RIVER RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS River Res. Applic. (2014) Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/rra.2768 EFFICACY OF MECHANICALLY REMOVING NONNATIVE PREDATORS FROM A DESERT STREAM D. L. PROPSTa*, K. B. GIDOb, J. E. WHITNEYb, E. I. GILBERTc, T. J. PILGERa, A. M. MONIÉc, Y. M. PAROZd, J. M. WICKc, J. A. MONZINGOe AND D. M. MYERSf a Museum of Southwestern Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA b Division of Biology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA c Conservation Services Division, New Mexico Department of Game & Fish, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA d US Forest Service, Southwest Region, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA e Gila National Forest, Silver City, New Mexico, USA f New Mexico Fish & Wildlife Conservation Office, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA ABSTRACT Native fish faunas throughout the American Southwest have declined dramatically in the past century, mainly a consequence of habitat alteration and alien species introductions. We initiated this 6-year study to evaluate the efficacy of mechanical removal of nonnative predaceous rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, brown trout Salmo trutta, yellow bullhead Ameiurus natalis and smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu from an open 4.6-km reach of West Fork Gila River in southwest New Mexico, USA. Removal efforts involved intensive sampling with a 10- to 12-person crew using backpack electrofishers and seines to capture fish over a 4- to 5-day period each year. Additionally, two reference sites were sampled with similar methods to compare temporal changes in species mass in the absence of a removal effort. Results were mixed. Mass of yellow bullhead, rainbow trout and brown trout declined in the removal reach from 2007 through 2012, but there was no change in smallmouth bass. Concurrently, mass of Rainbow trout, yellow bullhead and smallmouth bass did not change at reference sites, but brown trout mass declined, indicating factors other than removal were driving abundance of brown trout. Occurrence of several large flathead catfish Pylodictis olivaris in the removal reach in 2012 changed what would have been a decline in overall nonnative mass to no change over the course of the study. Spikedace Meda fulgida was the only native species positively responding to predator removal. Results of this study suggest that with moderate effort and resources applied systematically, mechanical removal can benefit some native fish species, but movement of problem species from surrounding areas into removal reaches necessitates continued control efforts. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. key words: conservation; native fishes; nonnative predator control; Gila River; USA Received 1 November 2013; Revised 1 April 2014; Accepted 15 April 2014 INTRODUCTION Globally, indigenous fish faunas are threatened by an array of human-caused activities (Dudgeon et al., 2006; Vorosmarty et al., 2010). In addition to changes wrought by physical modifications, introduction of alien species has further challenged the persistence of native fishes (Clarkson et al., 2005; Cucherousset and Olden, 2011). In most systems where native fish faunas are imperilled, both habitat alteration and introduced species are problematic (Hoagstrom et al., 2011). The relative importance of habitat alteration as opposed to nonnatives on persistence of native fishes varies across systems and is dependent upon species involved, the degree of alteration (i.e. extent, timing and severity) and the traits of the native fauna (Olden et al., 2008; Gido et al., 2013). For example, large-bodied migratory natives may be *Correspondence to: D. L. Propst, Museum of Southwestern Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131, USA. E-mail: tiaroga@comcast.net Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. less affected by nonnative predators than small short-lived natives but highly vulnerable to habitat fragmentation. Because of high water demand and low fish species diversity in the arid American Southwest, the extent of habitat alteration and species introductions is perhaps more evident, if not more severe, than in mesic regions. Many desert streams are seasonally dry throughout substantial lengths (Blinn and Poff, 2005). Reaches that retain surface flow often do so by reservoir releases that are not reflective of pre-regulation