



Section 1.

The chapters of men’s fraternities at Kansas State University (University) hereby associate and adopt in place of all previous agreements these articles as the Constitution of the Kansas State University Interfraternity Council (IFC), incorporated under the laws of the State of Kansas.

Section 2.

The mission of the Kansas State University Interfraternity Council is to promote a unified community by serving and developing its member chapters. We exist to preserve tradition while advancing toward the future, fostering scholastic achievement, and connecting gentlemen in the bond of Interfraternal brotherhood. We will strive for excellence in the betterment of our community, furthering upstanding ideals, and lifelong prosperity.

Section 3.

The IFC derives its authority from the President of Kansas State University, as stated in the Agreement dated March

19, 2004, which is made a part of this Constitution by reference and the Continuance of the Agreement between

Kansas State University and the Kansas State Interfraternity Council and the Kansas State University Panhellenic

Council dated May 5, 2008.


Section 1.

The IFC shall be comprised of any North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) chapter or non-NIC Chapter, but still inter/national fraternity recognized by Kansas State University.

Section 2.

All members of fraternities shall be students enrolled at Kansas State University.

Section 3.

Any national/international general college fraternity may petition the IFC for colony status. Colony status shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Council of Presidents.

Section 4.

Colonies shall be non-voting members of the IFC and the Council of Presidents. Each chapter shall have one (1) vote in the IFC and the Council of Presidents.

Section 5.

The IFC and all member chapters and colonies shall be governed by the Council of Presidents of the IFC , which shall

be composed of the duly elected President or presiding officer of each voting member chapter of the IFC. In any event that a president or a presiding officer is unable to attend a meeting, that chapter he shall select a qualified replacement from that chapter’s executive board to attend that meeting. If the replacement is not a member of the chapter’s executive board, he does not have the right to vote on behalf of his chapter.

Section 6.

The Council of Presidents shall act as the legislative and electoral body of IFC. They shall:


Work in the best interest of the Greek community.


Elect a qualified Board of Directors on an annual basis.


Attend all official IFC and Council of Presidents meetings.


Meet on a monthly basis as a Council of Presidents to discuss community issues.

Section 9.

If a member of the Council of Presidents is elected to the Board of Directors of the IFC, his chapter shall thereafter elect another representative who shall have equal vote with all other members of the Council of Presidents.

Section 10.

Members of the Board of Directors of the IFC shall have no vote in the Council of Presidents , except that the

President of IFC may vote to break a tie vote.


Section 1.

The Council of Presidents shall annually elect the following seven officers : President, Vice President, Director of

Judicial Affairs, Director of Risk Management, Director of Public Relations, Director of Community and Internal

Relations , and Director of Recruitment .


The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Board of Directors and the Council of Presidents.

He shall be the official representative of the IFC to non-IFC activities unless another person is delegated as his representative. He shall:


Call and preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and Council of Presidents.


Promote Greek Affairs resources.


Communicate with chapters and colonies on policy violations.


Serve as chair of IFC judicial hearings, and work with the Director of Judicial Affairs and a Greek

Affairs staff member on the enforcement of sanctions for policy violations.


Ensure that IFC Board of Directors and IFC community are achieving the Greek Affairs Strategic



Facilitate a meeting specifically for chapter presidents at least once a month.


Serve as the main resource for non-Greek students to get in contact with the Greek system.


Shall be responsible for continual evaluation of the functionality of the Interfraternity Council

Executive Council and restructure as necessary to fit strategic goals of the Greek community.


Maintain overall responsibility for the operation of the Interfraternity Council and serve as the

Interfraternity Council representative to the campus and community.


Work with the executive board, Council of Presidents, and Greek Affairs staff in all matters pertaining to IFC.


The Vice President shall assist the President as directed, preside at official meetings in the absence of the

President, and succeed to the office of President whenever that office is declared vacant by the Board of

Directors. He shall:


Develop scholarship programming and academic incentives for individuals and chapters.


Organize, implement, and conduct membership development activities and programming including

Greek LEADS, roundtables, and other initiatives.


Review the Council’s constitution and bylaws on an annual basis and suggest changes as needed.


Undertake and assist in special projects delegated by the President.


