General Articulation Tasks by Months/Semesters

General Articulation Tasks by Months/Semesters
Course approval process: Articulation of individual courses happens year round and sometimes it is difficult to find the place where it all starts since one academic year blends into the next in terms of tasks. Below, I will attempt to lay out which comes first the chicken or the egg in terms of the articulation process. The course approval process starts with our faculty developing or revising transfer curriculum. To follow the process from inception to acceptance by the universities I will set out the “ideal” of how it should work and then use an example from the real world. Spring: The idea for a new transferable course is explored by a faculty member—they consult with you (keep in mind this is the ideal situation) you help them find a lower division parallel or 3 CCCs that teach the course at the transfer level and they are off and running. If submitted through CurricuNet by the March 15th deadline, the course will be reviewed at the Fall Curriculum meetings. Fall: A faculty member decides to develop a transfer course in Philosophy‐they consult with you and a lower division parallel course is found at UC Berkeley. The faculty member develops and submits the course through Curricunet for the October 15th deadline. The course will be looked at and approved at the following Spring Curriculum meetings. June‐August: The course is submitted to the UC Office of the President during the month you have chosen as part of the UC TCA update (June) SPRING January: Sign off on 2 summer galleys. Audit of Datatel and CurricuNet databases in anticipation of Fall Schedule and Catalog downloads. Between January and March a Specialization, Major, and X.STUF.PROGRAMS Audit must be completed:  Articulation Specialist audits all active programs ‐Specializations, Majors, and list of majors on “Verify/change my program/major” February: Early Spring Curriculum meetings‐New courses and modifications to existing courses submitted by October 15th deadline are considered at these meetings. Update Transfer Credit information in Datatel and Curricunet for all Fall reviewed and Curriculum Committee‐approved courses, new and modifications ‐ this should be done prior to the catalog download that the Instruction Office does in mid‐March. The front part of the catalog is due to the Production Office either this month or the beginning of March. This includes the AP page and all the degree pages—
often we have not received notice from the off‐campus committees regarding GE approvals so this is a sticky one—you may either put in all the courses you submitted and remove them at a later date if they are not approved or wait until they are approved to insert at the 1st galley marking—I prefer putting them in since it seems to be easier to remove than add courses at the last minute. March: New courses and modifications to existing courses must be completed, and the submit button "pushed" no later than March 15. Proposals submitted after that date will be considered the following spring. Exceptions to this deadline are: Special Topics, Distance Ed revisions (where distance education is the only modification) and Honors Courses. Those courses may be submitted at any time. The next window for new courses and revisions is Oct. 15th. Those will be reviewed and considered by the committee in Spring‐usually at the February Curriculum meetings. During the 1st part of March – Fall & Summer Schedule galley’s will be out and need to be marked. April: GE CSU and IGETC approvals received usually around the 15th– tasks involved: 
Update/verify courses are correct in Catalog galley Add GE codes to courses in Datatel and Curricunet Build Datatel GE REQU’s with updated courses (CSU, IGETC, AA, AS) Update Master GE lists and make notes to update GE worksheets, degree petitions and Certification forms (A & R) 
Make a list to let counselors know of changes, as well as Faculty PC’s, Deans, and VP Update Degree petitions and post immediately following A & R deadline for degree petition submissions (per T. Bolton 5‐29‐12) – even if we don’t update the entire petition – change the date to the next calendar year and remove the RSVP for graduation or add updated for the following year. Articulation‐ Submit new and modified courses to ASSIST during 1 month window. Late April/May: CIAC annual meeting is always the last week of April – Southern Cal (2012), or Northern Cal, alternate years. Curriculum Book review – programs: need to look closely at programs because these go in the catalog – takes 1‐2 hours to review prior to first late Spring, curriculum meeting. In the May curriculum meetings changes to degree programs are approved. You will have received notices or been contacted by faculty early in the semester to review and approve changes to programs—you are very familiar with this one! Update Student worksheets for all 4 GE patterns based upon new courses, new GE for CSU and IGETC, new multicultural courses, other curriculum changes (i.e. course number changes, etc.) Articulation‐ Submit articulation request to San Diego State. This is generally done in May. June: Marking catalog galleys begins in June—1st galleys are usually marked around the 10th of the month followed by the 2nd galley a week later. The catalog is scheduled to ship by the end of June. It is really important to see the final‐final galley before it ships since we have in the past experienced many mystery mistakes between the 2nd galley and the final product. Oscar submissions in June – 
submit outlines through CurricuNet to OSCAR (Build Articulation); this can be done ahead of time in May. 
UCOP will notify us when we are able to submit to the TCA and provide us with instructions and a draft of our next years’ TCA. In OSCAR, double check outlines are correct and “Complete”; submit for TCA review at the “UC TCA” tab. Then we “mark up” in pdf editor the TCA, adding our new courses, making any changes that weren’t picked up in the April ASSIST submissions, etc. Send UCOP an e‐mail describing what we have submitted in OSCAR and attaching our marked up TCA July and August: Duplicate Equate Audit:  Articulation Specialist audits "Duplicate Equates" and works with Instruction Office (Dale) on correcting errors Degree Audit: 
Articulation Specialist works on Degree Audit for the next year: Update GE REQU’s Update MULTI requ Office of Instruction builds REQU’s based upon curriculum changes. Articulation Specialist goes through catalog page by page (once we get in hard copy in late July) to build PROG’s and attach all current REQU’s. Double check catalog to curriculum and test programs on actual student records. Articulation Submissions (August) After we receive UC TCA Approvals‐we submit course‐to‐course articulation requests for all lower‐
division parallels applicable (i.e. if the course is required in a major) Website: 
Update all links to CSU and UC ASSIST pages Double check all links to CSU and UC catalogs Check other links FALL September: Articulation‐ Once university curriculum updates are received, submit articulation requests to all CSU and UC, except for San Diego State, this is done during the Spring semester. Also, review Cabrillo’s “Summary of Curricular Changes” and submit lower‐division parallels and look for other possible courses in the major (at the university) to submit for articulation review. Early fall Curriculum meetings‐courses and revisions submitted in March are reviewed at these meetings. Spring wrap info to the Production Office if applicable Spring galleys 1‐2‐3 sign off October: Any new courses and revisions are submitted to UC during the 2nd submission in early October—the Curricunet approval process starts shortly after this date—
it’s a good idea to check Curricunet once a day to keep up with the approvals. See Curricunet approval process for more info. Articulation Addendum Due Oct. 31st ASSIST changes for Spring –end of October to early November. This is also a good time to PRINT all Courses from ASSIST and audit, looking for errors and missed course terminations/additions, as well as CSU GE and IGETC courses. Check those against the Student GE Worksheets. November: Add or change Transfer Credit information in Datatel and Curricunet for all Fall reviewed and Curriculum Committee‐approved courses, new and modifications. Articulation Submissions ‐After we receive UC TCA 2nd review approvals‐we submit course‐to‐course articulation requests for all lower‐division parallels applicable (i.e. if the course is required in a major) December: CSU GE and IGETC are submitted in mid‐December for the following year – we receive responses in April. The approvals are automatically backdated one semester (e.g. we submitted for the 10‐11 lists and when approved the courses will be effective Spring, 2010). Can request an earlier date in special cases (for CSU). 11/4/15 M: aa‐WEBSITE/services/articulation/articulation manual 