Minutes of the Graduate Council September 2, 2008 As approved by the Graduate Council, October 7, 2008 Members present: K. Adhikari, S. Bossmann, S. Brown, R. Collins, K. Dillard, M. Donnelly, T. Easton, J. Fliter, K. Getty, S. Garimella, D. Goodin, C. Griffin, D. Gruenbacher, L. Hoag, M. Hossain, M. Kaff, J. Keller, Z. Lin, M. Linville (also served as proxy for J. Katz), M. O’Shea (proxy for B. DePaola), J. Reese, B. Rowland, R. Schaeffer, B. Schultz, G. Shroyer, J. Steichen, K. Taylor, F. White, M. Zolkiewski Members absent: F. Burrack, J. Faubion, S. Haar, V. Krstic Graduate School staff present: S. Fox, J. Guikema, S. Schlender, C. Shanklin 1) Opening remarks Carol Shanklin announced that university administrators have indicated the national search for a permanent Graduate School Dean will be initiated during the 2008-2009 academic year. 2) Minutes of the May 6, 2008 meeting were approved as presented. 3) Graduate School Actions and Announcements The following appointments for graduate faculty membership were approved by the Dean of the Graduate School: Appointments for Graduate Faculty Membership Date approved Name Position Department/Program by Graduate School Kevin Roberts Assistant Professor Hospitality Mangt. & Dietetics 07/09/08 Lotta Larson Assistant Professor Elementary Education 08/25/08 Laurie Curtis Assistant Professor Elementary Education 08/25/08 Shannon Washburn Associate Professor Communications 08/26/08 Brandonn Harris Assistant Professor Special Education, Counseling 08/27/08 and Student Affairs 4) Graduate Council Academic Affairs Committee - Report of Graduate Faculty Membership Categories Task Force Frank White presented a brief overview of the graduate faculty membership categories task force report. The task force presented a recommendation for a new category of the Graduate Faculty, Graduate Faculty Associate (GFA). A GFA is a professional faculty member who, while lacking the appropriate terminal degree, possesses specialized training, experience or certification required for specific teaching or committee service that is not found among the regularly appointed faculty. The task force is proposing the GFA member would be permitted to limited graduate faculty membership for teaching and advising activities in graduate degree programs of the University. The task force invited feedback from other Council members via email to Shannon Fox at gradinfo@ksu.edu. Feedback should be received no later than Friday, September 12, 2008. The GFA recommendation will be presented for approval at the September Academic Affairs Committee meeting and if approved, will be presented for final approval at the October 7, 2008 Graduate Council meeting. - Course and Curriculum Process Shannon Fox presented a brief update of the revised course and curriculum procedure. The Course and Curriculum Approval Manual and iSIS course and curriculum forms can be found on the Registrar’s Website at: http://www.k-state.edu/registrar/ccap/ . 5) Student Affairs Committee Carol Shanklin reminded Council members that the revised ETDR ballot was implemented summer 2008. The revised ballot incorporated signature lines for the student’s examining committee indicating they have read and approved the final document (thesis, report or dissertation). 6) Committee on Planning No report. 7) Committee on Assessment and Review Carol Shanklin presented an update of the Board of Regents review. Final Board of Regents and mid-cycle reports are currently being submitted to the Graduate School. The committee will begin reviewing the reports in their September meeting and provide feedback to programs. 8) Graduate Student Council Information Shiva Garimella presented the following update of the Graduate Student Council’s (GSC) activities. - Graduate Student Council Meeting The Graduate Student Council is scheduled to meet September 8, 2008 at 12:00 pm in Waters Hall 137. - Travel Grant The deadline to submit travel grants for the November 1, 2008 – February 28, 2009 travel period is September 15, 2008. Travel grants may be submitted online at: http://www.k-state.edu/grad/gspeopleorg/gsc/tginst.htm. - Friends of McCain GSC will co-host Friends of McCain on September 18, 2008 at 5:30 pm in the Bluemont Room of the K-State Union. Further details will be emailed to graduate students via the GSC listserv. - Ice Cream Social The GSC ice cream social will be held October 9, 2008 at 12:00 pm on the east side of Fairchild Hall. 9) University Research and Scholarship - NRC Update