Instructional Planning Yearly Update Department: Engineering Date: May 3, 2014 Division: NAS Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan List the top five Goals and Recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met? Goals / Recommendations from five-year In progress Goal Met Comments (identify source plan of funding) (from Prog Plan, 2008) Fund peer leader tutors for ENGR 1A, 15, 25, 26, 35, 45. (in STEM Center) New class needing tutor: ENGR 30 (from Prog Plan, 2008) Fund peer leaders in engr labs for ENGR 1A, 15, 25, 26, 35, 45. New labs: ENGR 12, 30 (from Prog Plan, 2008) Establish two computer classrooms for engr/etech (from Prog Plan, 2008) Purchase bend fixture and two furnaces for ENGR 45 lab (from 2009-2012 updates) goal not yet met; still need $4320(1080+1440) = $1,800 goal not yet met; still need $8,100(3240+720) = $4,140 goal not yet met: only one dedicated computer classrm exists goals not yet met goal not yet P:\Instruction_Public\Council for Instructional Planning (CIP)\Annual Updates\Annual Update Form Need: 15 wks/sem * 3 hrs/wk *8 sessions * $12/hr = $4,320 Currently have: Engr Dept funds cover 2 hrs/wk each for E25 and E26 (15wks x 3 ses x 2 hrs x $12 = $ 1,080 PLC funds cover 4 hrs/wk each semester (E1A & 45 in fall; E15 & 35 in spr) (15 wks/sem x 2 sem x 4 hr/wk x $12= $1440) Need: 15 wks/sem * 3 hr/wk * 15 sessions * $12/hr = $8,100 Currently have: Engr Dept funds cover 3 hrs/wk for E25 (fall & spr) and E1A & 45 (fall only) and E35 & 26 (spr only) (15 wks/sem x 3 hrs/wk x 6 ses x12/hr= $3,240) PLC funds cover 2 hrs/wk each semester (E45 (fall & E15 spr). (15 wks/sem x 2 sem x 2 hr/wk x $12= ~$720) Etech/Engr needs a second computer classroom in 800 bldg. Rm 825 should be turned into a computer classroom. This room will also be used for math classes. The present furniture in 825 will be moved to 715 to provide math with another classroom Intend to meet goal in 2014-15 with a combination of engr dept funds and Cabrillo grants/funds available Use engr dept funds 2014-5 to develop and print Develop an engineering brochure (from 2009-2012 updates) Update articulation with the ~15 most popular universities engr students transfer to (from Prog Plan, 2008) Reinstate Engr 99C for work experience. met Goal not yet met brochures (from Prog Plan, 2008) Increase conference funds available for engr faculty to attend engr educ conferences. (from Prog Plan, 2008) Establish phy, engr, and computing integrated building with large STEM Ctr (MESA, PLC, CIS lab) (from Prog Plan, 2008) Move location of Engr Testing Lab to upper campus adjacent to engr classes (from Prog Plan, 2008) Provide up-to-date engineering tools by maintaining currency of software hold off on this request Request was for $1,500 each year. STEM grant has provided us funds to attend conferences. 800 Bldg Remodel: Funded by HSI STEM grant, Cabrillo Bond, and donations (from Prog Plan, 2008) Offer ENGR 10 yearly to satisfy SJSU and UCB’s transfer requirement (from Prog Plan, 2008) Provide textbooks for economically disadv. Students goal met: 2008-09 goal met: 2010-11 15 copies of used E15, 35, & 45 textbooks were purchased; E1A text is on-line for student access; remaining course textbook are inexpensive (from 2009-2012 updates) Develop an engineering abroad program (from 2009-2012 Update) Develop a technical literacy course to explore STEM (from 2011 Update) Develop course web sites for all ENGR goal met: 2013-14 goal met: 2011-12 First program: Jan 2014 Guatemala In progress: curric submitted Oct 2013 goal met 2013-14 goal met: 2013-14 800 Bldg Remodel goal met: yearly since 2010-11 Met with lottery money goal met: 2011-12 P:\Instruction_Public\Council for Instructional Planning (CIP)\Annual Updates\Annual Update Form ENGR 3 courses New Goals and Recommendations Goal/Recommendation Create and offer two sections of ENGR 12 engr machine shop course: offer every semester Create and offer ENGR 30 to satisfy Matlab programming transfer requirements: offer every spr sem Fund PREP for all STEM majors who are at risk Develop a technical writing course that satisfies the univ’s Engl 1A requirement