The SUPC Framework Agreement for Temporary Agency Staffing Services. A Buyer’s Guide Period of Agreement: 9th March 2015 to 8th March 2018 (with an option to extend up to a further year) Version 1 March 2015 Strictly Confidential 1 Contents Scope of Agreement and Lots covered Lot 1 – Admin and Clerical Roles Lot 2 – Ancillary Roles Lot 3 – Corporate Function Roles Lot 4 – IT Function Roles Lot 5 – Master Vendor System Lot 6 – Neutral Vendor System Lot 7 – Talent Bank System Supplier Contact Information Participating Consortia Details Original Tender Scores Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Suppliers Awarded by Lot Commission Rates Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Temp to Perm Rates Lots 1 – 3 Temp to Perm Rates Lots 4-6 Page 3 Page 3 Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 Page 4 Page 4 Page 4 Page 5 Page 5 Page 6 Page 6 Page 6 Page 6 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 -11 Page 12 -13 Page 14-15 Page 16-17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 2 Scope of Agreement and Lots Covered This Agreement was awarded in seven Lots covering the following areas: Lot 1 Administration and Clerical Roles This lot covers the ‘traditional’ temp roles such as Office Administrator, Receptionist, Data Entry Clerk, Filing Clerk, most Customer Service roles and most other assistant and typist roles. It has been expanded to cover roles such as Deanery Assistant, PAs, Librarian and Library Assistant, and Events Coordinator. The Suppliers on this lot are primarily National Organisations; the bid was open to SMEs by allowing pockets of regional coverage; but the responses were limited. There are 8 Suppliers in this lot most of whom provide a full national coverage. Lot 2 Ancillary Roles This lot covers roles that are associated with Hard and Soft FM, such as Cleaning and Catering roles, Grounds Maintenance, Porters, Security, FM Roles; along with ‘Trade’ roles such as Plumber, Carpenter, Plaster, Electricians and Gas Engineers. It has also been expanded to include Nursery roles and Occupational Health. The Suppliers are again the high street National Agencies; there are six from which to choose. Lot 3 Corporate Function Staff This lot covers a wide range of Corporate Professional functions. Finance – this covers Payroll, Credit Control, Accountancy and Finance Executives. It also covers a range from Procurement roles from Assistant Buyer up to and including Head of Procurement. HR – this covers all HR roles from Admin up to and including Head of HR. It also includes Training officer/manager roles. Marketing and Communications, again covers the full range of roles from junior to senior level. This lot has eight suppliers from which to choose. 3 Lot 4 IT Functions Staff The Tender Working Party with others put together an extensive list of job titles this lot can cover to fulfil. This lot has eight suppliers and include some specialist IT Recruitment Organisations, along with a couple of high street national agencies. Lot 5 Master Vendor System This Lot is the Master Vendor System. There are four suppliers to choose from. The Master Vendor works as One Stop Shop for all the recruitment requirements of the Institution. These are organisations which directly search, register and employ all the agency workers. Lot 6 Neutral Vendor System This Lot is the Neutral Vendor System. There are three suppliers to choose from. The Neutral Vendor System works in two ways. Institutions can appoint them as a One Stop Shop for all their recruitment needs and the agencies will fulfil all the roles from their various recruitment partners and suppliers. Alternatively, the institution can appoint the Neutral Vendor and have them maintain the current relationships with some or all incumbent suppliers and have any remaining requirements fulfilled by the Neutral Vendor as and when required. Lot 7 Talent Bank System This is a system that can be deployed by the agency for the Institution to recruit for temp roles from the Student Body, the Alumni and the local community as appropriate. It allows various specifications such as running the system internally, allowing the agency to run it externally, the ability to pay the temporary workers directly or paying the temps via the agency. Many have inbuilt systems to track the number of hours worked and to keep track of the required right to work documents or visas for foreign nationals as appropriate. 