Cabrillo: President’s Listening Tour Notes Questions •

Cabrillo: President’s Listening Tour Notes
• Questions
1. How to you define the Cabrillo Way?
2. What has been your vision for Cabrillo?
3. What would each constituent say is the best thing
about Cabrillo?
4. If we could be the perfect Cabrillo, what one thing
would need to be added?
5. What is the one we could improve at Cabrillo?
6. What are the two words you would use to describe
How to you define the Cabrillo Way?
An intelligent approach to issues
A lack of rigidity that embraces ambiguity
An excuse for something ridiculous with a wink and a smile
Never really understood, been here 27 years (2)
Good ole boys
Scape goat phrase for not dealing with things
We’ve always done it like this (stagnation) – (4)
Very detailed & slow
Accepting of others ideas while still being passionate about your own
Everything is home grown here- organic
Able to develop holistically
collaborative but slow
success building
management changing classified with little notice
How to you define the Cabrillo Way? (Cont.)
Stop defining the Cabrillo way, sometimes it comes across negative
unity among a select few
to keep with what has worked in the past and slowly adopted to the present while hoping it looks to the
Connected, Caring Comrades – relational position of supporting and promoting new ideas and each other
Seeing each other as resources and support
Shared governance
Light and dark way
It’s about community and people
Serendipitous and excellent
Well intentioned but discombobulated
Whatever it is at the moment
Sometimes not logical but often delightfully so
Flexibility with rules
Complex and old school
Light = freedom to do great things/individual excellence
Dark = difficult to get anything done/dampening of efforts
Historical precedent that has grown with the college
Go to outer limit of the rule without breaking the law to serve the student community of our campus
What has been your vision for Cabrillo?
Realistic how we see ourselves
Affordable and accessible (2)
Continued academic freedom
Staffing & salaries- fully staffed/fully funded
A secure funding stream
Increased diversity in hiring and staffing
Increase Latino leadership skills- need greater sense of community @ Scotts Valley & Watsonville
(disconnected from the Main Campus, services have been eroded)
A place to discover one’s passions and enjoy learning (be able to explore and try things)
put community back in the college (3) - What can we do to best serve our community?
A vibrant entity in the community that supports enrichment of students both from transfer, CTE and benefitting
community at large in terms of enriching educational opportunities
What has been your vision for Cabrillo?
authentic shared governance
empowering student and student success
Holding onto what’s best in programs and departments
Life changing education
Study art and personal interest
Personal enrichment
Building synergy
Great people doing great things – bring them together
Positive educational environment
Community values Cabrillo as the best place to start
Sustainability as a core educational premise
Responsive to change
What would each constituent say is the best
thing about Cabrillo?
Faculty- quality faculty ,great teaching, academic freedom, fun & creativity
Classified- Collaboration for student success, sense of equality equality of importance, too much to do
care about students (2)
Classroom excellence
One of the best things at Cabrillo
Quality of education
Shared governance
Union bargaining working conditions and the like (2)
participatory decision making power
climate is rebuilding
Mission of the college/students
Willingness to serve and go beyond (3)
Agree faculty are best part of the college
They are the excellence in worker bees and peer success
Students- teachers, smaller classes, an excellent college, diversity, involved students, student clubs.
faculty and student services
Love this place!
“Biding my time” - Apathy
Love the community & being part of something bigger than themselves
Curriculum meaningful
What would each constituent say is the best
thing about Cabrillo? (Cont.)
Administrators- community opportunities, good relationships with faculty, open to criticism,
Faculty / Staff (2)
Amazing collegiality
Mission and the students (2)
Collegiality among the administrators
Positive working environment
Great faculty and staff
People who care
Strong commitment
Helping to make Cabrillo the best college
Community- responsive to needs, diverse, activities and community events, excellent faculty,
access, Cabrillo is shining star of the community
true place in the community.
Jewel of the community
Diversity of offerings
Good facilities
Part of their community
Premier place to improve
If we could be the perfect Cabrillo, what one
thing would need to be added?
Staffing and resources (3)
Increased faculty and counseling
Stable budget (2)
Network / expansion of childcare services on campus (2)
Systems/Training (streamlined & automated) / Email technology (2)
Competitive Pay
Multi-cultural opportunity
Faculty/Department interaction (sharing & learning)
Women’s re-entry center
Less Hierarchy
Streamlined student planning and services (good information for all)
If we could be the perfect Cabrillo, what one
thing would need to be added? (Cont.)
increased resources (money and facilities, efficient work schedules and improved business systems)
recognition opportunities
improve services and implementation of student success act
communicate issues that affect other components (example: faculty giving completion certificates where
they do not exist)
Vibrant speakers series to explore issues of the day (local talent and further)
Focused delivery of career pathways/choices sooner
Students increase of purpose and career choice
Every student can experience ACE as part of his or her introduction to the College
“Light the fire within”
Beautification on campus
Become more of a community
Repeatability issues as it relates to community interest and need
Consistent Innovation and Leadership should be acknowledged and respected
What is the one we could improve at Cabrillo?
Facilities improvements (overpass, 2nd one)- not just light, Facilities are tired & they need to be upgraded Consider new (2)
More staff training and improved professional development (2)
Create a culture of appreciation (2)
More rapid and authentic program process (2)
College calendar with committee meetings
Communication & streamlined, easy (simplified) processes
Communication of compliance
More garbage bins, garbage collection/responsible recycling (too many suspicious packages), increase recycle bins
Signage for designated smoking/no skateboarding
Fires from ashes in garbage cans
Resources, pay & budget increases, adjunct participation & parity, & hiring all staff
Review of class cancellations and repeatability policy
Make it easier for students to ask for help
improve community and mutual respect for input (everyone's voice is equally respected)
streamline work for efficiency and ease and improve consistent communication and enhanced contact access to
outsourced agencies.
bargaining salaries equal to cost of living or more (facilities benefit-free use of gym, more parking, 4-10s, vision
consider roles and responsibility
Community/Collegial appreciating one another for what they do well
What is the one we could improve at Cabrillo?
Systems are cumbersome also
Improve safety on the campus
Grounds improvement
Becoming more united/learning about each other
Being sensitive to needs
Making sure we have support for workers especially with reductions
Involvement of students on campus
Process improvements
Understanding of prioritization and workload
Availability of response
Voices heard
Understanding what we do inter-departmental
Opening lines of communication
Resource support
Includes our Mission: classes (high demand) and what we do as a college
Staffing (counselors)
Outside of class work/responsibility
Faculty doing classified jobs
What are the two words you would use to
describe Cabrillo?
Serve well-hopeful part of community
Life changing
Digging out
Over tired & over worked
Quality education
What are the two words you would use to
describe Cabrillo? (Cont.)
Dynamic energy and dedication
Passion for success out of challenge
Student Centric
Big scale collegiality
Nurturing, helpful and accountable
Good teaching/faculty- effective & collaborative
Complex (2), systems not always as clear as they could be
– Need list of committees
nice place to work; beautiful setting, (friendly place, location)
nice people (compassionate, great staff),
not enough people to provide services; understaffed both classified and
lack of trust of professionalism (hovering) staffing (micro managed -- not
trusting professionalism of the staff)