flow regimes. Many streams are no longer connected to their floodplains and thus are deprived of essential nutrient infusions. The combined pressures of habitat modification and nonnative organisms have left no intact native fish faunas at the drainage scale and few at a local scale of small tributary stream or spring system (Hendrickson and Minckley, 1984; Fagan et al., 2005; Minckley and Marsh, 2009). Even where physical alterations are modest and comparatively few nonnative fishes occur, survival of native fish faunas is not assured (Propst et al., 2008; Pool and Olden 2014). Added to these more immediate D. L. PROPST ET AL. pressures are those of climate change, which will cause increasing aridity and altered precipitation patterns across the American Southwest (Seager et al., 2007). Numerous approaches have been used to diminish or reverse the effects of habitat alteration and nonnative organisms for the benefit of native fish assemblages (Gozlan et al., 2010). Some are rather broad in scope in that they attempt to correct or ameliorate what is wrong with the entire system and not focus on single elements of a larger problem (Fausch et al., 2002). Such efforts might involve mimicking a natural flow regime via reservoir releases in concert with removal of nonnative fishes, as is occurring in the Yampa-Green rivers of Colorado and Utah or San Juan River of New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah (Bestgen et al., 2007; Franssen et al. 2014). Realizing it is virtually impossible to eradicate nonnative fishes or restore natural flow regimes, these efforts are designed to tip the balance back towards native fish faunas and make conditions less suitable for undesirable nonnative fishes. Other efforts involve using piscicides (rotenone or antimycin) to remove nonnative fishes from a stream, constructing a barrier(s) to prevent re-invasion of nonnative fishes and repatriating native fishes to the renovated reach, as was carried out in Fossil Creek, Arizona (Weedman et al., 2005). In many systems, the means to eliminate or substantially reduce problem species have been limited, for numerous practical reasons, to non-chemical removal tactics, such as with electrofishing gear (e.g. Kulp and Moore, 2000). Regardless of removal method, achievement of management objectives has been mixed (Meronek et al., 1996). Eradication—through piscicides—of problem nonnative fishes from stream reaches of the upper Gila River in southwest New Mexico that supports an intact but vulnerable native fish fauna was neither practical nor likely because of high flow volume and environmental regulatory permitting requirements. Thus, we tested if abundance of nonnative fishes could be diminished using electrofishing and seining and if a measureable response by the native fish assemblage could be documented. We predicted that largebodied nonnative fishes would be most vulnerable to these sampling methods and would decline over the study period. However, we expected juveniles to continually recruit into the reach and expected movement of individuals from surrounding areas into the removal reach, albeit the rate and extent at which this would occur was unknown. We also predicted the most notable response by native fishes would be from small-bodied species that typically co-occur in low-velocity habitats with nonnative predators (Stefferud et al., 2011). A key requirement of our approach was that our effort be equivalent to what cooperating resource agencies could invest on an annual basis for an indefinite period. Thus, we present estimates of project costs. Although it might be Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. theoretically possible to quantitatively demonstrate that removal of nonnative fishes would yield a desirable outcome, this was of little practical importance if the effort required was more than the typical resource agency(ies) could invest. METHODS Study area Nonnative fishes were removed from a 4.6-km reach of lower West Fork Gila River in southwest New Mexico, USA, within the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Heart Bar Wildlife Management Area (Heart Bar removal reach, Figure 1). The Middle Fork (Gila River) was confluent with the West Fork about 150 m above the upstream removal reach terminus, and the East Fork joined the West Fork 3.9 km below the downstream removal reach terminus. Little Creek was the only perennial tributary confluent to the river within the removal reach and marked