4 Supplier General Contact and Contract Management Details Please note that institution account management details will be included in the suppliers’ own buyer’s guide. Supplier Abatec Adecco Group Allen Lane Blue Arrow Brook Street Certes Computing De Poel Experis Hays Spec Rec Infinity Recruitment Kate+Co Keystone Emp. Group LA International Manpower UK Pertemps Reed Specialist Search Consultancy Steria Group Main Contact Email Address Office Telephone Number 01934 635025 Mobile Telephone Number Natasha Ogden Andy Thomas Peter Hounsham k 020 3031 9624 01582 692692 07769 588 377 07880 527558 01727 848 292 01675 468922 07515 325049 Daniel.masters@manpowergroup 01565 682020 0203 122 0200 01594 888682 07894561479 Sarah Grace Debbie Ruff m 0121 705 0077 0203 384 6496 07818793658 David Barnes Honey Pearce Peter Dixon Clare McCarthy Jackie Lang 01782 203040 01895 205200 01676 525221 0207 6325763 0151 229 5566 Karen Alexander 0161 216 3412 Rob McSherry Simon Churan Joe Tully Daniel Mastesr Victoria Snellgrove Carl wale 07843 516036 07710169904 07515 324658 07702337583 07712880310 07733 361557 Participating Consortia Contact Details Consortium Contact Name Email Address Telephone Number SUPC NEUPC NWUPC APUC Jayne Davis Jonathan Turton Ian Ross Anne Martin 0118 935 7081 0113 344 3954 0161 234 8004 0141 331 3018 This contract is managed by SUPC on behalf of the participating regional purchasing consortia. 5 Overview Lot 1 – Admin and Clerical Staff Tender Evaluation Scores per Supplier Supplier - LOT 1 Blue Arrow Adecco Brook Street Manpower Search Consultancy Hays Pertemps Reed SALES SUPPORT QUALITY TECHNICAL PRICE SCORE FINAL SCORE % SCORE % SCORE % % SCORE % 15.0 13.9 9.5 59.46 97.9 14.4 13.9 10.0 57.26 95.6 11.9 13.4 9.5 60.00 94.8 13.1 13.4 10.0 56.46 93.0 9.4 12.3 9.5 59.88 91.1 13.8 13.4 10.0 53.88 91.0 10.0 12.3 9.5 58.19 90.0 10.0 12.3 8.5 58.79 89.6 Overview Lot 2 – Ancillary Staff Tender Evaluation Scores per Supplier Supplier - LOT 2 Blue Arrow Adecco Manpower Reed Pertemps Hays SALES SUPPORT QUALITY TECHNICAL PRICE SCORE FINAL SCORE % SCORE % SCORE % % SCORE % 15.0 13.9 9.5 60.00 98.4 14.4 13.9 10.0 58.68 97.0 13.1 13.4 10.0 57.41 93.9 11.3 12.3 10.0 58.91 92.5 10.0 12.3 9.5 58.91 90.7 13.8 13.4 10.0 52.10 89.2 Overview Lot 3 – Corporate Functions Lot Tender Evaluation Scores per Supplier Supplier - LOT 3 Adecco Manpower Hays Steria Group Reed Pertemps Kate+Co Allen Lane SALES SUPPORT QUALITY TECHNICAL PRICE SCORE FINAL SCORE % SCORE % SCORE % % SCORE % 24.0 27.9 6.9 32.09 90.8 21.9 26.8 9.4 32.28 90.3 22.9 26.8 7.5 31.93 89.1 21.9 24.6 5.0 34.15 85.7 18.8 24.6 8.1 33.55 85.1 16.7 24.6 8.1 33.32 82.8 16.7 25.7 5.0 31.31 78.7 19.8 21.4 6.9 29.04 77.1 6 Overview Lot 4 – IT Functions Lot Tender Evaluation Scores per Supplier Supplier - LOT 4 Adecco Certes Computing Hays LA International Steria Group Experis Abatec Reed SALES SUPPORT QUALITY TECHNICAL PRICE SCORE FINAL SCORE % SCORE % SCORE % % SCORE % 24.0 27.9 7.5 32.36 91.7 21.9 26.8 8.1 33.53 90.3 22.9 26.8 6.9 32.18 88.8 17.7 26.8 7.5 34.24 86.2 21.9 24.6 5.0 34.54 86.1 20.8 24.6 8.1 32.26 85.9 18.8 25.7 7.5 32.83 84.8 18.8 24.6 7.5 33.64 84.5 Overview Lot 5 – Master Vendor System Tender Evaluation Scores per Supplier Supplier - LOT 5 Adecco Manpower Hays Steria Group SALES SUPPORT QUALITY TECHNICAL PRICE SCORE FINAL SCORE % SCORE % SCORE % % SCORE % 24.0 23.2 17.2 24.73 89.1 21.9 22.3 19.5 24.05 87.8 22.9 22.3 18.8 22.62 86.6 21.9 20.5 18.8 25.00 86.2 Overview Lot 6 – Neutral Vendor System Tender Evaluation Scores per Supplier Supplier - LOT 6 Infinity Recruitment de Poel Steria Group SALES SUPPORT QUALITY TECHNICAL PRICE SCORE FINAL SCORE % SCORE % SCORE % % SCORE % 22.9 23.2 23.4 24.21 93.8 25.0 18.8 22.7 24.32 90.7 21.9 20.5 21.9 25.00 89.3 7 Overview Lot 7 – Talent Bank system Tender Evaluation Scores per Supplier Supplier - LOT 7 de Poel Adecco Keystone Emp Hays SALES SUPPORT QUALITY TECHNICAL PRICE SCORE FINAL SCORE % SCORE % SCORE % % SCORE % 25.0 18.8 22.7 25.00 91.4 24.0 23.2 17.2 24.40 88.8 20.8 19.6 23.4 23.72 87.6 22.9 22.3 21.1 21.05 87.4 8 Suppliers Awarded by Lot Temporary Agency Staffing Services Lot 1 - Admin and Clerical Lot 2 - Ancillary • Blue Arrow •Blue Arrow • Adecco Group • Adecco Group • Brook Street • Manpower • Search Consultancy • Hays Spec. Rec • Pertemps • Reed Spec . Rec. • Manpower • Reed Spec. Rec. • Pertemps • Hays Spec. Rec Lot 3 - Corporate Functions Lot 4 - IT Functions Lot 5 - Master Vendor System Lot 6 - Neutral Vendor System Lot 7 - Talent Bank System •Adecco Group •Adecco Group •Infinity Recruitment •de Peol •Hays Spec. Rec. •Certes Computing •Manpower •Hays Spec. Rec. •de Poel •Adecco Group •Steria Group •Hays Spec .Rec. •Steria Group •Steria Group •Keystone Group •Reed Spec. Rec. •LA Intenational •Pertemps •Steria Group •Kate+Co •Experis •Allen Lane •Reed Spec. Rec. •Adecco Group •Manpower •Abatec 9 •Hays Spec. Rec. COMMISSION RATES AND STRUCTURES LOT 1 SUPPLIER Indicative Pay Rate to Worker (hourly) WTR % BLUE ARROW EMP NI% COMM WTR % ADECCO EMP NI% GROUP COMM WTR % BROOK EMP NI% STREET COMM WTR % MANPOWER EMP NI% COMM WTR % SEARCH EMP NI% CONSULTANCY COMM WTR % EMP NI% HAYS COMM £8.00 £12.00 £15.00 £20.00 £25.00 £30.00 12.07% 6.53% £0.88 12.07% 8.48% £0.99 12.07% 7.44% £0.78 