required PSYCH 1/1H General Psychology/Honors General Psychology 3 semester units (may count toward GE) Also, an additional 1-3 courses (1 course may count toward GE, if applicable) PSYCH 2A PSYCH 4 PSYCH 6 PSYCH 8 PSYCH 12 PSYCH 31 WS 7 Statistics of Behavioral Sciences Introduction to Biological Psychology Introduction to Social Psychology Introduction to Developmental Psychology Introduction to Cognitive Psychology Introduction to Abnormal Psychology Psychology of Women 3 semester units 3 semester units 3 semester units 3 semester units 3 semester units 3 semester units 3 semester units Also, it is strongly recommended that a student complete at least 1 of the following courses ACCT 1A BUS 18 BUS 20 BUS 52 BUS 82 ECON 1A ECON 1B Financial Accounting Business Law Introduction to Business Business Communications Marketing Principles Principles of Macroeconomics Principles of Microeconomics 4 semester units 4 semester units 3 semester units 3 semester units 3 semester units 3 semester units 3 semester units For more information on major requirements, pre-requisites, and transferring to PAU, please contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office at: PAU Undergraduate Admissions 650-417-2051 This agreement is subject to change Updated 2/3/2015