Instructional Planning Annual Update Department: Engineering Date: December 5, 2012 Division: NAS Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan, Annual Report December 2009 List the top five Goals and Recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met. Goals/Recommendations from five-year plan In progress Goal Met Comments (identify source of funding) Goal No. 1: Move location and increase size of engineering lab. Goal No. 2. Update articulation with the 15 most popular engr transfer schools. (New goal….becomes.) Goal No. 3. Fund a remodeled 800 Building to create a shared engr, etech, MESA, CS, CIS, physics facility. Goal No. 4. Provide engr students with up-todate software. Goal No. 5. Work with the English Dept to change curriculum in ENGL 1B to meet UCB’s transfer requirements. 800 Bldg remodel will be finished for Fall 2013. STEM grant funded..will be completed in 2013-14. 800 Bldg remodel will be finished for Fall 2013. A new engr lab will be created in the 800 bldg now that the STEM Title III Grant has been funded. To meet transfer requirements (Will be done during STEM Title III Grant.) To provide adequate classrooms, labs, and study centers to support the students in these programs. (Will be done during STEM Title III Grant.) Yrly purchase of instructional s/w has happened To give students the skills they need in their upper division coursework and in industry. UC Berkeley has changed its transfer requirement to only include Engl 1A and Engl 1B. No longer is Engl 1C required. P:\Instruction_Public\Council for Instructional Planning (CIP)\Annual Updates\Annual Update Form Goal No. 6. Develop engr program brochure. Goal No. 7. Develop an international program for engineering students. Goal No. 8. Develop a technical literacy course for non-engr majors. Brochure will be designed during STEM grant funded..will be completed in 2013-14. Will be designed and implemente d for the first time in Jan 2014. The engr dept is presently seeking funding. Curr updated to create Engr 3. Accepted for Science GE lab credit at Cabrillo. Artic in progress. Engr Dept brochure was made in 1998…needs to be updated. Engr is a global industry. To provide students with a global perspective. Submitted during Fall11 curr.; course taught Sum12 during STARS Summer Bridge Everyone should understand technology to make informed decisions. Other cc’s and universities now offer such a course. P:\Instruction_Public\Council for Instructional Planning (CIP)\Annual Updates\Annual Update Form SLO Assessment: List SLO assessments, dialogues, and Departmental Assessment Analysis Forms completed in the last two semesters. (See Revolving Wheel of Assessment for recommended schedule). Core Competency, Course SLO, Date of meeting Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment. or CTE Program SLO Assessed. where analysis / dialogue took place. ENGR 26 Activities: Spring 12 Revisit instruction of ANSI standards prior to due date. Core III. Civic Responsibility: Dept meeting: Reminder in syllabus and in class about adhering to deadlines Following ANSI February 2012 Core IV. Workplace Skills: Deadline of drawing assignmt ENGR 15 Core III. Scientific Method: Circuits Analysis Problem Activities: Spring 12 Dept meeting: February 2012 Provide instructional support outside of class: review students’ drafts of plans prior to due date. Activities: Spring 12 Dept meeting: February 2012 Teach three methods of beam analysis: Mathematical using integrals; mathematical using no integrals; and graphical. Core IV. Social Skills in Groups: Group Lab Work ENGR 35 SLO 3. Analyze the internal distribution of bending and shear forces needed to select the proper size of the members of the structure P:\Instruction_Public\Council for Instructional Planning (CIP)\Annual Updates\Annual Update Form