12.07% 9.00% £0.75 13.70% 12.80% £1.14 12.07% 13.80% £1.95 12.07% 8.95% £0.88 12.07% 8.48% £0.99 12.07% 9.56% £0.78 12.07% 10.00% £0.75 13.70% 12.80% £1.71 12.07% 13.80% £1.95 12.07% 9.92% £0.88 12.07% 9.54% £0.99 12.07% 10.41% £0.78 12.07% 11.00% £0.75 13.86% 13.80% £2.16 12.07% 13.80% £1.95 12.07% 10.89% £1.03 12.07% 10.44% £2.40 12.07% 11.25% £0.78 12.07% 12.00% £2.00 13.86% 13.80% £2.88 12.07% 13.80% £3.95 12.07% 11.47% £1.03 12.07% 10.44% £2.40 12.07% 11.76% £0.78 12.07% 13.00% £2.00 13.86% 13.80% £3.60 12.07% 13.80% £3.95 12.07% 11.86% £1.03 12.07% 10.44% £2.40 12.07% 12.10% £0.78 12.07% 13.00% £2.00 13.86% 13.80% £4.32 12.07% 13.80% £3.95 10 SUPPLIER PERTEMPS REED Indicative Pay Rate to Worker (hourly) WTR % EMP NI% COMM WTR % EMP NI% COMM £8.00 £12.00 £15.00 £20.00 £25.00 £30.00 12.07% 9.00% £0.75 12.07% 13.80% £1.10 12.07% 10.00% £0.75 12.07% 13.80% £1.10 12.07% 11.00% £0.75 12.07% 13.80% £1.10 12.07% 12.00% £2.00 12.07% 13.80% £1.25 12.07% 13.00% £2.00 12.07% 13.80% £1.25 12.07% 13.00% £2.00 12.07% 13.80% £1.25 Notes on the Table The hourly rate figures are the rates of pay that agency worker will receive. WTR, EMP NI and Commission are paid in addition to this figure. Suppliers calculate the rates for WTR and EMP NI differently, so you should take this into account when completing a further competition. The suppliers highlighted in grey are those which would normally pay these agency workers on a ‘Daily Rate’. In this instance, the WTR and EMP NI is paid by the temp agency workers as part of their Limited Company costs. If an agency worker in the shaded price area is not on a daily rate, the indicative costs shown will apply. For Daily Rate agency staff, the commission is equivalent to : Hourly Commission x 7.5 = Daily Rate Commission Suppliers offering daily rate temp agency workers are Hays. 11 LOT 2 SUPPLIER Indicative Pay Rate to Worker (hourly) WTR % BLUE ARROW EMP NI% COMM WTR % ADECCO GROUP EMP NI% COMM WTR % MANPOWER EMP NI% COMM WTR % REED EMP NI% COMM WTR % PERTEMPS EMP NI% COMM WTR % HAYS EMP NI% COMM Notes on the Table £7.00 £8.00 £10.00 £15.00 £20.00 £30.00 12.07% 5.49% £0.88 12.07% 8.48% £0.82 12.07% 7.42% £1.15 12.07% 13.80% £1.15 12.07% 8.00% £0.75 12.07% 13.80% £2.25 12.07% 6.535 £0.88 12.07% 8.48% £0.82 12.07% 8.43% £1.15 12.07% 13.80% £1.15 12.07% 9.00% £0.75 12.07% 13.80% £2.25 12.07% 7.99% £0.88 12.07% 8.48% £0.82 12.07% 9.84% £1.15 12.07% 13.80% £1.15 12.07% 10.00% £0.75 12.07% 13.80% £2.25% 12.07% 9.92% £1.03 12.07% 9.54% £1.81 12.07% 11.71% £2.20 12.07% 13.80% £1.35 12.07% 11.00% £1.75 12.07% 13.80% £4.50 12.07% 10.89% £1.03 12.07% 10.44% £1.81 12.07% 12.65% £2.20 12.07% 13.80% £1.35 12.07% 12.00% £1.75 12.07% 13.80% £4.50 12.07% 11.86% £1.03 12.07% 10.44% £1.81 12.07% 13.59% £2.20 12.07% 13.80% £1.35 12.07% 13.00% £1.75 12.07% 13.80% £4.50 The hourly rate figures are the rates of pay that agency worker will receive. WTR, EMP NI and Commission are paid in addition to this figure. 12 Suppliers calculate the rates for WTR and EMP NI differently, so you should take this into account when completing a further competition. The suppliers highlighted in grey are those which would normally pay these agency workers on a ‘Daily Rate’. In this instance, the WTR and EMP NI is paid by the temp agency workers as part of their Limited Company costs. If an agency worker in the shaded price area is not on a daily rate, the indicative costs shown will apply. For Daily Rate agency staff, the commission is equivalent to : Hourly Commission x 7.5 = Daily Rate Commission Suppliers offering daily rate temp agency workers are Hays. 13 LOT 3 SUPPLIER Indicative Pay Rate to Worker (hourly) WTR % ADECCO GROUP EMP NI% COMM WTR % MANPOWER EMP NI% COMM WTR % HAYS EMP NI% COMM WTR % STERIA GROUP EMP NI% COMM WTR % REED EMP NI% COMM WTR % PERTEMPS EMP NI% COMM £15.00 £20.00 £30.00 £40.00 £50.00 £60.00 12.07% 13.80% £3.50 12.07% 11.71% £3.49 12.07% 13.80% £3.95 14.54% 13.80% £5.50 12.07% 13.80% £2.80 12.07% 11.00% £2.00 12.07% 13.80% £3.50 12.07% 12.65% £3.49 12.07% 13.80% £3.95 14.54% 13.80% £5.50 12.07% 13.80% £2.80 12.07% 12.00% £2.00 12.07% 13.80% £3.50 12.07% 13.59% £3.49 12.07% 13.80% £3.95 14.54% 13.80% £5.50 12.07% 13.80% £2.80 12.07% 13.00% £2.00 12.07% 13.80% £6.00 12.07% 14.06% £5.53 12.07% 13.80% £5.95 14.54% 13.80% £9.60 12.07% 13.80% £3.15 12.07% 13.00% £4.50 12.07% 13.80% £6.00 12.07% 14.34% £5.53 12.07% 13.80% £5.95 14.54% 13.80% £9.60 12.07% 13.80% £3.15 12.07% 13.00% £4.50 12.07% 13.80% £6.00 12.07% 14.53% £5.53 12.07% 13.80% £5.95 14.54% 13.80% £9.60 12.07% 13.80% £3.15 12.07% 13.00% £4.50 14 LOT 3 CONT... SUPPLIER KATE+CO ALLEN LANE Indicative Pay Rate to Worker (hourly) WTR % EMP NI% COMM WTR % EMP NI% COMM £15.00 £20.00 £30.00 £40.00 £50.00 £60.00 10.75% 12.08% £4.50 12.07% 13.80% £8.00 10.75% 12.08% £4.50 12.07% 13.80% £8.00 10.75% 12.08% £4.50 12.07% 