the downstream removal reach terminus. The Middle Fork contributed considerably more to discharge within the Heart Bar removal reach than did the West Fork (Table I). Within the removal reach, the river meandered through a comparatively narrow floodplain vegetated largely by narrow-leaf cottonwood Populus augustifolia, coyote willow Salix exigua and Goodding willow Salix gooddingii. Surrounding uplands were almost entirely within US Forest Service Gila National Forest and New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Heart Bar Wildlife Management Area. Domestic livestock grazed adjacent uplands in the past, but none has occurred for over 30 years. Although open to sport fishing, anglers were rarely observed in the removal reach during removal efforts. There were no impediments or barriers to fish movement into or out of the 4.6-km Heart Bar removal reach. During early June, habitats within the removal reach ranged from deep (1 to 2.5 m), slow-velocity (<0.1 m s 1) pools associated with standing and uprooted cottonwoods, scour pools (1 to 2 m deep with 0.5 m s 1 velocity water) along cliff faces, moderate-velocity runs (0.25 to 0.5 m s 1 and 0.3 to 0.75 m deep), cobbled riffles (0.1 to 0.25 m deep and 0.35 to 1.0 m s 1 velocity water), and shallow (<0.1 m deep) to deep (1.0 m) backwaters. Vegetated undercut banks were common. Mid-day water temperatures in early June were about 22°C, clarity was typically high (>0.5 m), dissolved oxygen about 8 mg L 1, specific conductance about 150 μmho cm 1 and pH slightly alkaline (<8.0). Discharge was less than 1.0 m3 s 1 during removal efforts. Reference sites were located on the Middle (site length = 297 m) and West (site length = 234 m) forks about 1 and 2 km upstream, respectively, of the upstream terminus of the removal River Res. Applic. (2014) DOI: 10.1002/rra NONNATIVE PREDATOR REMOVAL Figure 1. Location of Heart Bar nonnative fishes removal reach and reference sites in the upper Gila River, Catron County, New Mexico, USA reach (Figure 1). The variety and general dimensions of habitats within reference sites were similar to those in the removal reach. Reference site sampling was initiated in 2008. Each reference site had fewer species than the removal reach, but collectively, they had all species collected in the removal reach, except that loach minnow Tiaroga cobitis, although found prior to this study, was not collected from either reference site. Habitats in reference sites and the removal reach were similar, Table I. Temperature and discharge at West Fork Gila River Heart Bar nonnative fishes removal reach and West Fork Gila River and Middle Fork Gila River reference sites, June 2008–2012 Heart Bar Temp (C°) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 West Fork Middle Fork Discharge (m3 s 1) Temp (C°) Discharge (m3 s 1) Temp (C°) Discharge (m3 s 1) 0.13 0.21 18.7 18.3 18.9 19.0 21.0 0.23 0.20 0.22 0.06 0.08 23.6 24.1 24.8 24.5 22.8 0.51 0.25 0.40 0.10 0.19 21.1 19.0 23.2 Temperature for West Fork and Middle Fork obtained at 1200 h on 24 June of each year. Discharge measurements made at time of sampling at each location Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. River Res. Applic. (2014) DOI: 10.1002/rra D. L. PROPST ET AL. but water temperature in the West Fork was usually about 5°C less than the Middle Fork or Heart Bar reach. No other accessible stream reaches having comparable fish assemblages were within reasonable proximity (ca. 50 km) of the removal reach. Sampling methods Removal of nonnative fishes and inventory of native fishes in the Heart Bar removal reach was carried out by two 5- to 6-person crews over a 4- to 5-day period in early June each year, 2007 through 2012. Sampling occurred in June because snowmelt runoff had ceased, and summer monsoons had not commenced; thus, discharge was at or near its annual base, and sampling efficiency was expected to be highest. Sampling at reference sites (one 3-person crew) occurred within 10 days± of removal reach collections. All fishes captured at reference sites were returned alive to habitat of capture. All habitats were sampled using battery-powered backpack electrofishers and 3.0 and 4.6 × 1.2 m, 3.2-mm mesh seines. The specific method used depended upon mesohabitat being sampled and was selected to maximize probability of capture of species likely to occupy that mesohabitat. All captured fishes were held in 18.9-L buckets equipped with aerators. Total length (TL, mm) and mass (g) were