Provide a dedicated STEM counselor in the STEM Center Hire a dedicated STEM Center IA for staffing Provide a dedicated STEM Research Analyst List any new goals and recommendations, if any, identified by the department In Progress/Goal Met Cost Explanation/Evidence of Need In progress: 2 x 3 hrs/lab = Satisfy lower division ME, IE, AE curric submitted: Oct 4.5 TUs = course requirements for SJSU and 2013; ~$10,000/yr CP-SLO. first pilot offering of 2 Provide training and oversight to sections: Fall 14 students on safe use of workshop (funded by STEM grant); equipment Beginning S15: college needs to fund In progress: 3 hrs lec + 3 hrs In the past univ have required engr curric submitted: Oct lab = 5.25 TUs = majors to take C++. Now many univ 2013; ~$9,500 require Matlab instead. And, TMC depending on the critical require Matlab. nature of the transfer All the current CS 11 sections may not be requirements: may need required bec of the change in requiremts. to be offered for the first time S15 sem $27k/sem M4 is a gate keeper for STEM students. PREP provides the skills for success. 3 TUs/year = To model off similar courses at local CCs $4,000/yr who have a course that meets Engl 1A requirement ~$50,000/yr Counselors are backlogged; STEM ed plans are more difficult to design ~$35,000/yr We have a staffing need in the STEM ctr P:\Instruction_Public\Council for Instructional Planning (CIP)\Annual Updates\Annual Update Form ~$60,000/yr So much state and federal funding is available for STEM fields, but they require extensive data that our small PRO staff cannot handle SLO Assessment: List SLO assessments, dialogues, and Departmental Assessment Analysis Forms completed in the last two semesters. (See Revolving Wheel of Assessment for recommended schedule). Attached are three tables detailing the SLO and CORE 4 assessment schedule for the Engr Dept’s eight ENGR courses. Core Competency, Course SLO, or CTE Program SLO Assessed. Date of meeting where analysis / dialogue took place. Activity: Fall 12 Dept Discussion: Spring 13 Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment. CORE IV for ENGR 1A Activity: Fall 12 Dept Discussion: Spring 13 Civil Engr Licensing: Provide Case Studies where Licensing was Revoked CORE IV for ENGR 5 Activity: Fall 12 Dept Discussion: Spring 13 Case Study: Citicorp Bldg: Provide a case study where ethics was not adhered to CORE IV for ENGR 10 Activity: Fall 12 Dept Discussion: Spring 13 CORE IV for ENGR 45 Activity: Fall 12 Dept Discussion: Spring 13 SLO 4 for ENGR 15, 25, 26, 35 Activity: Spring 13 Dept Discussion: Fall 13 Ethics & Failure: Details the difference between failures resulting from poor ethical decision making and failures resulting from appropriate ethical judgment Professional Resp: Engr Materials: Provide case studies where selection of matls was responsibly chosen and not responsibly chosen and the results of each decision Since none of these courses have a 4th SLO, no SLO assessment was performed (see attached schedule for details) CORE IV for ENGR 15 Activity: Spring 13 Dept Discussion: Fall 13 CORE IV for ENGR 25 Activity: Spring 13 Dept Discussion: Fall 13 SLO 4 for ENGR 1A, 5, 10, 45 P:\Instruction_Public\Council for Instructional Planning (CIP)\Annual Updates\Annual Update Form Since none of these courses have a 4th SLO, no SLO assessment was performed (see attached schedule for details) Social Skills in Group: Group Lab Work: Discuss in greater detail necessary skills in developing a good team Sustainability: Table Design Project: Provide case studies where selection of matls was responsibly chosen and not responsibly chosen and the results of each CORE IV for ENGR 26 Activity: Spring 13 Dept Discussion: Fall 13 CORE IV for ENGR 35 Activity: Spring 13 Dept Discussion: Fall 13 P:\Instruction_Public\Council for Instructional Planning (CIP)\Annual Updates\Annual Update Form decision Workplace Skills: Deadline of Drawing Assignments: Stress the importance of and consequences of adhering to deadlines in the workplace Service Learning Project: Design for Cabrillo Dept: Importance of viewing engineering as a helping profession