13.80% £8.00 10.75% 12.08% £7.00 12.07% 13.80% £10.00 10.75% 12.08% £7.00 12.07% 13.80% £10.00 10.75% 12.08% £7.00 12.07% 13.80% £10.00 Notes on the Table The hourly rate figures are the rates of pay that agency worker will receive. WTR, EMP NI and Commission are paid in addition to this figure. Suppliers calculate the rates for WTR and EMP NI differently, so you should take this into account when completing a further competition. The suppliers highlighted in grey are those which would normally pay these agency workers on a ‘Daily Rate’. In this instance, the WTR and EMP NI is paid by the temp agency workers as part of their Limited Company costs. If an agency worker in the shaded price area is not on a daily rate, the indicative costs shown will apply. For Daily Rate agency staff, the commission is equivalent to : Hourly Commission x 7.5 = Daily Rate Commission Suppliers offering daily rate temp agency workers are Hays, Allen Lane and Kate + Co. 15 LOT 4 – IT FUNCTIONS SUPPLIER Indicative Pay Rate to Worker (hourly) WTR % ADECCO GROUP EMP NI% COMM WTR % CERTES EMP NI% COMPUTING COMM WTR % HAYS EMP NI% COMM WTR % LA EMP NI% INTERNATIONAL COMM WTR % STERIA GROUP EMP NI% COMM WTR % EXPERIS EMP NI% COMM £15.00 £20.00 £30.00 £40.00 £50.00 £60.00 12.07% 13.80% £3.25 12.07% 13.80% £2.45 12.07% 13.80% £3.95 12.07% 13.80% £3.25 12.07% 13.80% £2.45 12.07% 13.80% £3.95 12.07% 13.80% £3.225 12.07% 13.80% £2.45 12.07% 13.80% £3.95 12.07% 13.80% £6.50 12.07% 13.80% £4.45 12.07% 13.80% £6.25 12.07% 13.80% £6.50 12.07% 13.80% £4.45 12.07% 13.80% £6.25 12.07% 13.80% £6.50 12.07% 13.80% £4.45 12.07% 13.80% £6.25 £1.50 14.54% 13.80% £1.60 12.07% 11.71% £3.50 £1.50 14.54% 13.80% £1.60 12.07% 12.65% £3.50 £1.50 14.54% 13.80% £1.60 12.07% 13.59% £3.50 £3.76 14.54% 13.80% £3.00 12.07% 14.06% £6.50 £3.76 14.54% 13.80% £3.00 12.07% 14.34% £6.50 £3.76 14.54% 13.80% £3.00 12.07% 14.53% £6.50 16 LOT 4 – IT FUNCTIONS – CONT... SUPPLIER REED ABATEC Indicative Pay Rate to Worker (hourly) WTR % EMP NI% COMM WTR % EMP NI% COMM £15.00 £20.00 £30.00 £40.00 £50.00 £60.00 12.07% 13.80% £2.80 12.07% 13.80% £3.37 12.07% 13.80% £2.80 12.07% 13.80% £3.37 12.07% 13.80% £2.80 12.07% 13.80% £3.37 12.07% 13.80% £3.85 12.07% 13.80% £5.20 12.07% 13.80% £3.85 12.07% 13.80% £5.20 12.07% 13.80% £3.85 12.07% 13.80% £5.20 Notes on the Table The hourly rate figures are the rates of pay that agency worker will receive. WTR, EMP NI and Commission are paid in addition to this figure. Suppliers calculate the rates for WTR and EMP NI differently, so you should take this into account when completing a further competition. The suppliers highlighted in grey are those which would normally pay these agency workers on a ‘Daily Rate’. In this instance, the WTR and EMP NI is paid by the temp agency workers as part of their Limited Company costs. If an agency worker in the shaded price area is not on a daily rate, the indicative costs shown will apply. For Daily Rate agency staff, the commission is equivalent to : Hourly Commission x 7.5 = Daily Rate Commission Suppliers offering daily rate temp agency workers are Hays, LA International and Experis. 17 LOT 5 – MASTER VENDOR SYSTEM SUPPLIER Indicative Pay Rate to Worker (hourly) £10.00 £15.00 £20.00 £25.00 £35.00 £45.00 WTR % 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% ADECCO GROUP EMP NI% 8.48% 9.54% 10.44% 10.44% 10.44% 10.44% COMM £0.97 £0.97 £0.97 £2.35 £2.35 £2.35 WTR % 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% MANPOWER EMP NI% 9.84% 11.71% 12.65% 13.21% 13.86% 14.21% COMM £1.18 £1.18 £1.18 £3.64 £3.64 £3.64 WTR % 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% HAYS EMP NI% 13.80% 13.80% 13.80% 13.80% 13.80% 13.80% COMM £2.95 £2.95 £2.95 £5.35 £5.35 £5.35 WTR % 14.54% 14.54% 14.54% 14.54% 14.54% 14.54% STERIA GROUP EMP NI% 13.80% 13.80% 13.80% 13.80% 13.80% 13.80% COMM £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.75 £1.75 £1.75 Notes on the Table The hourly rate figures are the rates of pay that agency worker will receive. WTR, EMP NI and Commission are paid in addition to this figure. Suppliers calculate the rates for WTR and EMP NI differently, so you should take this into account when completing a further competition. The suppliers highlighted in grey are those which would normally pay these agency workers on a ‘Daily Rate’. In this instance, the WTR and EMP NI is paid by the temp agency workers as part of their Limited Company costs. If an agency worker in the shaded price area is not on a daily rate, the indicative costs shown will apply. For Daily Rate agency staff, the commission is equivalent to : Hourly Commission x 7.5 = Daily Rate Commission Suppliers offering daily rate temp agency workers are Hays. 18 LOT 6 – NEUTRAL VENDOR SYSTEM SUPPLIER INFINITY RECRUITMENT DE POEL STERIA GROUP Indicative Pay Rate to Worker (hourly) WTR % EMP NI% COMM