SEPTEMBER1999 THESOUTHWESTERN NATURALIST 44(3):287-295 EFFECTS OF RED SHINER (CYPRINELLA LUTRENSIS) ON RED RIVER PUPFISH (CYPRINODON RUBROFLUVIATILIS ) KEITH B. GIDO, JACOB F. SCHAEFER,KIRSTENWORK, PHILIPW. LIENESCH, EDIE MARSH-MATTHEWS, AND WILLIAM J. MATTHEWS Departmentof Zoologyand Biological Station, Universityof Oklahoma,Norman, OK 73019 Present address of KW: EcosystemsRestorationDepartment, South Florida WaterManagement District, 3301 Gun Club Rd., P.O. Box 24680, WestPalm Beach, FL 33416-4680 Present address of PWL: Departmentof Biology, Universityof North Carolina Greensboro,P.O. Box 26174, Greensboro,NC 27402-6174 ABSTRACT-A proposed desalinization project that would affect the entire upper Red River basin, Oklahoma-Texas, would, if completed, raise the possibility of invasion by red shiner, Cyprinella lutrensis, into stream reaches from which it has been restricted by naturally high salinity. Because introduced red shiners are known to impact native fish communities, we asked if red shiner could have an adverse effect on Red River pupfish, Cyprinodonrubrofluviatilis,which typically occurs in reaches of the Red River with high salinity. In an array of artificial streams we examined effects of red shiner on survival, condition, and reproduction of Red River pupfish. In the presence of red shiner, pupfish successfully produced larvae, but fewer juvenile pupfish survived to potentially recruit. RESUMEN-Un proyecto propuesto de desalinizaci6n que afectaria a toda la cuenca del Red River superior, Oklahoma-Texas, aumentaria, si es completado, la posibilidad de una invasi6n de la sardinita roja, Cyprinella lutrensis, en riachuelos en donde no ha estado por una salinidad naturalmente alta. Preguntamos si la sardinita roja podria occasionar un efecto negativo sobre el pez cachorito del Red River, Cyprinodonrubrofluviatilis, ya que la sardinita roja introducida suele impactar las communidades naturales de peces. Cyprinodonrubrofluviatilistipicamente se encuentra en las cuencas del Red River con alta salinidad. Examinamos los efectos de la sardinita roja en la supervivencia, condici6n y reproduci6n del pez cachorito del Red River en una serie de riachuelos artificiales. En presencia de la sardinita roja, el pez cachorito produjo larvas con 6xitopero menos juveniles del pez cachorito sobrevivieron para su posible reproducci6n. The parapatric distribution of species along environmental gradients can reflect a trade-off between the competitive ability of a species and its ability to withstand environmental conditions (e.g., Connell, 1961). Abundance patterns of stream fishes are known to vary along environmental gradients, and patterns of little or no overlap between species have been interpreted as the outcome of competitive interactions (e.g., Taylor and Lienesch, 1996). However, it is often difficult to determine causal factors and to separate relative effects of various biotic and abiotic factors without experimental studies. Human activities can inadvertently affect fish distributions by changing environmental conditions. For example, impoundment of rivers has dramatically affected natural temperature and chemical gradients (Baxter, 1977). In addition, changes in regional temperature regimes in response to global warming may disrupt thermal gradients and thus the distribution of fish species in streams (Matthews and Zimmerman, 1990; Rahel et al., 1996). The impetus for the present study is the proposed desalinization of a naturally saline river to improve water quality for municipal and agricultural purposes, a process that could alter distribution of fishes along a salinity gradient. The Red River (Oklahoma-Texas) is characterized by high salt concentrations (>10 ppt) in the headwaters due to percolation of ground water through marine salt beds (Echelle et al., 1972). Salinity decreases downstream where freshwater tributaries enter the river. Fish assemblages in the headwaters typi- 288 The SouthwesternNaturalist cally are depauperate (<10 species/collection), with Red River pupfish, Cyprinodonrubrofluviatilis, and plains killifish, Fundulus zebrinus, being the dominant species (Echelle et al., 1972). In lower reaches, red shiner, Cyprinella lutrensis, western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, and numerous other native minnows are abundant (Echelle et al., 1972; Taylor et al., 1993). Although pupfish can tolerate low salinity (Echelle et