Examination Session Printing Student List including Seat Numbers Report

Examination Session
Printing Student List including Seat Numbers Report
Letter code: MAV-RPT-EXS1 - Examinations - List of Students
Retrieve the MAV(s).
Press Current (if 1 MAV is retrieved)/ All (if more than 1 MAV is retrieved)
Select Generate + Print Letter
Select MAV-RPT-EXS1 - Examinations - List of Students
Press Run
o Show only Resit or All Students? (R / A)
- A : All students
- R : Resit students
o Select Campus? (G1 / G2/ M)
- G1 – Gozo Campus Semester 1
- G2 – Gozo Campus Semester 2
- M – Malta Campus
o Include Signature? (Y/N)
- Yes - Include signature for attendance sheet
- No - Do not include signature for seating number sheet
Press OK
A separate file is created for each unit containing a list of students’ details, if more
than 1 study-unit is retrieved through the MAV screen. These include: ID, Surname,
Name, Seat No, Course and Year of Study is displayed. This file is located in C:\sits\.
Sample file name: Examination List LAS3001-2014-5-SEM1-AE
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Printing Student Labels including Seat Numbers Report
Letter code: MAV-LBL-EXS1 - Examinations - List of Students (Labels)
Retrieve the MAV(s).
Press Current (if 1 MAV is retrieved)/ All (if more than 1 MAV is retrieved)
Select Generate + Print Letter
Select MAV-LBL-EXS1 - Examinations - List of Students (Labels)
Press Run
o Show only Resit or All Students? (R / A)
- A : All students
- R : Resit students
o Select Campus? (G1 / G2/ M)
- G1 – Gozo Campus Semester 1
- G2 – Gozo Campus Semester 2
- M – Malta Campus
Press OK
A separate file containing student labels is generated, if more than 1 study-unit is
retrieved through the MAV screen. These include: Student course and subject, Year
of Study, Code, ID, Surname, Name, Seat No is displayed. This file is located in
Sample file name: Labels (Full List) LAS3001-2014-5-SEM1-AE
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Printing labels using Internet Explorer
Open the C:\Sits folder (C:\sits)
Double click on the file to be printed. (Example Labels (Full List) LAS3001-2014-5SEM1-AE)
Press File
Press Print Preview
Press Page Setup
Page Setup:
- Paper Size is to be A4 (82%)
- Header and Footer: Blank
- Orientation: Portrait
- Margin:
o In Inches: Left : 0.166; Right : 0.166, Top : 0.196, Bottom : 0.196; or
o In mm: Left : 19.05; Right : 12.7, Top : 12.7, Bottom : 12.7.
Press Ok
Press the Printer Icon on the top left hand side of the screen.
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Make sure that you have inserted labels in the printer. Press Print again.
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Printing labels using Google Chrome
Open the C:\Sits folder (C:\sits)
Double click on the file to be printed. (Example Labels (Full List) LAS3001-2014-5SEM1-AE)
(top right corner) and then Select Print
Press More Settings
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From the Margins option select Custom
Page Setup:
- Layout: Portrait
- Paper Size: A4
- Margins: Custom
In Inches: Left : 0.17; Right : 0.17, Top : 0.5, Bottom : 0.44; or
In mm: Left : 4.32; Right : 4.32, Top : 12.7, Bottom : 11.18.
Options: Header and footers (unticked)
Two-sided (unticked)
Background graphics (unticked)
Make sure that you have inserted labels in the printer. Press Print.
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Printing labels using Firefox
Open the C:\Sits folder (C:\sits)
Double click on the file to be printed. (Example Labels (Full List) LAS3001-2014-5SEM1-AE)
Press File
Press Print Preview
Press Page Setup
Page Setup:
Format & Options:
o Orientation: Portrait
o Scale : Tick Shrink to fit
Margin & Header/Footer
o Margins:
In Inches/millimetres
Left, Right, & bottom : 0
o Header & Footers:
All Blank
Press Ok
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Press Print
Make sure that you have inserted labels in the printer. Press OK.
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Student List is CSV format
Letter code: SMO-RPT-EXS1- Examinations - List of Registered Students
This option does not allocate seat number but may be used if you need to export the
registered students on a particular study-unit for some other reason.
Retrieve the SMOs for a particular unit.
Press All
Select Generate + Print Letter
Select -RPT-EXS1- Examinations - List of Registered Students
Press Run
o Show only Resit or All Students? (R / A)
- A : All students
- R : Resit students
o Select Campus? (G1 / G2/ M)
- G1 – Gozo Campus Semester 1
- G2 – Gozo Campus Semester 2
- M – Malta Campus
A file containing student details is generated. These include: Student Code,
Surname, Name, Course and Year. This file is located in C:\sits\. When you open this
file it will be in EXCEL format.
Sample file name: List of Students - Examination Session - LAS3001-2014-5-YR-AE
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