WTR % EMP NI% COMM WTR % EMP NI% COMM £10.00 £15.00 £20.00 £25.00 £35.00 £45.00 12.07% 13.80% £1.55 12.07% 8.74% £1.80 14.54% 13.80% £1.20 12.07% 13.80% £1.55 12.07% 10.47% £1.80 14.54% 13.80% £1.20 12.07% 13.80% £1.55 12.07% 11.29% £1.80 14.54% 13.80% £1.20 12.07% 13.80% £3.50 12.07% 11.78% £3.00 14.54% 13.80% £2.10 12.07% 13.80% £3.50 12.07% 12.36% £3.00 14.54% 13.80% £2.10 12.07% 13.80% £3.50 12.07% 12.69% £3.00 14.54% 13.80% £2.10 Notes on the Table The hourly rate figures are the rates of pay that agency worker will receive. WTR, EMP NI and Commission are paid in addition to this figure. Suppliers calculate the rates for WTR and EMP NI differently, so you should take this into account when completing a further competition. The suppliers highlighted in grey are those which would normally pay these agency workers on a ‘Daily Rate’. In this instance, the WTR and EMP NI is paid by the temp agency workers as part of their Limited Company costs. If an agency worker in the shaded price area is not on a daily rate, the indicative costs shown will apply. 19 LOT 7 – TALENT BANK SYSTEM SUPPLIER Indicative Pay Rate to Worker (hourly) £8.00 £12.00 £15.00 £20.00 £25.00 £30.00 WTR % 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% DE POEL EMP NI% 7.47% 9.59% 10.47% 11.29% 11.78% 12.14% COMM £0.60 £0.60 £0.60 £0.60 £0.60 £0.60 WTR % 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% ADECCO GROUP EMP NI% 8.48% 8.48% 9.54% 10.44% 10.44% 10.44% COMM £0.89 £0.89 £0.89 £1.24 £1.24 £1.24 WTR % 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% KEYSTONE EMP NI% 13.80% 13.80% 13.80% 13.80% 13.80% 13.80% EMPLOYMENT COMM £0.71 £1.06 £1.33 £1.77 £2.22 £2.66 WTR % 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% 12.07% HAYS EMP NI% 13.80% 13.80% 13.80% 13.80% 13.80% 13.80% COMM £2.95 £2.95 £2.95 £5.35 £5.35 £5.35 Notes on the Table The hourly rate figures are the rates of pay that agency worker will receive. WTR, EMP NI and Commission are paid in addition to this figure. Suppliers calculate the rates for WTR and EMP NI differently, so you should take this into account when completing a further competition. The suppliers highlighted in grey are those which would normally pay these agency workers on a ‘Daily Rate’. In this instance, the WTR and EMP NI is paid by the temp agency workers as part of their Limited Company costs. If an agency worker in the shaded price area is not on a daily rate, the indicative costs shown will apply. For Daily Rate agency staff, the commission is equivalent to : Hourly Commission x 7.5 = Daily Rate Commission Suppliers offering daily rate temp agency workers are Hays. 20 TEMP TO PERM RATES Lot 1 – Admin and Clerical Staff Weeks in Continual Employment Blue Arrow 0 to 4 Weeks 4 to 8 Weeks 8 to 13 Weeks 10.00% 7.00% 5.00% Free of Charge Fee applicable as a Percentage of Annual Salary Over 13 Weeks Adecco Group 10.00% 5.00% 3.00% Free of Charge Brook Street 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% Free of Charge Manpower 15.00% 10.00% 7.50% Free of Charge Search Consultancy 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% Free of Charge Hays 18.00% 15.00% 12.00% Free of Charge Pertemps 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% Free of Charge Reed 12.50% 10.00% 5.00% Free of Charge Lot 2 – Ancillary Staff Fee applicable as a Percentage of Annual Salary Weeks in Continual Employment Blue Arrow 0 to 4 Weeks 4 to 8 Weeks 8 to 13 Weeks 10.00% 7.00% 5.00% Free of Charge Over 13 Weeks Adecco Group 10.00% 5.00% 3.00% Free of Charge Manpower 15.00% 10.00% 7.50% Free of Charge Reed 12.50% 10.00% 5.00% Free of Charge Pertemps 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% Free of Charge Hays 18.00% 15.00% 12.00% Free of Charge Lot 3 – Corporate Functions Staff Weeks in Continual Employment Fee applicable as a Percentage of Annual Salary 0 to 4 Weeks 4 to 8 Weeks 8 to 13 Weeks Over 13 Weeks Adecco Group 15.00% 12.00% 10.00% Free of Charge Manpower 17.00% 15.00% 12.50% Free of Charge Hays 18.00% 15.00% 12.00% Free of Charge 21 Steria Group 12.00% 10.00% 8.00% Free of Charge Reed 15.00% 10.00% 7.00% Free of Charge Pertemps 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% Free of Charge Kate+Co 16.00% 14.00% 12.00% Free of Charge Allen Lane 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% Free of Charge Lot 4 – IT Function Staff Weeks in Continual Employment Fee applicable as a Percentage of Annual Salary 0 to 4 Weeks 4 to 8 Weeks 8 to 13 Weeks Over 13 Weeks Adecco Group 10.00% 8.00% 5.00% Free of Charge Certes Computing 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% Free of Charge Hays 18.00% 15.00% 12.00% Free of Charge LA Steria International Group 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% Free of Charge Lot 5 – Master Vendor System Weeks in Continual Employment Fee applicable as a Percentage