SDSU Admission Criteria: following categories Local Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG):

 SDSU Admission Criteria: SDSU gives admission priority to Transfer students in the
following categories
1st Priority: Local Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG): Complete 100% of
transferable units from one of the local admission area community colleges (Cuyamaca,
Grossmont, Imperial Valley, San Diego City College, San Diego Mesa, San Diego
Miramar, or Southwestern College)
2nd Priority: Local Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT): Complete an ADT from
one of the local admission area community colleges (Cuyamaca, Grossmont, Imperial
Valley, San Diego City College, San Diego Mesa, San Diego Miramar, or Southwestern
College). This means that a Cabrillo student can finish their last ADT/graduation
requirements at one of the above colleges and be considered in the 2nd priority group.
3rd Priority: Non-Local Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT)
4th Priority: All other Transfer Applicants
Per Mario Garcia – Sept, 2014