al., 1972), they are thought to be poor competitors and to exist in high abundance only in areas where high salt concentrations limit entry of other native species (>10 ppt; Echelle et al., 1972). Increasing demand for water in Oklahoma and Texas has led to projects that reduce salinity of the Red River. Two desalinization structures already exist in the upper Red River basin and seven others have been proposed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers as part of the Red River Chloride Control Project. Currently, the Red River is still highly saline; however, completion of additional desalinization plants could cause a basin-wide reduction in salinity. Under this scenario, it is likely that other species that are abundant downstream under lower salt concentrations could invade the upper reaches of the basin. In particular, red shiner has been shown to rapidly invade disturbed areas and has had negative effects on native fish species (Karp and Tyus, 1990; Rinne, 1991; Douglas et al., 1995). Given the potential for increased interaction between red shiner and Red River pupfish if desalinization were to occur, we examined interactions between these species to assess direct effects of the former upon the latter. vol. 44 no. 3 Pool Depth 45cm Elevated Holding Tank 46cm 183cm Riffle Depth 15cm 183cm FIG. 1-Design of each of eight experimental streams located at the University of Oklahoma Biological Station. 1995). Experimental streams were filled with water pumped from Lake Texoma (an impoundment of the Red River, conductivity 1,200 jxmhos/cm, salinity 0.5 ppt). Streams were filled 2 months prior to addition of fish to allow colonization of algae and invertebrates. Streams were monitored weekly; screens were cleaned of algae and debris, and any fish mortalities were noted and dead fish removed. Each stream unit was treated as n = 1 in analyses, with mean values within each unit entered as the individual variate. The configuration of the stream offered at least a semi-natural setting for small fishes, with pools interspersed by riffles. In this setting, fishes had the potential to use a wide array of microhabitats reflecting differences in depth, current, and shelter, and the potential to escape spatially from competitors or predators. Fish Collections-Pupfish for this experiment were METHODS-Experimental Streams-Experimental collected in the Red River near Eldorado, Oklahoma streamswere located at the Universityof Oklahoma on 7 May 1997. At the time of collection, water temBiological Station and consisted of eight indepen- perature was 23 °C, conductivity was 18,000 pimhos/ dent riffle-pool units (Fig. 1). Each unit was filled cm, and salinity was 10 ppt. From 30 seine hauls (225 with natural sand, gravel, and cobble. Substratum m2), mean density of pupfish was 2.2 individuals/m2. was sculptured to form concave pools and riffles Red shiners were captured from a nearby tributary with sinuous flow to simulate a natural stream. In (Sandy Creek, salinity ca. 1 ppt) on 21 March 1997. each unit, water was pumped from a downstream Each species was held in separate 183 by 50 cm cycollection box using a submersible 0.25 hp (horse lindrical holding tanks for at least 1 week prior to power) pump into an elevated holding tank where placement in experimental streams. Experiments water overflowed into an upstream collection box. ran for 65 days, from 14 May 1997 to 18 July 1997. Upstream and downstream boxes were closed with To give an accurate count of adults, the experiment 0.5 cm plastic mesh to block movement of adult fish was terminated before juvenile fish were large into collection boxes. Current velocity within each enough to be confused with fish initially stocked in the streams. unit was heterogeneous, ranging from 0 to 25 cm/ ExperimentalDesign-Interspecific interactions besec in riffles and 0 to 10 cm/sec in pools (Gelwick, September 1999 Gido et al.