November 12, 2009 ARTICULATION ANNUAL REPORT Page 1 of 3

November 12, 2009
Page 1 of 3
Articulation is the process whereby universities formally agree to accept community college courses in lieu of their
own for lower division credit in specific majors or as general education. Sound articulation practices are the foundation
of a successful transfer program. The Articulation Office faculty works closely with university articulation officers to
develop formal, written and published agreements that identify courses or sequences of courses that are comparable to,
or accepted in lieu of, courses at the receiving universities and colleges. These agreements are referred to as “courseto-course-articulation” and/or “major preparation articulation.” Articulation agreements ensure that a transferring
student will be granted credit for community college work and thus progress efficiently toward earning a baccalaureate
Cabrillo College also assists in initiating and supporting agreements with the local high schools, streamlining the
pathways from high school to college in the areas of career and technical education. The Outreach Coordinator, office
of Career Technical Education, articulation office faculty, and the partnering college and high school faculty develop
the articulation agreements with the high schools.
Cabrillo’s Articulation Office is staffed by two faculty members: the Articulation Officer (70%) and a counselor
The Articulation Office:
 Updates the Cabrillo College Articulation websites for faculty, counselors and students on a continual basis.
These websites ensure that the information is up to date and accurate-see below.
 Updates the Cabrillo College course list 3 times per year with changes approved in Curriculum Committee
 Updated Cabrillo’s 2009-10 External Examinations policy to include IB (International Baccalaureate) and
CLEP (College Level Examination Program) information. We have aligned our policy with the 4-year transfer
institutions statewide policies for accepting credit through external examinations. As new exams are added
each year and approved by the 4-year schools, we will update our policy.
 Participates in the continual updating and accuracy of Cabrillo’s curriculum databases (Datatel/Colleague and
Curricunet, the new curriculum system.) through twice-a-year audits.
 Programs the WebAdvisor Program Evaluation (Degree Audit) function that students, counselors and
evaluators use to evaluate a student’s progress toward a particular Cabrillo degree or certificate. All (300+)
Cabrillo degrees and certificates are updated annually in accordance with the current college catalog.
 Reviews all transfer and articulation information in our published schedules and catalogs and creates and
updates the General Education forms and Degree Petitions for all Cabrillo degrees and certificates.
Administrator Initiating Item:
Margery Regalado Rodriguez
Renée M. Kilmer
Academic and Professional Matter
If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement
Senate President Signature
 Yes No
 Yes  No
Final Disposition
Supports institutional efforts around research and course development that supports both instruction and
student services.
Updates faculty on the continually changing requirements at the four-year level, as a Cabrillo course that once
was articulated in one form might need to be altered for continued acceptance for transfer.
Supports the Information Technology department in maintaining local and national id numbers for MIS
reporting purposes, trouble-shooting as needed
Assists IT and Instruction in maintaining and updating the Datatel catalog in advance of registration deadlines.
Currently working with IT and Counseling to test and implement the Ed Plan function of Datatel.
Reviews all transfer and articulation information in our published schedules and catalogs and creates and
updates the General Education Certification forms, student degree worksheets and Degree Petitions for all
Cabrillo degrees and certificates.
Articulation Websites:
The Articulation Office maintains a website for students, counselors and instructors. The site contains links to
ASSIST, all UC and CSU information, including catalogs and homepages and updated admission and application
procedures. The site is maintained and updated weekly and is the primary source of current and critical information for
Cabrillo’s Counseling Division. In addition, the sites include information on teacher preparation, nursing programs
and transfer to in-state and out-of-state private universities. The faculty page instructs faculty how to research
articulation when they are developing transferable courses. The web pages are listed below:
The student page:;
The counselors’ resource page:
The faculty resource page:
Internal Relationships:
 The instructional faculty and instructional deans consult with the Articulation Officer numerous times per
week, especially prior to course development.
 The faculty collaborates with the Articulation Office around current and future course offerings in order to
anticipate and address the changing needs of transfer students.