of Annual Salary 0 to 4 Weeks 4 to 8 Weeks 8 to 13 Weeks Over 13 Weeks Adecco Group 10.00% 5.00% 3.00% Free of Charge Manpower 10.00% 7.50% 5.00% Free of Charge Hays 18.00% 15.00% 12.00% Free of Charge Lot 6 – Neutral Vendor System Weeks in Continual Employment Fee applicable as a Percentage of Annual Salary Infinity De Poel Recruitment 0 to 4 Weeks 4 to 8 Weeks 17.00% 15.00% 8 to 13 Weeks 13.00% Over 13 Weeks Free of Charge 8.00% 6.50% Free of Charge Free of Charge Steria Grouip 12.00% 10.00% 8.00% Free of Charge 22 Steria Group 12.00% 10.00% 8.00% Free of Charge 12.00% 10.00% 8.00% Free of Charge Experis Limited 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% Free of Charge Reed 15.00% 10.00% 7.00% Free of Charge Abatec 15.00% 10.00% 7.50% Free of Charge Guidance on How to Choose Your Supplier This Framework Agreement has been tendered in full accordance with the Public Contract Regulations 2006 and the Public Contracts (Amendment) Regulations 2009. Therefore, Institutions do not need to go through the full procedural steps of these Regulations again when choosing to call off from this Agreement. The EU Procurement Directives require that “Call off” orders should be placed by one of the 3 of the following methods. There are 3 ways in which you can appoint a supplier according to the framework agreement: 1 - The Direct Award Procedure If the Member Institution determines that the supplies can be met by the highest scoring supplier in the lot, and the supplier provides the most economically advantageous solution; and there are no amendments to the agreement then the Member Institution may place a purchase order in accordance with the Direct Ordering Procedure as set out in the framework. 2a – Mini-competition – Desktop exercise If the member institution wishes to use the original scores of the tender, but amend the criteria weightings to recalculate the score to reflect the local requirements. There is no upper limit by which the criteria percentages can be amended, but is recommended they are changed by no more than 20% to obtain meaningful results. The desktop calculator is available on Unibuy and each lot should be used accordingly. 2b - Mini Competition – Re-opening the Competition A Mini Competition is used where not all of the terms of the proposed contract are laid down in the Framework Agreement, by re-opening the competition between the Suppliers that are party to each lot required the Agreement and capable of performing the proposed contract. The English National Purchasing Consortium (ENPC) has produced a set of Guidance Notes entitled “Guidance on undertaking a further/mini competition within an awarded Framework Agreement”. This guidance is included as Appendix A of this User Guide and it is strongly recommended that you follow this guidance if you intend to undertake a further/mini competition within this (or any other) Framework Agreement. Please liaise with your institutional purchasing manager to ensure that you comply with the EU procurement regulations. Correct application of the regulations is solely the responsibility of the institution. 23 Appendix A Guidance on undertaking a further/mini competition within an awarded Framework Agreement When accessing a multiple supplier framework agreement institutions can undertake a further or mini competition to call off from that agreement. The aim of this guidance is to explain and simplify the process. What is a further/mini-competition? A further/mini competition is a process that you can carry out to place a call-off contract under a framework agreement where the best value supplier has not been specified. It allows you to further refine your requirement whilst retaining the benefits offered under the collaborative agreement. Benefits of doing a further/mini-competition under a framework agreement: Speed Faster and less onerous than a full tender process No need for a standstill period (1) No need to assess successful suppliers’ capacity and capability to provide your requirements using selection criteria such as financial standing, technical capability, staffing, health and safety, environmental aspects, accreditations etc. – work already done by contracting authority By providing an EU compliant platform, there is no need to advertise the requirement Savings Additional cost savings possible at the further/minicompetition stage, where pricing is not fixed (or is fixed at a maximum level) Consortia Purchasing Your further/mini-competition will still achieve the benefits of Consortia purchasing Multiple opportunities for source of supply provide increased choice and competition for institutions Multiple sourcing Refining Requirements Your exact requirement can be further refined over and above the basic contract terms. Best value You can simply focus on achieving best value for money for your specific