The Director of Judicial Affairs shall:


Coordinate all investigations of policy violations by IFC member chapters and colonies that are brought to the attention of the Director. These investigations shall be conducted independently from the Board of Directors and without their influence by an investigative team that is chosen by the Director of Judicial Affairs.


Have the power to make a formal complaint on behalf of a complainant and present the written testimony of the complainant in a formal hearing.


Be responsible for the interpretation and correct implementation of the IFC Judicial Policy.


Be responsible, along with the President and a Greek Affairs staff member, for creation and enforcement of administrative sanctions for minor policy violations.


Work with chapters to oversee compliance of all judicial sanctions.


Assist the Director of Risk Management in training the SRC members.


Review the Council’s judicial policy on an annual basis and make changes as needed.


Undertake and assist in special projects delegated by the President.


The Director of Risk Management shall:


Provide chapters with educational seminars and presentations (e.g. sexual misconduct, bystander intervention, hazing, fire safety, alcohol abuse, etc.) for each of the following: new member classes, presidents, and social chairs regarding the Social Responsibility Policy at the beginning of each semester, and chapter and colony members on risk management issues.


Create and maintain a risk management manual for chapters.


Conduct risk management programming at least twice a semester.


Be responsible for the interpretation and correct implementation of the Social Responsibility Policy.


Send letters to local establishments informing them of the Event Responsibility Policy and the

SRC, as well as collecting up-to-date establishment insurance and liability information to distribute to chapters.


Review event registration forms to ensure compliance with the Social Responsibility Policy and all other applicable policies.


Select, train, and supervise Social Responsibility Committee (SRC) members.


Direct the activities of the SRC by scheduling the committee members to monitor registered fraternity events every week.


Review the Council’s Social Responsibility Policy on an annual basis and make changes as needed.


Undertake and assist in special projects delegated by the President.


The Director of Public Relations shall:


Publish The Weekly Greek with the Panhellenic Director of Public Relations.


Send news releases to media for all IFC/PHC major events, programming, and/or award s .


Serve as a resource to chapters and colonies for publicizing their events (e.g. public relations handbook, press releases, general publicity).


Work with Greek Affairs staff to update and maintain the Greek Affairs website and calendar .


Conduct public relations programming or roundtable discussions at least once a semester.


Work with Greek Affairs staff and IFC Board of Directors on all promotional materials and Branding

(e.g. letter heads, logos, newsletters, memos).


Review chapter websites at least once per semester.


Manage the Council’s social media accounts and use them to promote IFC and the Greek community.


Undertake and assist in special projects delegated by the President.


The Director of Community and Internal Relations shall:


Call roll and take minutes at all IFC and Board of Directors meetings.


Type and distribute an agenda and minutes of meetings. The meeting agenda shall be distributed prior to the meeting and the minutes shall be distributed within 48 hours of the meeting.


Collect, compile, and distribute all chapter philanthropy results each semester.


Conduct philanthropy programming or roundtable discussions at least once a semester.


Maintain all current IFC documents and policies.


The Director of Recruitment shall:


Work with Greek Affairs staff to coordinate the IFC membership recruitment program.


Work with Greek Affairs staff and IFC Board of Directors on all recruitment promotional materials and branding (e.g. letter heads, logos, newsletters, memos).


Hold monthly recruitment roundtables with recruitment chairs to improve current and future recruitment processes and events.


Promote fraternity membership to prospective members and their parents.


Educate fraternity recruitment chairmen about dry recruitment , recruitment ethics , and recruitment best practice techniques.


Work with chapters to help them reach their recruitment goals.


Work with Greek Affairs and PHC to execute the Greek Experience event on an annual basis.

Section 2.

The Board of Directors shall be composed of the eight elected officers provided in Section 1 of this Article. A Greek

Affairs staff member shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Board of Directors. Members of the Council of

Presidents may attend any meeting of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall:


Be the governing body of IFC when the Council of Presidents is not in session.


Administer routine business between meetings of the Council of Presidents when advisable and such other business as has been approved for action by the Council of Presidents.


Report all action taken by the Board of Directors at the next meeting of the Council of Presidents.


Review the AFLV awards application and complete applications based on eligibility and board interest.


