RESOLUTION (Marrakesh, 2002) 107 Improvements to the management and functioning of ITU

RESOLUTION 107 (Marrakesh, 2002)
Improvements to the management and functioning of ITU
The Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Marrakesh, 2002),
the rapid changes in the telecommunication environment amid accelerated advances in
telecommunication technologies, the emergence of new services, the liberalization of global
communication markets and the trend toward privatization;
the need for ITU to continue to meet the expanding needs of its membership while
responding appropriately to changes in the environment;
the urgent need to ensure efficient ITU operations within the constraints of limited
human and financial resources,
the report of the United Nations Joint Inspection Unit presented to the 2001 session of
the Council, which contained a series of recommendations on improvement to the management and
functioning of ITU, including the need for a more harmonized planning structure and format
derived from an agreed interpretation of the elements identified in Resolution 72
(Minneapolis, 1998) of the Plenipotentiary Conference on the linkage between strategic, financial
and operational planning;
the provisions of that resolution, which indicate that the strategic, financial and
operational plans for ITU should clearly delineate the activities of the Union, the objectives of those
activities and the associated resources, and that the capacity of the membership to evaluate, by
means of performance indicators, progress in the achievement of those objectives should be
recognizing further
that, in specifying the objectives and priorities for each Sector of the Union and the General
Secretariat, it would be appropriate to include measures designed to achieve the objectives, together
with mechanisms allowing easy monitoring and evaluation of progress in their implementation,
such as those shown in the annex to this resolution, which sets out each objective of the Strategic
Plan, together with the strategic outlines, the courses of action and the indicators for measuring
progress towards achieving the objectives,
the need to apply a consistent and comprehensive approach throughout ITU in order to facilitate
cross-sectoral comparisons and improve monitoring and evaluation,
taking into account
best practices and lessons learned in planning and management practices in the United Nations
system, including the application of the concept of results-based budgeting,
to progressively refine and improve the elements associated with application of the planning
framework in ITU by enhancing, in particular, the methodology for prioritizing ITU activities and
by implementing evaluation mechanisms, such as the methodology outlined in the Annex to this
instructs the Secretary-General and the Directors of the Bureaux
to identify such mechanisms, including those associated with results-based budgeting, taking into
account the recommendations of the Joint Inspection Unit, the views of Member States, the advice
of the Sector advisory groups, and the experience of the United Nations system organizations, and
to report to the Council,
instructs the Council
to review the report of the Secretary-General and the Directors of the Bureaux and, with due regard
to the limited resources of the Union, to consider establishing a working group of the Council open
to all Member States to examine mechanisms for enhancing the process by which priorities in ITU
activities are established, and for evaluating the achievement of objectives as part of the strategic
and operational planning functions.
ANNEX TO RESOLUTION 107 (Marrakesh, 2002)
Summary table of strategic outlines, courses of action
and indicators of the Strategic Plan
for the Union 2004-2007
Strategic outlines
Courses of action
Course of