I NTERNATIONAL T ELECOMMUNICATION U NION General Secretariat Ref: DM-1186 Contact: Dusan SCHUSTER +41 22 730 5215 +41 22 730 5881 Dusan.Schuster@itu.int Tel: Fax: E-Mail: Subject: To Member States and Sector Members 15 December 2000 Second meeting of Ad Hoc Group 2 of the Working Group on ITU Reform 1-2 February 2001 Dear Sir/Madam, The Working Group on ITU Reform, at its third meeting, decided that its Ad hoc Group 2 should continue its work under new terms of reference. The report of the Working Group can be found at the following ITU web address: http://www.itu.int/council/Reform/wgr3/index.html The second meeting of Ad Hoc Group 2 (AHG2) will take place at ITU Headquarters in Geneva (ITU Tower, Room C1) for a period of two days from 1-2 February 2001. Contributions from membership are once again encouraged and should be submitted to the WGR Secretariat as contributions to the Working Group on Reform for consideration by AHG2. The agenda of the AHG2 second meeting as well as its new terms of reference are attached as Annexes 1 and 2 respectively. I should be obliged if the enclosed registration form (Annex 3) could be completed and returned by 15 January 2001. I look forward to seeing you in Geneva. Yours faithfully, João Carlos ALBERNAZ Chairman, Ad Hoc Group 2 Annexes: 3 -3– ANNEX 1 INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION WORKING GROUP ON ITU REFORM AD HOC GROUP 2 GENEVA — SECOND MEETING — (1-2 FEBRUARY 2001) DRAFT AGENDA Thursday, 1 February 2001, at 09.30 hours (Room C1, ITU Tower) 1. Approval of the agenda 2. Introductory remarks 3. New terms of reference 4. Contributions to the work of AHG2 5. Draft report of AHG2 to WGR 6. Any other business 15 December 2000 English only -4– ANNEX 2 INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION WORKING GROUP ON ITU REFORM AD HOC GROUP 2 — GENEVA SECOND MEETING — Document 2-E 15 December 2000 English only (1-2 FEBRUARY 2001) Note by the Chairman AD HOC GROUP 2 - NEW TERMS OF REFERENCE Objectives: To examine a range of approaches and to stimulate the identification of new approaches for reducing the backlog in the Bureau’s processing of satellite network filings. Specific tasks to be performed: 1) Examine ways to reduce requirements in the Radio Regulations regarding the processing of satellite network filings with the view of reducing the work and resources needed in the Radiocommunication Bureau, while retaining the rights of Member States to avoid harmful interference. 2) Analyze available resources and make recommendations that would provide adequate staff and funds to resolve the backlog. 3) Review data requirements for the satellite filing process with a view to identifying those which are strictly necessary; this to include the possibility of establishing a forum for information exchange on the requirements of all parties involved in the satellite filing process with a view to any conclusions therefrom to be taken into account by the group. 4) Examine approaches, including the use of increased automation, for reducing the workload of the Bureau. 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Review existing ITU procurement practices and examine the application of “outsourcing” as a management tool for acquiring specialized products and services to be used toward improving the processing of satellite filings. Examine approaches for addressing the issues associated with multiple filings and develop proposed approaches for addressing these issues. Examine the adequacy of the reporting and accountability of the organs of the ITU in light of the continuing backlog problem. Take into account the results produced by the Informal Software Experts Group established in CA/85. Prepare and submit proposals relating to the above tasks in a report to the WGR meeting in April 2001 for consideration of further appropriate action. -5– ANNEX 3 WORKING GROUP ON ITU REFORM AD HOC GROUP 2 Second Meeting (Geneva, 1-2 February 2001) Registration form (To be returned to the Strategic Planning & External Affairs Unit (Office T.1307 / Fax +41 22 730 5881) by) 15.01.2001 Member State/Sector Member/Organization* * Delete as appropriate Mr. Mrs. Miss Ms Family name: _________________________________________ First name: _________________________________ Official title in Administration or Organization: _________________________________________ Name and complete address of Administration or Organization: _________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail: Mobile phone: Phone : Fax : Home address (optional) ________________________________________________________________ Tel: ____________________________ Hotel/Address in Geneva (see Note) _________________________________________________________________ Tel: ____________________________ Note: Reservations must be made DIRECTLY with the hotel and not through the ITU. Accompagnied by family member(s) - please specify _________________________________________