requirement 24 Terms and Conditions The terms and conditions of the agreement will have already been established, so call-offs can just be made in reference to the agreement and its conditions Compliance to EU Regulations By following these guidelines, and any specifics detailed in the Buyers’ Guide, you will ensure you are adhering to EU Procurement legislation. EU Directives: When awarding call-offs, the full procedural steps of the EU Directives do not need to be applied. However, the EU Treaty-based principles, including equal treatment, transparency and nondiscrimination do still apply. Frameworks do not in themselves create any contractual obligations, whereas a call-off does. In placing a call-off contract with a supplier from a framework, your institution will be making a commitment to purchase the specified goods/services from that supplier. IMPORTANT - Effect of the Remedies Directive The EU Remedies Directive was implemented into The Public Contracts Regulations on 20 December 2009. The new Directive applies to Frameworks commenced on or after 20 December 2009, and any subsequent further/mini-competitions under that Framework. Key changes include the requirement that bidders must be notified of the outcome of the further/minicompetition, and that the call-off contract resulting from the further/mini-competition may, if subject to a legal challenge, result in a financial penalty, curtailment of the contract, or in an ineffectiveness order. For call-offs above the EU threshold, and for which the new Directive applies, you could choose to run a voluntary standstill period which would limit the remedies available if challenged to damages only - ineffectiveness would not apply. You must not run a further/mini-competition under a framework agreement in order to create your own framework agreement from which you could run further/mini-competitions for calloffs. However, you may decide to conduct a further/mini competition to select a single supplier to service all your requirements over a defined period. 25 Further/mini-Competition Process Guidance 1. Prepare your Invitation To Quote (ITQ) 2. Issue your ITQ 3. Evaluate responses and select supplier 4. Award 1. Preparing your ITQ You cannot change the basic terms or specification set out in a framework agreement, further/mini-competitions allow you to refine the basic terms of the framework prior to making a call-off. For example, areas you can refine include: Delivery timescales; Invoicing/payment arrangements; Associated services, such as installation, maintenance and training; Quantity; Functional specification. Under no circumstances should brand names or brand-specific descriptions of goods be used (e.g. Hewlett-Packard printer or BiC Biro pen) (2). Descriptions should give reference to the characteristics and outputs of the product or service. Where no other description is possible, any reference should be qualified by adding the words ‘or equivalent’. It is very important to use ‘input’ OR ‘output’ based specification and you should identify one or the other. Examples of each are given below: An ‘Output’ specification will state the intended result e.g. a clean hospital ward. This has the advantage of leaving the supplier/provider to determine how to execute the requirement and encourages innovation. An ‘Input’ specification will specify what materials/products, labour inputs, timings etc. you must use, e.g. 3 experienced cleaners to use environmentally accredited products to clean a hospital ward from 6.00am to 8.00am, 7 days a week. This method reduces freedom to innovate and bring in alternative/better products than those identified in the ITT. Using an output based specification enables suppliers to quote for the provision of goods/services that meet your minimum requirements and does not unnecessarily eliminate a supplier that cannot supply the exact brand/manufacturer of goods specified. This can also reduce the risk of unnecessarily over-specifying your requirement. 26 ITQ’s should focus on your actual requirement i.e. the goods/service you require, and not selection criteria such as supplier experience, technical capability, location, accreditations etc. (these have all already been evaluated by the Consortium). The evaluation criteria, and weighting applied to each, must be notified to the suppliers at this first stage of inviting them to quote. (See point 3 for further details on evaluation criteria.) 