Committee Name: Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC)

Draft Minutes Committee Name: Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC)
Date: Thursday, September 10, 2015
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Facilitator/Chair/Location: Terrence Willett/SAC 214
Terrence Willett, Chair; Marcy Alancraig, Lois Christos, Claire Conklin, Michelle Donohue, Carter Frost, (Attendees Liber McKee, Rory O’Brien, Karen Reyes, Kathie Welch. in bold)
Guests: Agenda Items:
1. Introductions 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Approval of Agenda 4. Updates 5. Committee Goals 6. IE Indicators Outcomes
The IE Chair welcomed Committee members, including new member Student Senator Liber McKee, and members introduced themselves. The note taker was thanked, and the minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved. With the addition of an IEPI (Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative) workshop update, the 9/10/15 proposed agenda was unanimously approved. IEPI: The Chair noted that the next IEPI workshop was scheduled for 10/30/15 at Alan Hancock Community College (CC), (195 mi.); registration link: followed by Clovis CC 11/6/15 (156 mi.); registration link:
CSP: The College Strategic Plan (CSP) smartsheet was reviewed (link below). Digital Archives Project: This group met and determined Board Docs may be used for storage of Cabrillo Library archives. Exec. Assistants will administer the transition of Governing Board and other Cabrillo documents to Board Docs. A Board Docs training is scheduled at Cabrillo for 9/16/15. The Chair noted that if implementation goes well, stored documents will be searchable, allowing IE to more readily analyze committee minutes for evidence of use of data in decision making. The Chair reviewed the purpose of the IEC, which serves as the Accreditation Steering Committee and works to improve program planning and resource allocation processes to support student learning. IEC 2015‐16 goals were reviewed. A faculty member re‐stated the IEC purpose so articulately and clearly that the Chair asked him to draft a simple‐to‐understand description of the IEC’s purpose to share with the college community. The SLO Coordinator provided feedback to help improve the committee goal development process, and suggested IEC results from the participatory governance committee survey be shared with/reviewed by the IEC. The Chair agreed PRO would follow up with committee chairs before the October 9 goal development deadline to emphasize the goals provided suggestions based on CSP action plans, and that edits/rewrites were encouraged The Chair noted that, in future, communication about the need to prepare/gather committee goals would begin earlier, encouraging committees to development their own goals first. The Chair asked for the SLO Coordinator’s help editing and revising the IEC’s goals. It was suggested a master meeting calendar be created and updated. The Chair said he would follow up with PETL (Professional Engagement and Transformational Learning) about consolidated calendar options. The Executive Assistant to the VP of Instruction noted there is a College Meetings calendar on the Leadership and Governance website. The SLO Coordinator mentioned she wasn’t aware of that calendar and suggested it be expanded to incorporate all committee meetings, and the link be added to the Cabrillo home page Faculty/Staff Area. She noted that Astra, the room scheduling program, was not available to faculty. Cabrillo’s IE Indicators, required by the CCCCO (California Community College Chancellor’s Office) are due 3/15/16 and will be the first item on the 10/15/15 IE agenda. Defining and determining these indicators will require budget development assistance from the VP of Admin. Serv., among others. The Chair emphasized the need for IE members to discuss budget indicators with all constituency groups. E.g., by what process should budget indicators be determined, such as % of Cabrillo’s budget to allocate to salaries/benefits? Continued on back. 1 of 2 Draft Minutes 7. ACCJC Midterm Report The VP of Instruction noted the team is not full established yet. She is preparing a timeline for the 10/15/16 submission of the ACCJC (Accrediting Commission for Community & Junior Colleges) Midterm Report. Responsible parties (including the Gov. Board Chair, College President (or ARC, IE and Student Servs. committees in her place), as well as other appropriate staff and faculty) will be contacted to draft progress report segments for their relevant accreditation recommendation(s). The VP of Instruction pointed out one substantial change in the report will be expanded Distance Education offerings. Working back from the 10/15/16 Midterm Report deadline, the VP of Instruction discussed the following tentative timeline: 
December 18, 2015 (by end of Fall, 2015 semester) – Deadline for responsible parties to submit report drafts January – April, 2016 – V.P., Instruction writes/edits final draft of Accreditation Mid‐Term Report April, 2016 ‐ Presentation to CPC for review (vote in May, 2016) May, 2016 – Vote by CPC (after review) June 13, 2016 (2nd Monday in June) Gov. Board Info Item, back to a May CPC vote July 11 or August 1 if no July meeting, 2016 Gov. Board Action Item August and September, 2016 ‐ Final revisions October 15, 2016 ‐ Final report due to the ACCJC. 8. Set Standards The SLO Coordinator noted that “programs” are courses, certificates and degrees, and “departments” are people. The date of the next accreditation visit was discussed, and confirmed to be scheduled for the year 2019. This agenda item will be discussed at the October 15, 2015 IEC meeting.
9. Action Items Action items listed below. Action Items:
1. Contact proposed IE members and trainer(s), including Robin McFarland, Michelle Morton, Terri, Francine, Graciano, and VPs. Updated IE website membership list accordingly. (Chair/PRO, Faculty Reps. V.P.) 2. Attend IEPI workshop. Chair to contact President re: workshop expense reimbursement and VP of Instruction about attending. (Chair, Faculty Rep., V.P. of Instruction) 3. Distribute IE survey results to members for review/recommendations. Add review of results under IEC Goal 1. (PRO)
4. Draft a practical, simple‐to‐understand description of IEC goals for dissemination to college community. (Rory)
5. Develop an Accreditation Mid‐Term Report timeline, working back from the Oct. 16 deadline 6. Help update participatory governance charts/diagrams. (Lead Library/LRC Specialist, Classified IE Rep.) 7. Recommend to the President and CPC the establishment of a master list of committee info/detail, including meeting dates,
ideally on common website template for presentation to college community. (Confidential IE Rep. and PRO) 8. Read Cabrillo Governance Manual
and new standards on ACCJC website (All IE Members) Effectiveness Links: 1.
Institutional Effectiveness: Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative: Accreditation Self‐Study: Accreditation Standards and Recommendations: Cabrillo College Strategic Planning (CSP): Cabrillo College Program Planning: College Meetings, Key governance and committee calendar:
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