Attend all IFC/PHC activities, including but not limited to, executive board meetings, Council of Presidents meetings, educational programs, and recruitment events.


Conduct a thorough transition for new officers.


Keep a well-organized and comprehensive notebook/electronic files of all activities pertaining to the position, and pass it on to the next officer.


Provide an officer report of all actions and business related to respective office at all Board of Directors and

Council of Presidents meetings.


Serve as members of the IFC Judicial Board as needed.


Members of the Board of Directors with more than three unexcused absences from official IFC meetings or sponsored events shall be subject to recall by the Council of Presidents. Absences are deemed excused upon the approval of the IFC President.


Serve two (2) office hours per week in the Greek Affairs office.

Section 3.

Should a vacancy exist on the Board of Directors, the remaining members of the Board of Directors shall elect a

qualified male to complete the vacant term, subject to the majority approval of the Council of Presidents.

Section 4.

Any officer who fails to perform his duties as outlined by the constitution and the IFC oath of office shall be subject to recall.

Section 5 .

Recall procedures of Executive Council Officers :


Any officer failing to perform his duties as outlined shall meet individually with the IFC President to discuss his performance.


If the officer continues to not perform his duties, he will meet with the IFC Board of Directors.


Upon a two thirds (2/3) vote by the Board of Directors, the officer will be considered for removal subject to a two thirds (2/3) approval of the Council of Presidents.


Upon a two thirds (2/3) approval by the Council of Presidents, the officer will be removed from office, and a new officer will be instated as specified by Article III, Section 3 of the IFC constitution.


A voting member of the Council of Presidents, at any time, may move to remove a Director. Upon a two thirds (2/3) approval of the Council of Presidents, the Director will be removed from office. A new Director will be instated as specified by Article III, Section 3 of the IFC Constitution.

Section 6.

There shall be the following standing committees of the IFC:


The Finance Committee, which will make recommendations to the IFC and PHC Boards of Directors concerning the annual Greek Affairs budget, shall be composed of the following voting members:


The IFC President, together with the PHC President, as Co-Chairs.


Two undergraduate males, together with two undergraduate females, in a fraternity or sorority, chosen by the Co-Chairs.


Two fraternity alumni (together with two sorority alumni), chosen by the Co-Chairs.


The Judicial Board is the board that will have deciding power over judicial hearings. They will have the authority to determine responsibility for alleged violations and to determine appropriate sanctions . It consists of the following members:


The IFC Boards of Directors. a.

The IFC President will serve as the chairperson of the Judicial Board for each judicial hearing. b.

Two other members of the board will be appointed to serve on the board for each hearing by the Judicial Board chairperson. The members of the board shall be selected in the following priority order to serve – Director of Risk Management, Vice President, Director of Public

Relations, Director of Community & Internal Relations, and Director of Recruitment. c.

No member of the Board of Directors may be appointed to a case where his chapter is the complainant or respondent due to conflict of interest.


The IFC President will serve as the chairperson of the Judicial Board for each judicial hearing. a.

One of these appointees will be present at all administrative review and judicial hearings. b.

An alumni representative is not eligible to serve in a judicial proceeding where his chapter is the complainant or respondent due to conflict of interest. c.

If neither of the alumni representatives is able to attend a judicial proceeding, the Vice

President of Student Life should be contacted to provide an alternate representative to serve.


Four chapter representatives appointed by the IFC Director of Judicial Affairs. a.

Two of these representatives will be appointed to serve for each hearing. b.

No chapter representative is eligible to serve in a judicial proceeding when his chapter is the

complainant or respondent due to conflict of interested.


Selection of chapter appointees: a.

At the beginning of the fall semester, the IFC Director of Judicial Affairs will release an application. b.

An applicant must meet the following qualifications:


Be a member in good standing of their fraternity as verified by their chapter president.


Be at least junior standing (60 credit hours or more).


Have a letter of support from chapter president.


Have at least a 2.5 cumulative grade point average. c.

The IFC Director of Judicial Affairs will review all applications received and select four men to serve a one year term on the board. d.

No more than one member from each fraternity may be selected. e.

A staff person representing Greek Affairs shall be present to advise the IFC Judicial Board and serve as an “ex officio” member of the Judicial Board.