determined for all nonnative predators and large-bodied native fishes >100 mm TL. A subsample (ca. 50 per species) of large-bodied specimens <100 mm, all small-bodied (< 130 mm maximum TL) native and nonnative fishes, were also measured. Large-bodied fishes (adults > 130 mm TL) were categorized as juvenile, sub-adult and adult on the basis of length–frequency histograms of specimens of each species collected within the study area (Pilger et al., 2010). Length–mass relationships were calculated, using the general formula, mass = aTLb. Each species relationship was used to estimate mass of un-weighed specimens. In the removal reach, native fishes were returned to habitat of capture, and all nonnative fishes were retained. Response metrics were number of specimens and mass of specimens per species, and age class (large-bodied species) per 10 m of stream. To obtain a general estimate of capture efficiency, twopass closed population capture–recapture was conducted for each species during June from 2008 through 2011 at the Middle Fork reference site. A 3-person crew captured fishes with a battery-powered backpack electrofisher and a seine (4.6 × 1.2 m, 3.2 mm mesh). Efficiency was calculated as the mass of individuals of a species captured in the first pass divided by the total mass estimate (population estimate × mean mass of captured specimens) for that species. The mean for each species was used to evaluate nonnative capture efficiency in the removal reach. Data analysis Pearson’s correlation coefficient was calculated to evaluate changes in mass (g/10 m) of each species over time. Because catostomids <30 mm TL could not be reliably field identified, Sonora sucker and desert sucker specimens Table II. Fishes captured in West Fork Gila River Heart Bar nonnative removal reach, 2007–2012, Catron County, New Mexico Year Species Longfin Dace Headwater chub Spikedace Speckled dace Loach minnow Desert sucker Sonora sucker Gila trout Proportion native Common carp Red shiner Fathead minnow Yellow bullhead Flathead catfish Western mosquitofish Rainbow trout Brown trout Green sunfish Smallmouth bass Proportion nonnative 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 115 38 — 17 1 263 511 — 0.81 — — — 99 — 15 48 36 1 24 0.19 207 46 27 59 8 360 641 13 0.92 — — 1 30 — — 14 62 — 8 0.08 3444 518 103 566 50 1427 5328 13 0.98 — — — 118 1 4 47 73 1 29 0.02 636 94 65 122 6 196 954 1 0.96 — 2 16 42 — — — 10 5 2 0.04 1821 105 881 984 99 901 1933 1 0.96 — 1 62 142 1 4 20 8 1 37 0.04 675 18 138 237 20 296 899 4 0.92 2 2 45 17 11 90 1 6 — 13 0.08 Counts include all catostomid specimens ≥30 mm total length. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. River Res. Applic. (2014) DOI: 10.1002/rra NONNATIVE PREDATOR REMOVAL Table III. Mass (kg) of fishes collected in West Fork Gila River Heart Bar nonnative removal reach (length = 4600 m), Catron County, New Mexico, 2007–2012 Year Species 2007 2008 2009 Longfin Dace Headwater chub Spikedace Speckled dace Loach minnow Desert sucker Juvenile Sub-adult Adult Sonora sucker Juvenile Sub-adult Adult Gila trout Total native Common carp Red shiner Fathead minnow Yellow bullhead Flathead catfish Western mosquitofish Rainbow trout Brown trout Green sunfish Smallmouth bass Total nonnative 0.240 2.764 — 0.052 0.007 0.393 0.563 0.040 0.116 0.018 5.096 2.941 0.172 1.805 0.130 1.387 1.153 0.062 0.289 0.017 0.505 3.454 4.250 1.609 0.397 4.141 1.231 2.162 9.931 0.146 1.975 182.413 — 195.806 — — — 10.476 — 0.022 7.993 4.926 0.034 2.004 25.455 1.837 1.212 165.937 6.175 182.438 — — 0.003 4.387 — — 1.128 6.994 — 0.059 12.571 5.413 6.172 177.556 8.513 221.122 — — — 2.406 2.500 0.006 6.509 5.479 0.035 0.576 17.511 <30 mm were not considered in assessing native response to nonnative removal. Exclusion of individuals <30 mm TL had negligible effect on estimates of juvenile mass because they accounted for a small proportion of that age group’s mass. Mass was used as a response variable because it was, we believed, more informative of potential predator impact than number of specimens. Mass was log10 + 1 transformed prior to analysis. Because of the low power (n = 6 years) and exploratory nature of our study, we set α at ≤0.1 so as to not exclude trends that might be obscured by a single data point. Cost estimation Field crews were composed of summer interns, technicians, staff biologists and supervisors, with a commensurate salary range. Collectively, daily salary and benefits for the field crew was about $3300 for a 10-h day. Per diem was $30 per person. Equipment and supply costs were not included, but vehicle expenses were estimated at $250 each for the five vehicles used each year. Expenses associated with obtaining reference site data were not included in total annual cost estimates, nor were planning and data compilation and synthesis costs. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 2010 2011 2012 Total 3.169 5.737 0.925 1.680 0.150 1.562 1.656 0.328 0.627 0.045 11.847 14.814 1.527 4.569 0.367 0.659 0.606 4.225 2.568 1.274 12.704 0.301 1.910 2.508 6.873 9.803 37.759 3.379 5.157 12.918 0.160 30.012 — 0.003 0.048 3.371 — — — 0.286 0.020 1.470 5.198 5.425 4.965 163.203 — 201.800 — 0.002 0.186 3.610 2.750 0.006 0.157 1.624 0.048 0.729 9.112 0.675 2.614 32.866 1.086 46.178 0.590 0.003 0.135 0.872 31.190 0.135 0.120 0.960 — 2.759 36.764 16.875 22.095 734.893 15.934 877.365 0.590 0.008 0.372 25.122 36.440 0.169 15.907 20.269 0.137 7.734 106.611 RESULTS The native fish community in the Heart Bar nonnative removal reach was composed of five cyprinids (longfin dace Agosia chrysogaster, headwater chub Gila nigra, spikedace Meda fulgida, speckled dace Rhinichthys osculus and loach minnow T. cobitis), two catostomids (desert sucker Catostomus clarkii and Sonora sucker Catostomus insignis) and one salmonid (Gila trout Oncorhynchus gilae) (Table II). Longfin dace and speckled dace were usually the most common small-bodied native fishes, and Sonora sucker was the most common large-bodied native fish each year. During the study, 10 nonnative species were collected: three cyprinids (common carp Cyprinus carpio, red shiner Cyprinella lutrensis and fathead minnow Pimephales promelas), two ictalurids (yellow bullhead Ameiurus natalis and flathead catfish Pylodictis olivaris), two salmonids (rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and brown trout Salmo trutta), one poeciliid (western mosquitofish Gambusia affinis) and two centrarchids (green sunfish Lepomis cyanellus and smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu). Among nonnative fishes, yellow bullhead, rainbow trout, brown trout and smallmouth bass were the most frequently collected. In River Res. Applic. (2014) DOI: 10.1002/rra D. L. PROPST ET AL. 2007, native fishes were 81% of the individuals collected, but from 2008 through 2012, native fishes were at least 92% of total individuals. Among native fishes, suckers, especially Sonora sucker, had a disproportionally greater mass in all years, and desert sucker had the second-greatest mass in all years (Table III). Mass of headwater chub and Gila trout, the only other large-bodied native species present, were considerably less than that of either sucker in most years. Among small-bodied native fishes, mass of longfin dace was the greatest. Mass of each small-bodied native varied considerably, but synchronously from year to year across reference sites and the removal reach (Figure 2). In contrast, mass of Sonora sucker was comparatively less variable across years at reference sites and the removal reach, that of desert sucker somewhat variable but synchronous, and headwater chub mass was variable and asynchronous across all locations. In 3 years, yellow bullhead mass was greater than any other nonnative species in the removal reach, but in 2008, brown trout mass was greatest, and rainbow trout was greatest in 2009. In 2012, flathead catfish mass exceeded that of all other nonnative fishes owing to 11 large individuals (mean TL = 477 mm and mean mass = 3735 g). Changes in mass of nonnatives, especially rainbow and brown trouts, were synchronous among reference sites and the removal reach (Figure 3). Collectively, the native fish assemblages at the reference sites were similar in composition to that in the removal reach, but individually, there were differences. Gila trout was not found at Middle Fork, and loach minnow was not found at either reference site (Table IV). Prior to this study, loach minnow was irregularly collected at both reference sites (Stefferud et al., 2011). Gila trout was stocked during autumn in West Figure 2. Mass of native fishes in Heart Bar removal reach (HB) and Middle (MF) and West (WF) forks Gila River reference sites, Catron County, New Mexico, 2007–2012. Zero values entered as 1. Note different scales Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. River Res. Applic. (2014) DOI: 10.1002/rra NONNATIVE PREDATOR REMOVAL at West Fork, but at Middle Fork, longfin dace had greatest mass