2. Issue your ITQ Issue an ITQ in writing (by E-procurement system, email, fax, or post) to the suppliers capable of performing the contract. a) Only if it is clear a supplier cannot meet your requirement can you choose not to issue the ITQ to that particular provider. For example, in an Office Equipment agreement only 5 of the 7 suppliers offer a nocommitment option, so if you wanted no-commitment you would b) Sometimes the framework may be divided into categories or lots, each covering different supplies or services. In this case, you only need to consult suppliers in the lot(s) which cover the goods or services required. For example, an External Print framework has 2 ‘lots’; one covering prestigious work and one covering tactical work. If you had a prestigious job to issue an ITQ for, you would only need to issue it to the suppliers on that particular lot, not all the suppliers on the framework. c) Set a reasonable timeframe for responses, that reflects the complexity of the requirement. d) Maintain confidentiality until after the closing date. Please note: You cannot amend the Terms and Conditions agreed under the Framework. You cannot issue the ITQ to suppliers not awarded to the Framework. 3. Evaluate responses and select your Supplier The criteria on which an institution must base an award decision for a further/mini-competition - either lowest price or MEAT (most economically advantageous tender) - will be detailed in the Buyers Guide which will be available on GeM. Using lowest price as the award criteria, only if permitted to do so in the Buyers Guide, you should assess the suppliers: 1. first on their ability to meet your needs such as meeting the specification of goods/services required, quantity, delivery etc. 2. and then on price (i.e. if several suppliers could meet your needs, then the call-off should 27 be awarded to the lowest price quoted. If only one could fulfill the requirement, then this supplier would be awarded the call-off). Using MEAT as the award criteria, you need to assess the supplier responses for both price and qualitative elements. The criteria that must be used at this stage will be listed in the Buyers Guide. Note: You can only use award criteria as detailed in the original framework award (and subsequently included in the Buyers Guide). You should assess and score each supplier’s response. The supplier with the best overall score (thereby offering the most economically advantageous tender) should be awarded the contract. Award criteria weightings as specified in the original tender documents can be amended but should not be changed substantially (some framework agreements may state the changes that can be made to the weightings). 4. Award Once the evaluation stage is completed, the call-off contract can be awarded. All bidders should be notified of the outcome of the further/mini-competition. Remember, you don’t need to apply the standstill period to a further/mini-competition(1), but you may still need to debrief participants afterwards if requested. Where a debriefing is requested, it should be completed within 15 days of the written request. If you require any further clarification on the process, please contact a member of your Consortium using the contact details above. 28 Definitions (general): Buyers guide - A document produced by the Consortia which provides an overview of the agreement that has been let and guidance on how institutions can access and use the agreement. Call-off contract - The call–off contract is the legally binding contract between the institution and the framework supplier which defines the goods/services to be provided. Framework agreement - A framework agreement can be described as ‘a general term for agreements with providers which set out terms and conditions under which specific purchases (call-offs) can be made throughout the term of the agreement’. Further/Mini-competition - Further or mini-competition is the term used to describe one of the processes for selecting a supplier on a framework agreement to place a call-off contract with. The terms ‘further’ and ‘mini’ are used interchangeably, and within this document, we refer to ‘further/mini-competition’. Standstill period - A mandatory period applied to the end of a contracting process, prior to contract award. Thresholds – Financial levels set by the EU which will determine the procurement route that should be followed. Definitions (Remedies Directive specific): Ineffectiveness order - A remedy that could be applied if found to have awarded a call-off contract in breach of the terms of the Framework. Voluntary Standstill - A voluntary process an institution may choose to follow for an above EU threshold call-off, and which reduces the remedies available should a legal challenge be brought. (1) You may choose as a default position to apply a voluntary standstill period to a further/mini-competition of above EU threshold under a Framework Agreement to which the Remedies Directive applies to reduce the risk of ineffectiveness applying. (2) You may be in breach of EU regulations if you choose to use a brand name or brand specific description of goods that restricts competition at ITQ stage. You are advised to use a functional (output) specification wherever possible. 29