-Effects of red shiner on pupfish tween pupfish and red shiner were examined using an additive design experiment (Silvertown, 1987; Goldberg and Scheiner, 1993). Three units were stocked with 26 pupfish (PF treatment) and three units were stocked with 26 pupfish plus 30 red shiner (PF+RS treatment) to give a pupfish density of 2.72 fish/m2 in each treatment. Treatments and individual fish were randomly assigned to experimental streams. To assay performance of pupfish between treatments we measured 1) larval abundance in light traps, 2) juvenile abundance in light traps, 3) adult survivorship, 4) adult condition, 5) juvenile survivorship at the end of the experiment, and 6) diet of pupfish. We also examined diet of red shiner to determine dietary overlap between the two species. If red shiner outcompeted pupfish for resources we predicted pupfish to have lower survivorship and condition of adults, lower larval production, and perhaps a shift in diet in the presence of red shiner. If predation on larval and juvenile pupfish was an important interaction, we predicted lower larval and juvenile survival in the presence of red shiner. Larval and juvenile abundance in light traps were used to estimate reproduction and recruitment of pupfish. We assumed the number of individuals captured in light traps was directly related to abundance of larval and juvenile pupfish, regardless of treatment. Larval fish (<5 mm SL) were assumed to have recently hatched, within 1 to 2 days, and represented reproductive output. Juveniles (5-25 mm SL) were assumed to be those individuals that had survived the first days of life and were able to feed and grow in the experimental streams. Light traps were similar to the quatrefoil trap described by Floyd et al. (1984), with 3.2 mm slits. The center illumination rod was lit by a 2.9 W bulb powered by a 6 V battery. Approximately every week, three light traps were set in each stream (one per pool) just after dusk for one hour. Larval and juvenile fish from each trap were preserved in 5% buffered formalin and returned to the laboratory for measurement and enumeration. On 22 June 1997 (day 31), baited minnow traps were used to capture adult pupfish to examine condition. Of those captured, five individuals from each stream were randomly selected for analysis. Pupfish were measured, eviscerated, and dried at 600C for 24 h. Because dried body weight showed a linear relationship with length (r2 = 0.729, P < 0.0001), condition was calculated as dried weight/standard length X 1,000. At the end of the experiment (day 65), adult and juvenile survivorship was determined by collecting and counting individuals from streams. A thorough effort was made to recover all adult and juvenile fish while draining streams. Condition also was calculated for adult pupfish collected at the end of the experiment. Stomach contents from adult pupfish and red 289 shiner removed at the end of the experiment were examined under a stereomicroscope at 20 X magnification and food items were identified into major resource categories. Percent volume and percent occurrence were calculated for all food items. Because both measures gave similar results, only percent occurrence was used in analysis. Intraspecific density effects on pupfish performance were examined at two densities. The three PF units described previously (density of 2.72 fish/ m2) were used as a low density treatment and the two remaining streams were stocked at a density of 5.43 fish/m2 and were used as a high density treatment (PF + PF treatment). Response variables for these comparisons were 1) adult survivorship, 2) adult condition, 3) per capita larval abundance in light traps, 4) juvenile abundance in light traps, and 5) juvenile abundance at the end of the experiment. All variables were measured as described previously except larval abundance in light traps. To estimate per capita reproduction, larval abundance in light traps was adjusted to the number of female pupfish in each stream. Expected number of female pupfish on each sample date was based on predicted mortality rate (number of adults/day). This rate was determined by the difference in number of adults found at the end of the experiment divided by number of days in the experiment. The assumption that there was a constant mortality rate was supported by an even distribution of pupfish mortalities recovered throughout the study. Data Analysis-In all analyses the individual variate was a single value for each stream unit, n = 3, 3, 2 for PF, PF + RS, and PF + PF treatments, respectively. A repeated measures ANOVA with time as the repeated factor was used to test for differences between treatments in number of larval and juvenile pupfish captured in light traps (SPSS, 1996). Comparisons between treatments for response variables measured at the end of the experiment (adult survivorship, juvenile abundance, and adult condition) were made using t-tests with a Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (Rice, 1989). Additional ttests were used to test for differences in mean length and sex ratio of adult pupfish at the end of the experiment. These tests were to used to evaluate potential differences that may have occurred during the initial stocking and were not considered response variables. Differences in percent occurrence of major food items in pupfish stomachs between PF and PF + RS treatments and differences between pupfish stomachs (all treatments combined) and red shiner stomachs were tested using a G-test (Sokal and Rohlf, 1995). Because of the small number of replicates we a priori set our alpha level at 0.10 to decrease the likelihood of Type II error. RESULTS-Interspecific Interactions-No signif- 290 vol. 44. no. 3 The Southwestern Naturalist 60 PF PF + RS 50 40 30 larvae/hour of 20 10 Number 0 3 June 10 June 17 June 22 June 10 july FIG.2-Mean and standard error for number of larval pupfish captured in light traps for PF and PF + RS treatmentsduring each sample period. icant differences were found between PF and PF + RS treatments in mean number of larval pupfish captured in light traps (P = 0.228; Fig. 2). Regardless, the PF treatment had a greater mean number of larval pupfish on each sampling occasion, suggesting sample size may have been inadequate to detect any difference. There was significantly higher juvenile abundance (P = 0.012) in the PF treatment, with only two juveniles captured from light traps in the PF + RS treatment across all sample dates (Fig. 3). Because no juveniles were captured on the first night of sampling in either treatment, this date was excluded from analysis. We found no significant differences between treatments for any of the variables measured at the end of the experiment (P> 0.10; Table 1). In addition, mean length of adult pupfish (28.2 versus 28.4 mm) and sex ratio (0.85 versus 0.66-males:females) was similar between treatments (P > 0.10). Mortality was high in both treatments and ranged from 15.4 to 73.1%. Whereas there was no significant difference between treatments in number of juveniles recovered (P = 0.295), two of the three PF units had notably higher juvenile abundance than the PF + RS treatment. This corresponded to the greater abundance of juve- nile pupfish taken in light traps from PF units than from PF + RS units. Percent occurrence of major food items in pupfish stomachs did not differ significantly between PF and PF + RS treatments (G = 0.575, P > 0.90) indicating that presence of red shiner did not cause a diet shift (Fig. 4). Pupfish appeared to be opportunistic feeders; the majority of their diet was filamentous algae. Pupfish did have a significantly different diet than red shiner (G = 113.7, P < 0.001; Fig. 4). In general, red shiner consumed a greater proportion of amorphous detritus and terrestrial insects (particularly ants) than pupfish. IntraspecificDensity Effects-Larval abundance in light traps was not significantly different (P = 0.271) between PF and PF + PF treatments (Fig. 5). However, on all sample dates mean number of larvae/female pupfish was greater in the PF treatment. Similarly, mean juvenile abundance in light traps did not differ significantly between treatments (P = 0.212) but was greater in the PF treatment on all but one sample date (Fig. 6). Although these results could have been due to a weak density effect, our experiment was not sensitive enough to detect any difference. Condition of adult pupfish on September Gido et al.-Effects 1999 of red shiner on pupfish 291 12 PF 10 PF+RS 8 6 juveniles/hour of 4 2 Number 0 3 June 10 June 17 June 22 June 10 july FIG. 3-Mean and standard error for number of juvenile pupfish captured in light traps for PF and PF + RS treatments during each sample period. 80 70 60 pupfish (PF) pupfish (PF+RS) red shiner 50 40 occurence 30 20 Percent 10 0 Fil. algae Veg. debris Fish scales Diptera Am. detritus Amphipod Terr. insect FIG. 4-Percent occurrence of major food items taken by Red River pupfish with red shiner absent (PF) and red shiner present (PF + RS). Diet of red shiner is given to assess interspecific overlap in diet. Fil. = filamentous, Veg. = vegetative, Am. = amorphous, and Terr. = terrestrial. 292 The Southwestern Naturalist vol. 44, no. 3 3 PF PF+PF 2 larvae/female/hour 1 pupfish of 0 Number 3 June 10 June 17 June 22 June 10 july FIG. 5-Mean and standard error for number of larval pupfish captured in light traps for PF and PF + PF treatments during each sample period. 