All procedures and actions of this board shall follow the Kansas State University Interfraternity

Council Judicial Policy.

Section 7.

Except as otherwise provided in the Constitution or Bylaws, the Board of Directors is authorized to create special or ad hoc committees as the Board of Directors shall deem necessary, with undergraduate and alumni voting members appointed by the IFC President.


Section 1.

Elections shall occur annually, on the second to last meeting of the fall semester.

Section 2.

The IFC President shall appoint, with the approval of the Board of Directors, a Slating Committee composed of seven men. At least three members of the Slating Committee shall have previously held or are to complete terms as chapter president, with the remainder having served as an IFC officer. Chapters whose presidents serve on the Slating

Committee may not be represented again for three years.

The Slating Committee shall accept applications from and interview all men applying for an elected office in the IFC and determine the IFC Board of Directors Slate.

Section 3.

The Slating Committee shall not consist of more than two men from the same IFC member chapter.

Section 4.

Any man who has been initiated into the membership of an IFC member chapter and who is in good standing with that member chapter , and whose cumulative G.P.A is 2.85 or greater , shall be eligible for nomination to an IFC elected office.

Section 5.

The Slating Committee shall present nominations for each elected IFC office , along with biographical data on each candidate , to the Council of Presidents no later than two weeks prior to the annual election .

Section 6.

The use of “Roll Down Nominations” shall not be used by the Slating Committee . However, the individuals may be slated for multiple offices as long as the Slating Committee believes the candidate is qualified for each elected office.

Section 7.

A slated candidate may be nominated by a voting member of the Council of Presidents for another Director position in the event that one or no candidates are eligible to hold office.

Section 8.

The Council of Presidents shall, in one meeting without a recess or adjournment, elect all officers from those recommended by the Slating Committee.

Section 9.

All officers duly elected shall assume their responsibilities January 1 and shall serve until their successors have been elected and take office.

Section 10.

The Board of Directors shall ensure that undergraduate and alumni positions on standing committees are filled in a timely manner.

Section 11 .

Any member of the IFC whose chapter loses IFC recognition may be allowed to finish his term with the approval of a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Council of Presidents. Failure to meet two-thirds (2/3) will require a removal from office.


Section 1.

The Kansas State University Interfraternity Council became the first IFC in the nation to outlaw “Hell Week” and related hazing activities. The original resolution of March 19, 1956, is a permanent part of this Constitution:

“We consider the fraternity responsible for a positive contribution to the primary functions of colleges and universities, and therefore under an obligation to encourage the most complete personal development of its members, intellectual, physical, and social. Therefore, we declare that any member fraternity of the Interfraternity Council at Kansas State

University shall not indulge in Hell Week or any activities which will:


Have an adverse effect on the worth of the individual, be it mentally, physically, or morally degrading to his character.


Hinder the individual’s participation in any activities, academic or extracurricular, of Kansas State University.

And furthermore, it shall be the purpose of Kansas State University fraternities at all times. Therefore, any violation of the above declaration by any member fraternity will result in immediate action by the Interfraternity Council with maximum punishment being permanent expulsion from the Kansas State University Interfraternity Council.”

Section 2.

All fraternities at Kansas State University subscribe to the Fraternity Executives Association “Statement of Position on Hazing and Pre-Initiation Activities” and the KSU Anti-Hazing Policy and Human Rights Code.


Section 1.

In accordance with the Articles of Incorporation, should the Kansas State University Interfraternity Council ever cease to exist, all assets of the IFC at such time of dissolution shall be paid to the Kansas State University Foundation.


Section 1.

This Constitution may be amended by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Council of Presidents. Any amendment shall be introduced at an official meeting before being adopted at a subsequent official meeting.

Section 2.

The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Council of Presidents.

*This constitution’s effective date is in reference to the passage of the Agreement between Kansas State University and the Kansas State University Interfraternity Council and Kansas State University Panhellenic Council” dated by

March 19, 2004.

