Approved Minutes Committee Name: Institutional Effectiveness (IE) Date: Thursday, February 12, 2015 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Facilitators/Location/Chair: Terrence Willett/SAC 214 Members (Attendees in bold) Guests: Terrence Willett, Chair; Marcy Alancraig, Lois Christos, Claire Conklin, Carter Frost, Michelle Donohue, Rory O’Brien, Karen Reyes, Kathie Welch. Agenda Items: Topic 1. Welcome 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Approval of Agenda Outcomes The IE Chair welcomed Committee members, including new member Dr. Michelle Donohue, Dean of Student Services, who introduced herself to the group, noting she was SLO Lead at West Valley College and has a long‐standing passion for college Institutional Effectiveness efforts. The 12/10/14 minutes were approved. The 2/12/15 agenda was approved, with the deletion of #10, which duplicated item 6; there was also a request that the minutes mention that not all of the agenda items recommended in the 12/10/14 minutes were included on the 2/12/15 agenda. The Chair acknowledged the need to prioritize the Strategic Plan Update this meeting over some of the other updates, in preparation for a March Governing Board item due next week. It was agreed the postponed agenda items would be all be discussed at future IE meetings this semester. 4. Accreditation Standards & Institute Update Cabrillo reps. hope to attend the Accreditation Institute Feb. 20‐21, but it is currently full. Planning and Research Office staff remains on a waiting list in hopes of a cancellation. The IE’s student representative noted that ACCJC may be taping the workshop which would allow the IE Committee to review the proceedings. The Chair mentioned the Statewide Academic Senate is presenting a Participatory Governance workshop at Cabrillo on 2/17/15. Cabrillo’s midterm report preparation begins now, spring semester, 2015 and is due October, 2016. The V.P. of Instruction noted this is a very new committee. The SLO Coordinator 5. Institutional Effectiveness Partnership asked about a Cabrillo rep. getting on the committee. The Chair agreed to check Initiative Advisory Committee Update with his counterpart. The SLO Coordinator emphasized that setting (reasonable) targets is an 6. Preview of Institutional Set Standards important Committee charge. Bakersfield has a model and is presenting on it. The Committee discussed strategies for making Institutional Set Standards relevant, accessible and of interest to the college community. The Chair suggested incorporating Institutional Set Standards with the Scorecard data being presented to the Cabrillo Governing Board in May. The student rep. and chair discussed the origin of Scorecard data and its accuracy. 7. Review/Update College Strategic Plan (CSP) The Chair presented the Committee with the online CSP. The group reviewed and updated several of the fifty 2014‐15 “action items” displayed. The Smartsheet for Board Report Accreditation Smartsheet was also reviewed and updated. The following agenda items were discussed for the March 2015 meeting: 8. Summarize Action Items/Agenda Building Institutional Set Standards; Participatory Governance Survey; Resource Request Form; Updates on Classified Prioritization, Student Equity Plan and ARC. Continued on back. 1 Approved Minutes Action Items: 1. Follow up on Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative Advisory Committee membership opportunities. (IE Chair) Opportunities outlined in FAQs:‐Effectiveness‐FAQ‐02‐04‐2015.pdf 2. Discuss with Dennis Bailey‐Fougnier the “Culture of Student Success” item, what it means, and its status. (Karen Reyes) 3. Officially recommend to the President and CPC that a master list of committee information/details be established, ideally on a common website template, for presentation to the college community. Additionally, the CPC site will minimally add a grid of committees that report to CPC. (Confidential IE Rep. and PRO) 4. Help update participatory governance chart/diagram(s). (Lead Library/LRC Specialist, Classified I.E. Rep.) 5. Create/implement participatory governance committee survey, and staff/faculty accreditation survey. Bring samples/draft to 3/12/15 meeting. (PRO) 6. Read Cabrillo Governance Manual (12/3/14 draft) at (All I.E. Members) 7. Read about new standards on ACCJC website. (All I.E. Members) Effectiveness Links: 1. 2. Institutional Effectiveness: Program Planning: 3. Accreditation Self‐Study: 4. College Strategic Planning: 5. 6. Accreditation Standards and Recommendations: Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC): Printed on 100% post‐consumer waste recycled fiber. 2