President’s Goals Summary July 15th – December 30th 2013 Prepare for October 2013 site visit: Review of accreditation standards with Trustees at Board Retreat Worked with accreditation steering team on creating and disseminating practice questions before team arrival Worked on accreditation ‘primer’ Assisted in site visit interviews Reviewed planning agendas and provided Smartsheet benchmarks for those planning agendas given to the president – worked with CPC on a consistent planning agenda/site visit recommendation template for campus use Reviewed site team report for factual error Worked with CPC to provide an integrated budget plan using program plans and technology plan Worked with VPI on setting up a different process for the steering committee moving forward Set up work teams for self-evaluation planning agendas – President’s items only Worked with PIO to create accreditation web-link to publicize commission results in January Informed the community regarding accreditation via all public speaking events this fall Reviewed best practices at college who have been highlighted with immediate re-accreditation Accreditation Celebration party for the college Plan for and help continue to implement board goals 12/13: Worked with CPC and the Vice President’s on continuing to pare down the deficit Continued trustee participation in shared governance events, and retreats CPC retreat: Creating the Participatory Governance Handbook Completing all board policy revisions Created Superintendent’s / President’s Board Report to communicate constituent news and information Developed and Communicated Listening Tour Results Continued the ‘green practice’ for board meetings Set up community meetings to discuss repeatability changes and consequences to lifelong learning Community Building: See attached list of speaking engagements and community participation Kept office hours at Watsonville one morning or afternoon each week (exception for week of accreditation site visit or Watsonville community engagements) Created media points for emergency preparedness response – for community forums- created Cabrillo College Top Ten for all speaking engagements – created Fact Sheet for speaking engagements and Foundation reports Attendance at one athletic event per sport – one music/theatre/art event – other events as available Attendance and speaker at all Foundation Events Create and Implement College Listening Tour: Held 5 listening tour sessions at different times of the day and evening and different days of the week Summarized all tour responses by theme Created SWOT Presented SWOT to constituency groups and explained next steps – Visioning All Listening Tour information posted on the President’s Office website Understand Administrator Climate: Created a survey for interest in professional development Met individually with most of the administrators to discuss Cabrillo’s past and their challenges and passions Started the Strengths Quest professional development with the Vice Presidents Started professional development with the All Managers group Met with the administrator bargaining group – discussed the development of an administrator handbook – possible goal for next year Create Community Key Learnings: Included key learnings in the listening tour results Will include key learnings from the Foundation Board brainstorm into the visioning results Created key learnings from the community for three Cabrillo Corner reports to the college Summarized key learnings from Watsonville Center advisory into Visioning Created Key learnings regarding lifelong learning from the two community forums Met with community members separately to understand Cabrillo’s history throughout the county and included those key learnings in follow up meetings at the college Meet all k-12 and higher ed leadership: Met all superintendents and CEO of UCSC – still have not met the CEO of Monterey State University S4C participation and review of future planning Attended superintendents monthly meeting to discuss high school outreach Met with UCSC educational personnel to discuss growing partnerships in international students, science and housing Met with CEO of San Jose State University on a technology partnership Review technology plan and provide support: Reviewed all budget options to create a technology refresh Worked with CPC to prioritize technology resources and allocate by priorities Worked with TLC on board agenda – switch to Board Docs Working on a major technology initiative for Watsonville Center Develop the Cabinet Team: Held a cabinet retreat and created common goals Created ground-rules for Cabinet meetings Started Strengths Quest professional development Created structured Cabinet meeting agendas and outcomes Get to know the board and communicate with the board: Created board expectations questionnaire Met with each board member at least once – some not able to meet monthly Created board blog for communications Created Board Report Attended Board community events Developed president goals for board review, comment and guidance Reviewed Board webpages at several community colleges for updates – to be completed in January (this includes Trustee Smith’s recommendation on resource links) Develop Superintendent Skills: Attended League training Created a CEO network for phone calls; worked with CEO of Santa Barbara City College to develop community forums and advisory- worked with other college leadership on team presentations Developed a link with legal to ask questions specific to needs of the superintendent