I NTERNATIONAL T ELECOMMUNICATION U NION General Secretariat Ref: DM-1185 Contact: Dusan SCHUSTER +41 22 730 5215 +41 22 730 5881 Dusan.Schuster@itu.int Tel: Fax: E-Mail: Subject: To Member States and Sector Members 15 December 2000 Third meeting of Ad Hoc Group 1 of the Working Group on ITU Reform 29-31 January 2001 Dear Sir/Madam, The Working Group on ITU Reform, at its third meeting, decided that Ad hoc Group 1 should continue its work under new terms of reference. The report of the Working Group can be found at the following ITU web address: http://www.itu.int/council/Reform/wgr3/index.html The third meeting of the Ad hoc Group (AHG1) will take place at ITU headquarters in Geneva (ITU Tower, Room C1) for a period of three days from 29 to 31 January 2001. Contributions from membership are once again encouraged and should be submitted to the WGR Secretariat as contributions to the Working Group on Reform for consideration by AHG1. The agenda of the AHG1 third meeting as well as its new terms of reference are attached as Annexes 1 and 2 respectively. I should be obliged if the enclosed registration form (Annex 3) could be completed and returned by 15 January 2001. I look forward to seeing you in Geneva. Yours faithfully, Malcolm JOHNSON Chairman, Ad Hoc Group 1 Annexes: 3 -3– ANNEX 1 INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION WORKING GROUP ON ITU REFORM AD HOC GROUP 1 GENEVA — THIRD MEETING — (29-31 JANUARY 2001) DRAFT AGENDA Monday, 29 January 2001, at 09.30 hours (Room C1, ITU Tower) 1. Approval of the agenda 2. Introductory remarks 3. Contributions to the work of AHG1: 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 The decision-making process Financing Membership Output Changes to the Constitution and Convention Impact on ITU/ITU-T 4. Draft report of AHG1 to WGR 5. Any other business 15 December 2000 English only -4– ANNEX 2 INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION WORKING GROUP ON ITU REFORM AD HOC GROUP 1 GENEVA — THIRD MEETING Document 2-E 15 December 2000 English only — (29-31 JANUARY 2001) Note by the Chairman AD HOC GROUP 1 - NEW TERMS OF REFERENCE Within the framework described in paragraph 5.3.2 of the Report of WGR-3, taking into account the relevant discussions and parts of the Report of AHG1 to the third meeting of WGR, develop draft proposals in response to the following key issues, and report to the fourth meeting of the WGR: 1. Membership: Whether and how participants from Member States and Sector Members could participate in the Forum on an equal basis; and what would be the role of Associates and other participants? 2. Financing: What mechanisms would be used to finance the Forum, based on voluntary contributions of its participants? 3. Output: What type(s) of output would the Forum produce? 4. Decision making process: What decision making process would be used for the approval of its output? Whether and how Sector Members could vote in cases where consensus is not possible? 5. Changes to the Constitution and Convention : What would be the necessary textual changes to the Constitution and Convention, and/or what form of Plenipotentiary Conference Resolution would be required to enable the establishment of the Forum? 6. Impact on rest of ITU, in particular ITU-T: What impact would the establishment of the Forum have on the ITU as a whole, and on the ITU-T in particular? -5– ANNEX 3 WORKING GROUP ON ITU REFORM AD HOC GROUP 1 Third Meeting (Geneva, 29-31 January 2001) Registration form (To be returned to the Strategic Planning & External Affairs Unit (Office T.1307 / Fax +41 22 730 5881) by) 15.01.2001 Member State/Sector Member/Organization* * Delete as appropriate Mr. Mrs. Miss Ms Family name: _________________________________________ First name: _________________________________ Official title in Administration or Organization: _________________________________________ Name and complete address of Administration or Organization: _________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail: Mobile phone: Phone : Fax : Home address (optional) ________________________________________________________________ Tel: ____________________________ Hotel/Address in Geneva (see Note) _________________________________________________________________ Tel: ____________________________ Note: Reservations must be made DIRECTLY with the hotel and not through the ITU. Accompagnied by family member(s) - please specify _________________________________________