Carol Shanklin indicated the results from the National Research Council are now expected to be released October 2008. - NBAF Jim Guikema briefly discussed the National Bio and Agro-defense Facility. This will be a $450 million research facility, at the biological level-4 containment, owned and operated jointly by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The K-State proposal was selected as one of five finalists by the NBAF team. The Department of Homeland Security will make the final selection in October of 2008. Jim invited Council members to provide comments pertaining to NBAF to him via email at guikema@ksu.edu. 10) Other business - Personal Background Checks Carol Shanklin presented a brief overview of the recently required personal background checks. Detailed information can be found on the Graduate School secure website at: http://www.k-state.edu/grad/deptinfo/studemployment/background%20checks/backgroundchecks.htm. - Graduate Catalog Preview Shannon Fox presented a brief overview of the new Graduate Catalog. The catalog can be accessed at http://catalog.k-state.edu/index.php?catoid=2. For additional details and features of the catalog please view the Online Catalog Tutorial at: http://catalog.k-state.edu/content.php?catoid=2&navoid=1158. 2 - iSIS Update Scott Schlender presented a brief overview of the Graduate School milestones in iSIS. For specific Graduate School related iSIS questions, please contact Scott at scottsch@ksu.edu or 532-6191. - Graduate School Calendar A copy of the 2008-2009 Graduate School Calendar was provided for informational purposes. The 2008-2009 calendar can be found on the Graduate School website at: http://www.k-state.edu/grad/gshome/calendar.pdf. - 2008-2009 Graduate Council Directory A copy of the 2008-2009 Graduate Council Directory was provided for informational purposes. Graduate Council contact information can be found on the Graduate School website at: http://www.k-state.edu/grad/gspeopleorg/council/counmemb.htm. 11) Caucus meetings - Academic Area Caucus Committee Assignments A short meeting was held for each caucus to decide on representation from the caucus on each of the four policy committees. Each committee must have at least one member from each caucus. The tables below identify the committee assignments for the 2008-2009 academic year: APPLIED NATURAL SCIENCE ACADEMIC AREA CAUCUS Name Department Koushik Adhikari Human Nutrition Jon Faubion Grain Science and Industry Kelly Getty Food Science John Reese Entomology Frank White Plant Pathology Academic Affairs Student Affairs Committee on Planning Assessment and Review ARTS AND HUMANITIES ACADEMIC AREA CAUCUS Name Department Fred Burrack Music Michael Donnelly English Charles Griffin Speech Communication, Theatre & Dance John Keller Landscape Architecture Vladimir Krstic Architecture Academic Affairs 3 Student Affairs Committee on Planning Assessment and Review BASIC NATURAL SCIENCE ACADEMIC AREA CAUCUS Name Department Stefan Bossmann Chemistry Sue Brown Biology Brett DePaola Physics Bob Rowland Diagnostic Medicine/ Pathobiology Bruce Schultz Anatomy & Physiology Michal Zolkiewski Biochemisty Academic Affairs Student Affairs Committee on Planning Assessment and Review BUSINESS AND EDUCATION ACADEMIC AREA CAUCUS Name Department Royce Ann Collins Educational Leadership Marilyn Kaff Special Education Jeff Katz Management Mark Linville Accounting Gail Shroyer Elementary Education Kay Ann Taylor Secondary Education Academic Affairs Student Affairs Committee on Planning Assessment and Review MATHEMATICS AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES ACADEMIC AREA CAUCUS Name Department Todd Easton Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Don Gruenbacher Electrical and Computer Engineering Mustaque Hossain Civil Engineering Zongzhu Lin Mathematics James Steichen Biological and Agricultural Engineering Academic Affairs 4 Student Affairs Committee on Planning Assessment and Review SOCIAL SCIENCES ACADEMIC AREA CAUCUS Name Department John Fliter Political Science Doug Goodin Geography Sherry Haar Apparel, Textiles and Interior Design Linda Hoag Family Studies and Human Services Robert Schaeffer Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work Academic Affairs Student Affairs Committee on Planning Assessment and Review Graduate Council and policy committee meeting schedules can be found on the Graduate School website at: http://www.k-state.edu/grad/gspeopleorg/council/meetings.htm. Council was adjourned at 4:40 p.m. 5