AMENDED on November 1, 2004 (amendment to become effective immediately)

Reaffirmed on April 25, 2005

AMENDED on November 28, 2005 (amendment to become effective immediately)

AMENDED on November 27, 2006 (amendment to become effective immediately)

AMENDED on February 26, 2007 (amendment to become effective immediately)

AMENDED on May 14, 2007 (amendment to become effective immediately)

AMENDED on December 12, 2007 (amendment effective January 1, 2008)

AMENDED on October 7, 2008 (amendment effective immediately)

AMENDED on December 7, 2009 (amendment effective immediately)

AMENDED on May 4, 2010 (amendment effective immediately)

AMENDED on May 2, 2011 (amendment effective immediately)

AMENDED on November 12, 2012 (amendment effective immediately)

AMENDED on November 16, 2015 (amendment effective immediately)



Effective January 1, 2008

101. Meetings: The Council of Presidents shall officially meet every two weeks unless voted on by the Council.

Additional official meetings may be called by the IFC President or the Director of Greek Affairs. The Board of

Directors shall meet regularly at least twice each month at times other than when the Council of Presidents is meeting, as determined by the IFC President.

102. Quorum: Two-thirds (2/3) of all the voting members of the Council of Presidents shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Five (5) voting members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business of the Board of Directors. Except as otherwise provided in the Constitution or these Bylaws, in both the Council of Presidents and the Board of Directors, a majority of those present and voting shall be necessary for any decision on any matter.

103. Attendance: Each member chapter shall have its President or presiding officer present at all official meetings of the Council of Presidents. During the course of a semester after the third time a member chapter is absent from an Official IFC or Council of Presidents meeting that chapter shall lose their voting rights in IFC meetings for the next meeting. After the fourth absence from a meeting a fine of $200 shall be imposed on the chapter. After the fifth absence the chapter shall be placed on social probation for the remainder of the semester or a minimum of a month. When a chapter president has a permanent academic conflict with the regular meeting time of the Council of

Presidents, the Board of Directors may permit his chapter to designate a permanent substitute for that semester who shall meet with the Council of Presidents and have full voting rights.

201. Finance:

A. The fiscal year of the Kansas State IFC shall be from July 1 to June 30.

B. The signature of the Director of Greek Affairs shall be required to bind IFC.

C. IFC shall follow the University Restricted Fees Accounts policies and procedures.

D. Membership Dues

The dues of each IFC chapter shall be an assessment per chapter per semester and per initiated member and new member of an amount determined by the IFC council when it approves its annual budget.

The dues of each IFC chapter shall be payable by the third week of each semester.

NIC dues are paid yearly as invoiced by the NIC office, this amount is assessed through regular membership dues.

202. Delinquencies: Member chapters with delinquent financial obligations to the IFC shall be subject to review by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may, as a matter of policy, cease to provide services to or recognition of the members or new members of a member chapter delinquent in its obligations to IFC.

203. Member Fee: For every member, each chapter shall pay to the IFC a new member fee as determined in the annual budget.

301. Staff: The Vice President for Student Life will hire, as recommended by the Search Committee, the Director of Greek Affairs and such unclassified and classified staff as stated in the Agreement dated March 19, 2004, which is made a part of this Constitution by reference and the Continuance of the Agreement Between Kansas State

University and the Kansas State University Interfraternity Council and the Kansas State University Panhellenic

Council dated May 5, 2008. The Director of Greek Affairs shall be a fraternity/sorority alum. The Director of Greek

Affairs will have all fiscal and personnel responsibilities, including the following:


Be responsible for the general supervision of the employees and finances of the KSU IFC and Greek Affairs.


Be responsible for the preparation and submission to the Finance Committee of the annual budget.


Be responsible for the receipt of all payments due to the IFC, collect all dues, and billing for all amounts owed to the IFC.


Be responsible for the prompt payment of all bills of the KSU IFC through organization safekeeping procedures of the University.


Be responsible for working with the University Internal Auditor to maintain up-to-date financial records and assist in the yearly University audit.


Be responsible for the preparation of all tax forms and review books at the end of the fiscal year.

401. Scholarship Standards:


A member chapter and its new member class must maintain a semester GPA of at least 2.500.


If a member chapter or its new member class fails to achieve at least a GPA of 2.500, it shall prepare an action plan designed to improve the grades of the group in poor academic standing and present this program to the IFC Vice President within two weeks of being notified by the IFC Vice President. The chapter will treated as delinquent if this deadline is not met, and will be treated as such until the requirement is fulfilled .