12 PF 10 PF+PF 8 6 juveniles/hour of 4 2 Number 0 3 June 10 June 17 June 22 June 10 july FIG. 6-Mean and standard error for number of juvenile pupfish captured in light traps for PF and PF + PF treatments during each sample period. September Gido et al.-Effects 1999 of red shiner on pupfish 293 TABLE1-Response variables measured for Red River pupfish. Values for each experimental unit and means are given for each treatment. Treatment Variable Adult survivorship Juvenile abundance Condition (day 31) Condition (day 65) PF 15.40 95.00 5.22 4.34 50.00 76.00 4.68 5.01 x 73.10 22.00 5.12 7.21 42.60 64.30 5.01 5.52 day 31 was significantly lower in the double density treatment (t = 5.18, P = 0.014). No significant differences were found between treatments in response variables examined at the end of the experiment (P> 0.10; Table 1). Mean length of adult pupfish (28.2 versus 28.1 mm) and sex ratio (0.85 versus 1.15-males:females) did not differ between treatments. DIscussIoN-Interspecific Interactions-The greatly reduced abundance of juvenile pupfish captured in light traps in the PF + RS treatment suggests high mortality from larval to juvenile stages. This effect could have resulted from direct predation, predator avoidance, or reduced survival of juvenile pupfish because of limiting resources. Though food may have been limiting for juveniles, there was minimal dietary overlap between red shiner and pupfish adults. Pupfish typically consumed filamentous algae and red shiner consumed amorphous debris and terrestrial insects. The food items these fish consumed in artificial streams probably reflect natural food habits because similar items have been reported for pupfish (Echelle et al., 1972) and red shiner (Hale, 1962; Cross and Collins, 1995). Because of low dietary overlap between species, competition for food was probably not very strong. In contrast, there was some evidence to suggest that predation by red shiner limited the abundance of juvenile pupfish in the PF + RS treatment. Foremost was the observance of red shiner chasing, and on one instance consuming, a juvenile pupfish (ca. 10 mm SL). This is consistent with previous reports of red shiner preying on juveniles of other species (Ruppert et al., 1993). In addition, there were trends for fewer larval pupfish in light traps and fewer juvenile pupfish at the end of the experiment in the PF + RS treatment. These trends, how- PF + RS 53.80 42.00 4.13 4.57 50.00 52.00 4.84 5.69 x 30.80 4.00 3.86 4.74 44.90 32.70 4.28 5.00 PF + PF 65.40 68.00 2.81 4.43 55.70 15.00 3.56 4.67 x 60.60 41.50 3.19 4.55 ever, were not significant, suggesting larval and juvenile pupfish were able to survive in this treatment. Finally, reduced abundance of juvenile pupfish in the presence of red shiner may have been apparent because pupfish avoided open water to escape predation, and were not captured in light traps. Thus, it may be that juvenile pupfish abundance was similar for both treatments but their behavior differed between treatments. Predation of larval and juvenile fishes by introduced fishes has been implicated in the decline of several native fish species (Meffe, 1985; Scoppettone, 1993). In addition, predator avoidance has been shown to affect growth and survivorship of juvenile fishes by forcing them to use habitats with lower resource quality (e.g., Persson and Greenberg, 1990). The importance of predation, however, depends on other factors such as spatial overlap between species and environmental heterogeneity. In our experimental streams, pupfish tended to use benthic areas but red shiner used both benthic and mid-water column habitats. Additionally, occurrence of debris and algae in stomachs of both species suggests they both spent time foraging in benthic areas. Because of the broad habitat use by red shiner, there likely would be enough spatial overlap between species that larval and juvenile pupfish would be susceptible to predation by invading species. Environmental heterogeneity and presence of refugia may reduce effects of predation on survival and recruitment of juveniles. For example, Meffe (1985) showed that two poeciliids (one introduced and one native) were able to coexist at a structurally complex site; whereas, the introduced species displaced the native species at less complex sites. Echelle (1970) reported that Red River pupfish