 Counselors consult with the Articulation Office on a daily basis around issues related to degree requirements
and transfer. This relationship facilitates the smooth transition of students from community college to the 4year universities.
 The evaluation staff in admissions consults with the Articulation Office on issues related to certification for
CSU and IGETC general education.
 Instruction and student services collaborate and consult with the Articulation Office as part of the College’s
commitment to a smooth transfer process.
 The Articulation Office provides access to and interpretation of the new Title 5 regulations for the Counseling
faculty and the Admissions and Records evaluation staff.
External Relationships:
 The Four Year Public Systems--the Articulation Office works with its counterparts at the UC (9) and CSU
(23) campuses on a continual basis to review course-to-course and major preparation agreements.
 Cabrillo responds to requests for Cabrillo course outlines when new majors are designed at the universities
which will require future articulation with Cabrillo and the community college system.
 Private Colleges and Universities -- Cabrillo currently has articulation agreements with 31 private colleges and
universities. These may be accessed through the Cabrillo counseling website at
 MOU’s with Private Universities -- Periodically MOU’s are developed between Cabrillo and private
universities to provide additional opportunities for students to complete their baccalaureate degrees.
Cabrillo’s Articulation Office, in partnership with our Tech Prep Director and the County Office of Education,
identifies and formalizes agreements between Cabrillo College and area high schools to encourage and facilitate a
seemless transition from high school into Cabrillo and beyond. Most of these agreements are for occupational courses
taught at the high school which then feed into Cabrillo’s Occupational Programs in areas such as Criminal Justice,
Digital Media, and Construction Technology. The Articulation Office facilitates the process and reviews any need for
change with the partnering schools’ related departments. Through the monthly meetings with the Cabrillo-sponsored
High School Articulation Council, additional agreements are identified for consideration.
Students from the feeder high schools benefit in one of the following ways:
1. by receiving transferable college credit for certain articulated courses taken at the high schools.
2. by satisfying college prerequisite course requirements for Mathematics: and placement level for Spanish,
French, or Japanese.
3. by preparing for occupational training at Cabrillo. Some of our high school articulation agreements are set up
to give high school students the foundation course in one of Cabrillo’s occupational A.S. degrees. They can
then proceed with the other core courses when they come to Cabrillo as full or part-time students in the areas
of Digital Media, Computer Literacy, Horticulture, Criminal Justice and Welding.
The Articulation Office is also the doorway for high school graduates and currently enrolled high school students to
petition for the Cabrillo credit for these articulated courses. The office maintains the yearly eligibility records and
approves the awarding of Cabrillo College credit to these students.
For the 08-09 year, there were a record 237 high school students who took articulated courses and met the eligibility
requirements to receive Cabrillo College credit. Of this number, 121 are currently enrolled at Cabrillo (a requirement
to receive credit) and as of this date those students have received the college credit. This is a substantial increase over
the 07-08 numbers (124 eligible students/79 Cabrillo students awarded credit).
The Articulation Office, in conjunction with the Outreach and Recruitment Coordinator, created and maintains several
web pages linked from Outreach which provided resources for high school counselors and a front door to prospective
students and parents. The articulation agreements are posted, by year and school, on the Outreach/high school student
pages of the Cabrillo College website:
New high school articulation for the 2009-2010 academic year:
New high school articulation agreements were established this year in Culinary Arts, Early Childhood Education and
Manufacturing Technology.
For the past three years, the Articulation and Outreach offices coordinated with Tech Prep in the very successful
Cabrillo Connection for Student Success, a half-day training for high school counselors, teachers and administrators.
This year, we are experimenting with a Salon Series of presentations on Cabrillo’s occupational programs, dovetailing
these presentations for an hour and a half after the regularly scheduled monthly High School Articulation Council
meetings. The first in the series was held in early October, highlighting our Culinary Arts program and was very
informative and well-received by the participants, which included high school counselors and Cabrillo counselors as
As is evident, the ongoing efforts of Cabrillo’s Articulation Office are proactive, responsive and supportive of
students’educational goals, whether at the high school, community college, four-year or career level. The Articulation
Office serves and supports all divisions of the College.