College Planning Council (CPC) and Committees Reporting to the CPC As Facilitator of a Cabrillo College Participatory Governance Committee, your input is required annually to help evaluate and improve the effectiveness of Cabrillo's participatory governance structures, functions and processes. 1. For which committee are you completing this survey? (If you serve as Facilitator on more than one committee, please complete a separate survey for each.) Outcomes Assessment Review Committee (ARC) Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IE) Classified Prioritization Committee Professional Engagement and Transformational Learning Committee (PETL) College Planning Council (CPC) Technology Committee Facilities Planning Committee (FPC) Student Equity and Success Committee 2. For this Committee, how often do (did) you attend meetings this academic year? I attended all scheduled meetings. I attended more than 75% of the meetings. I attended 50-75% of the meetings. I attended less than half of the meetings. 3. Do you feel you have a clear understanding of this Committee's structure and purpose? Yes Somewhat No Comments (please specify): 4. Frequency of Meetings: Annually Weekly or Bi-Weekly Quarterly Ad Hoc (for brief period of time) Monthly Other Other (please specify): 1 5. Agendas Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree NA/Don't Know 1. Agendas and minutes were provided electronically to all participants prior to all Committee meetings. 2. Agenda items were appropriate for this group at this type of meeting. 3. The meeting and discussions usually followed the agenda. 6. Meeting Type/Space/Size/Composition Too Small Just Right Too Large NA/Don't Know 1. The size of the group is appropriate. 2. The meeting room was of appropriate size and arrangement. 7. Is the membership of the committee appropriate to the goals? Yes Somewhat No How could the composition of the committee be improved? 2 8. Meeting Process Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree NA/Don't Know Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree NA/Don't Know 1. The meetings started and finished on time. 2. Time utilization was effective. 3. It was clear who was responsible for carrying out the action items. 4. Committee members were given adequate information to make informed recommendations and decisions. 5. Discussions were data-informed and supported by sound evidence. 6. All members attended regularly. 7. All members were encouraged to be actively involved. 8. Discussions were collegial, and differing opinions were respected. 9. The Committee charge was understood, and the members worked toward fulfilling the charge. 10. I regularly communicated with the members of the constituent group I represented regarding key items discussed and actions taken during Committee meetings. 11. The Committee has a website with minutes, agendas, and membership. 9. Facilitator/Recorder 1. Facilitator kept the group focused on the common task. 2. Facilitator kept the meeting moving. 3. Facilitator brought the Committee to closure, agreeing on action items. 4. Facilitator was effective. 5. The Recorder captured the basic ideas of the meeting. 3 10. Annual Goals Please list the main Committee goals and related action items for the past academic year (2014-2015): GOAL 1. & Action Items GOAL 2. & Action Items GOAL 3. & Action Items GOAL 4. & Action Items 11. Current Status of Goals Listed Above: COMPLETED IN PROGRESS (to be IN PROGRESS (to be continued next completed this semester or academic academic year) year) DELETED OTHER Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4 Other (please specify): 12. List any additional Committee websites, not shown below, containing digital reports, evaluations and/or outcomes. WEBSITES FOR COMMITTEES REPORTING TO CPC: ARC: Classified Prioritization: CPC: FPC: IE: PETL: TECH: Student Equity & Success: 4 13. Please select your constituency group(s). Adjunct Faculty Administrator/Manager Classified/Confidential Staff Contract Faculty Governing Board Student 14. In which College component do you primarily work? Administrative Services Instruction President's Office Student Services Other Other (please specify): 15. Name of Committee Facilitator: 16. Additional Comments: Thank you for your participation! 5