burrow 294 The Southwestern Naturalist into the sand to avoid avian predators. In our experimental streams, a large number of juvenile pupfish were able to recruit into the population regardless of the small number of juveniles caught in light traps. Juveniles tended to be concentrated near the substratum and potentially could have sought refugia in algal mats and interstitial spaces of gravel and cobble. Because red shiners are relatively small fish, there is only a short length of time when newly hatched pupfish are small enough to be consumed. Based on gape measurements of red shiner and juvenile pupfish growth rates (from light trapping data), we estimated that in 14-19 days at approximately 25°C, a juvenile pupfish would grow to a size (>14 mm SL) at which it could no longer be consumed by an adult red shiner. The ability of pupfish juveniles to survive this period when they are susceptible to red shiner predation may greatly influence their ability to coexist. Intraspecific Density Effects-In order to detect competition, experimental densities should be high enough to allow resources to be limited but also encompass densities that are realistic in nature (Goldberg, 1996). Overall, our experimental densities were shown to be high enough and that resources were limiting. Condition of adult pupfish was significantly reduced in the double pupfish density treatment on day 31, but not at the end of the experiment. Because of high mortality in these streams, pupfish densities in the PF + PF treatment at the end of the experiment were not significantly different than in the PF treatment (P > 0.10). Thus, we did not expect as strong a density effect at the end of the experiment, after densities had declined. Based on estimated density of pupfish during fish collections, our experimental density should be representative of moderate to high densities in nature. In fact, because of the highly variable flows in the upper Red River (United States Geological Survey, in litt.), it is likely that, during low flow periods or in isolated pool habitats, pupfish densities greatly exceed those we tested. General Considerations--Echelle et al. (1972) suggested that the poor competitive ability of Red River pupfish, rather than salinity, limited their distribution in lower reaches of the Red River. Our experiments further suggest that pupfish larvae and juveniles are susceptible to vol. 44, no. 3 predation by red shiner in these reaches. Reduction of salinity in headwaters of the Red River would likely allow invasion of potential competitors and predators of pupfish. Environmental heterogeneity (i.e., availability of refuge habitat) may reduce the effect of predation by allowing juvenile pupfish to reach a size that exceeds the gape of red shiner. Removal of natural environmental gradients can affect distribution of fishes by changing the chemical and physical environment as well as influencing biotic interactions. In a study of sheepshead minnow, Cyprinodon variegatus, Dunson et al. (1998) showed a negative relationship between specific conductance and growth and reproductive output. If environmental conditions are changed, it is likely that a combination of biotic and abiotic factors will adversely affect some species while benefitting others. To help predict the outcome of such changes requires knowledge of the physiological response of a species to the change in environment and its response to corresponding changes in the biota. In the Red River basin, encroachment of red shiner into typical Red River pupfish reaches may cause direct harm to pupfish. Conversations with L. Cofer stimulated this research. G. Welborn and C. Vaughn provided advice on experimental design. Earlierversionsof this manuscript benefitted from comments by A. Echelle, G. Garrett, and an anonymous reviewer. We thank the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation for scientific collecting permits required for this research. LITERATURECITED BAXTER,R. M. 1977. Environmental effects of dams and impoundments. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 8:255-283. CONNELL, J. H. 1961. The influence of interspecific competition and other factors on the distribution of the barnacle Chthamalus stellatus. Ecology 42: 710-723. CROSS,E B., ANDJ. T. COLLINS.1995. 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Submitted2 April 1998. Accepted2 September1998. AssociateEditor was David Edds.