Degrees and Certificates Awarded by Demography STUDENT PERFORMANCE Associate of Arts/Science Degrees awarded by ethnicity by year African American Asian Filipino Hispanic/Latino Multiple/Other Native American Non-Respondents Pacific Islander White Total: 2008-09 # % 11 1% 22 3% 10 1% 201 26% 6 1% 11 1% 39 5% 1 0% 482 61% 783 2009-10 # % 9 1% 27 3% 10 1% 247 27% 6 1% 6 1% 53 6% 3 0% 541 60% 902 2010-11 # % 9 1% 21 2% 13 1% 247 27% 13 1% 6 1% 68 7% 9 1% 523 57% 909 2011-12 # % 13 1% 18 2% 12 1% 300 30% 12 1% 5 0% 68 7% 6 1% 578 57% 1012 2012-13 '12 to '13 # % % Change 11 1% -15% 26 2% 44% 12 1% 0% 391 33% 30% 35 3% 192% 6 1% 20% 60 5% -12% 13 1% 117% 639 54% 11% 1193 18% 2011-12 # % 4 1% 13 4% 2 1% 123 40% 0 0% 3 1% 19 6% 0 0% 141 46% 305 2012-13 '12 to '13 # % % Change 0 0% -100% 1 1% -92% 4 2% 100% 89 53% -28% 0 0% -na0 0% -100% 2 1% -89% 0 0% -na72 43% -49% 168 -45% 2011-12 # % 5 2% 3 1% 0 0% 61 26% 0 0% 4 2% 21 9% 2 1% 140 59% 236 2012-13 '12 to '13 # % % Change 5 2% 0% 0 0% -100% 2 1% -na71 32% 16% 2 1% -na0 0% -100% 18 8% -14% 0 0% -100% 126 56% -10% 224 -5% Certificates of Achievement awarded by ethnicity by year African American Asian Filipino Hispanic/Latino Multiple/Other Native American Non-Respondents Pacific Islander White Total: 2008-09 # % 5 1% 12 3% 5 1% 110 30% 2 1% 4 1% 21 6% 2 1% 202 55% 363 2009-10 # % 5 1% 13 2% 4 1% 171 31% 5 1% 1 0% 26 5% 1 0% 318 58% 544 2010-11 # % 8 2% 18 3% 9 2% 147 28% 3 1% 5 1% 40 8% 6 1% 284 55% 520 Skill Certificates awarded by ethnicity by year African American Asian Filipino Hispanic/Latino Multiple/Other Native American Non-Respondents Pacific Islander White Total: 2008-09 # % 3 2% 10 5% 1 1% 54 28% 2 1% 2 1% 12 6% 1 1% 105 55% 190 2009-10 # % 0 0% 3 2% 1 1% 43 30% 0 0% 0 0% 14 10% 0 0% 84 58% 145 2010-11 # % 1 0% 6 3% 2 1% 61 30% 0 0% 2 1% 12 6% 0 0% 118 58% 202 Associate of Arts/Science Degrees awarded by gender by year Female Male Total: 2008-09 # % 478 61% 305 39% 783 2009-10 # % 550 61% 352 39% 902 2010-11 # % 560 62% 344 38% 904 2011-12 # % 641 63% 369 37% 1010 2012-13 '12 to '13 # % % Change 715 60% 12% 478 40% 30% 1193 18% 2010-11 # % 337 65% 180 35% 517 2011-12 # % 232 76% 72 24% 304 2012-13 '12 to '13 # % % Change 140 83% -40% 28 17% -61% 168 -45% 2010-11 # % 134 67% 66 33% 200 2011-12 # % 131 56% 103 44% 234 2012-13 '12 to '13 # % % Change 115 51% -12% 109 49% 6% 224 -4% Certificates of Achievement awarded by gender by year Female Male Total: 2008-09 # % 241 66% 122 34% 363 2009-10 # % 369 68% 175 32% 544 Skill Certificates awarded by gender by year Female Male Total: 2008-09 # % 109 58% 80 42% 189 2009-10 # % 79 55% 65 45% 144 Source: Datatel. Students may be duplicated, as one student may receive multiple awards.C119 Unknowns were removed; this may result in totals not aligning with totals on other pages. Numbers for prior years may exceed those reported in prior years, as some degrees and certificates are processed late. Cabrillo College - FACT BOOK 2013 [Awards_by_Demo] 12/4/2013 Page 1