President/Superintendent Goals 2014-2015 (Approved 8/4/14) Providing Visionary Leadership through Organizational Strategy 1. Develop, implement and evaluate strategic goals for 2014-2015 Cabrillo Connects strategic plan (see attached for this year’s goals) a. Provide leadership for each goal for completion b. Communicate the plan and goals to the external and internal community c. Ensure goals are included in the integrated resource allocation model and in other accreditation standard mandates Lead both equitable and ethically to sustain resources (people, process, information, physical/financial assets) that support the college mission, vision and goals 2. Continue to streamline resource requests and planning to ensure strategic goal completion for the college a. Provide Budget Information and Leadership to the college through CPC – consider a possible budget committee as an operational committee to CPC b. Integrate all “ask” committees that are providing separate feedback and monies into one group for efficiency and elimination of redundancy c. Consider a grants writer position that pays its own salary to be added to the PRO department d. Work with Foundation on one or two capital campaign projects that support department needs for student success (athletics, allied health, horticulture) e. Continue to find efficiencies f. Continue to strive to reduce the deficit while stabilizing enrollment Provide and receive clear communication that sustains the college mission 3. Provide a summary report to the college at large after each board meeting to encourage broad communication of college actions and information (monthly summary) 4. Undertake a continued in-reach to the college by working 2 hours per month – work 2 hours per month in a different service area to learn and listen to college employees and students about what they do and what they need 5. Initiate, develop, assess and evaluate College Values Statements to go along with the college mission and vision statements – these provide the lynchpins for tough decisions in the next five years 6. Develop the new participatory governance committees as part of the college planning process 7. Develop communication and relationships with Academic Senate and the CCFT to help define clear roles and responsibilities and to clarify how we can help one another achieve goals specific to constituencies Ensure and maintain effective collaborations in the external and internal communities 1. Participate in Business Council, S.C. Chamber, S4C and Watsonville Rotary – expand communication of Cabrillo College strategic plan to partners in the Pajaro Valley Chamber and to Monterey Chamber – create Economic Development partnerships where needed and sustainable a. Implement Business Roundtables in South and North County b. Visit county chambers to review the Cabrillo College strategic plan and find partnerships for the college c. Consider joining Silicon Valley Leadership – as a partner with UCSC d. Join two more board for community leadership 2. Develop a deeper relationship and partnership with Cal State Monterey Bay and with UCSC 3. Work with the Santa Cruz County Supervisors on completing the goals set for Cabrillo College through the county economic development plan 4. Complete AB86 planning with the county 5. Create committee tools (participatory governance toolkit) for each committee to use that delineates committee goals as related to (accreditation recommendations, planning agendas from self-evaluation, Educational Master Plan) and create collaborative meetings for committees to discuss what is working and not working in our institutional planning 6. Engage the college in diversity and cultural competency through the Student Equity plan and committee 7. Create more opportunities for students to interact with the college and the community Be an effective leader in community college advocacy 1. Continue to market and develop options and alternatives for lifelong learners through the Extension program 2. Consider an enlargement of our International learning and/or student program 3. Continue to advocate for college readiness through S4C 4. Advocate for regional relationships that promote grants and other resources 5. Continue to advocate for lifelong learning noncredit apportionment 6. Participate in League and CEO conferences that promote the community college system mission 7. Promote institutional learning and excellence throughout the college a. Increase professional development opportunities for all constituents b. Visit other colleges with faculty/staff to find best practices to replicate c. Create and empower the Vice Presidents to advocate through their associations Promote and Model Professionalism 1. Create processes and systems that set high standards for the college culture and for continuous improvements a. Flex Day workshop on civility in the workplace b. Team Building with the Cabinet and the Administrators/Managers c. Increased understanding of the roles and responsibilities of our service units – continued work on leadership 2. Create more venues for authentic dialogue a. Nurture the new committees with structured dialogue tools that create summary and action b. Continue the President’s Roundtable c. Provide professional development for all constituents – what do we want to model as leaders 3. Continue personal and institutional professional development for personnel, trustees and students where appropriate