Upon approval of the IFC Vice President , the member chapter shall implement the program until they meet the standards.


If a member chapter or its new member class fails to achieve at least a GPA of 2.500 for two consecutive semesters the chapter shall be subject to more severe punishment by the IFC Vice President until a 2.500

GPA is obtained.


The chapter may be placed on social probation for a semester or more as determined by the IFC Board of

Directors as suggested by the IFC Vice President. A majority vote by the Board of Directors is required to impose the social probation.


IFC officer candidates shall have at least a 2.85 cumulative GPA, and IFC officers shall maintain at least a

2.85 cumulative GPA while in office.

501. Colonization Procedures:


The IFC reserves the privilege of contacting national fraternities concerning colonization at Kansas State



A national or international fraternity wishing to colonize at Kansas State University should address a

“Request for Colonization” to the Director of Greek Affairs, IFC President, and Vice President for Student



The request shall be subject to the majority approval of the Council of President s and the Vice President for

Student Life. The request shall include:


The number of alumni in the Manhattan area and the State of Kansas.


Degree of support and plan of consultations and supervision for establishing a colony.


Financial support available to the colony from the national fraternity and the alumni.


A copy of the Inter/National constitution and bylaws, as well as all other rules, regulations, policies, etc., pertaining to colonies.


Samples of all literature and publications of the Inter/National fraternity available to or for the use of the colony.


The Inter/National fraternity shall show financial stability through a current Inter/National balance statement, a statement as to ability to assist in financing a chapter house and degree to which it will assume responsibility for the colony and chapter financial liabilities.


The Inter/National fraternity should indicate the number of colonies it has, or plans to have, while having a colony at KSU and how it plans to supervise and assist it.


Following consideration of a request by the Council of Presidents and the Vice President for Student Life, the Inter/National fraternity will be notified. If approval to colonize is granted, the letter will contain the recommendations of the IFC and specify the conditions of colonization, as well as the requirements for

installation of an active chapter.


The colony may be established either by transfer of members from another chapter or by a representative of the Inter/National fraternity.


The colony may organize under a name reflecting the name of the national fraternity so long as the name contains the word “colony.”


The Inter/National fraternity shall develop a recruitment strategy to colonize the chapter.


The Inter/National fraternity shall appoint faculty and alumni advisors and maintain these positions.


The colony is bound by all University rules and regulations pertaining to organized living groups and by the

Constitution and Bylaws of IFC.

502. Installation Procedures:


A colony must operate for at least two successive school semesters (not including summer school) before it may be granted full recognition by the Interfraternity Council.


The colony and Inter/National fraternity shall petition IFC requesting a charter for the previously established colony. The petition shall include the following information:


List of colony members and associates, their scholastic standing, and academic classifications.


The bylaws of the colony.


History of the accomplishments of the colony.


Financial reports for at least the preceding semester (or year) including the balance sheet and expense statements.


Letter of approval and support from the Inter/National fraternity assuring that the colony will be chartered by the national fraternity.


A statement concerning number, length, and plan for consultations by the Inter/National staff with its chapters.


A statement of compliance with all Kansas State University and Manhattan community policies.


Any additional letters of recommendation or support which the colony cares to supply.


The colony shall consist of not less than twenty (20) men who meet IFC standards for initiation, with twothirds (2/3) eligible and planning to return to KSU the following year.

701. Rules of Order: The KSU IFC shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, except as specifically otherwise provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws.

801. Revision: The IFC Vice President shall, on an annual basis, review the IFC constitution and By-Laws.

901. Strategic Plan: The Greek Affairs Strategic Plan shall be considered in all actions of IFC.

*These bylaws’ effective date is in reference to the passage of the Agreement between Kansas State University and the Kansas State University Interfraternity Council and Kansas State University Panhellenic Council” dated by March

19, 2004.

Reaffirmed on April 25, 2005

Amended on April 3, 2006

Amended on May 14, 2007

Amended on December 3, 2007

Amended on December 7, 2009

Amended on May 4, 2010

Amended on May 2, 2011

Amended on November 12, 2012

Amended on December 2, 2012

Amended on November 16, 2015