among small-bodied fishes in 3 of 5 years. Capture efficiency estimates from a two-pass closed population estimate at the Middle Fork reference site indicated that at least 30% of nonnative predator mass was captured each year (Table V). Because effort in the removal reach involved two crews and at least four netters, it is likely that 50%, or more, of predator species mass was taken each year from the removal reach. After 6 years of nonnative fish removal, mass of nonnative yellow bullhead, rainbow trout and brown trout declined (Table VI). Because brown trout also declined at the West Fork site, we could not attribute its decline in the removal reach to our effort. There also was no change in overall nonnative mass in the removal reach over time, but if the mass of the 11 flathead catfish captured in 2012 was removed as an outlier, mass declined significantly. Total nonnative mass declined at West Fork but increased at Middle Fork. Contrary to our prediction, there was no consistent change in size structure of nonnative fishes (Figure 4), as adults accounted for a majority of mass in all years. Whereas adult smallmouth bass was absent from collections in 2008, they reappeared and accounted for the majority of the mass in 2010 and 2012. Spikedace was the only native species to increase significantly with time in the removal reach (Table VI, Figure 2). Loach minnow was present in all years in the removal reach but was not collected at either reference site during the study, despite occurring at both prior to this study and their proximity to the removal reach. At reference sites, the only significant trend in mass of native species was a decline in mass of desert sucker adults at West Fork and a decline of desert sucker subadults at Middle Fork. Expenses (US $) were $13 200 (salary and benefits), $1440 (per diem) and $1250 (vehicles) for a 4-day effort (n = 3), and $16 500 (salary and benefits), $1800 (per diem) and $1250 (vehicles) for a 5-day effort (n = 3). Thus, total field costs were about $106 320 for the 6-year effort. Expressed in terms of total nonnative fish mass removed, the cost was about $995/kg of fish removed. DISCUSSION Figure 3. Mass of nonnative fishes at Heart Bar removal reach (HB) and Middle (MF) and West (WF) forks Gila River reference sites, Catron County, New Mexico, 2007–2012. Zero values entered as 1 Fork Gila River in the vicinity of the reference site, but not in Middle Fork Gila River. Yellow bullhead and smallmouth bass were not found at West Fork during the study, and neither trout species was common at Middle Fork. By mass, Sonora sucker was the dominant native at both reference sites in all years. Among small-bodied natives, speckled dace held that position Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. The results of this study suggest that with an annual 4- to 5-day intensive removal effort in a river reach open to immigration, mass of several nonnative species could be reduced, and in doing so, at least one native species, spikedace, and perhaps desert sucker, benefitted. These results contrast, to some extent, with the findings of several others who reported that considerable and continuous effort was required to measurably impact nonnatives and improve the status of native species (Knapp et al., 2007; Pine et al., 2007; Coggins et al., 2011) and River Res. Applic. (2014) DOI: 10.1002/rra D. L. PROPST ET AL. Table IV. Mass (kg) of fishes collected at West and Middle forks Gila River reference sites (lengths = 234 and 297 m, respectively), 2008–2012, Catron County, New Mexico West Fork Middle Fork Year Species 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Longfin dace Headwater chub Spikedace Speckled dace Desert sucker Juvenile Sub-adult Adult Sonora sucker Juvenile Sub-adult Adult Gila trout Total native Common carp Red shiner Fathead minnow Yellow bullhead Flathead catfish Rainbow trout Brown trout Western mosquitofish Smallmouth bass Total nonnative — 0.114 0.006 0.184 0.011 — 0.016 0.249 0.006 0.124 0.002 0.113 0.053 0.002 0.017 0.792 0.025 0.006 0.003 0.244 0.003 0.420 0.005 0.002 0.140 0.177 0.035 0.022 0.027 0.330 0.002 0.005 0.041 0.198 0.018 0.275 — — — 0.007 0.026 0.329 1.386 0.127 0.061 0.309 0.021 0.137 0.157 0.436 0.061 0.189 — 0.050 0.046 0.124 0.137 0.230 0.300 0.214 — 0.013 0.091 0.157 0.435 0.038 0.189 — 0.038 0.046 0.224 0.135 2.466 0.095 4.965 — — — — — 0.037 2.468 — — 2.505 0.143 0.166 4.809 0.425 6.316 — — — — — 0.457 2.998 — — 3.455 0.030 0.082 2.324 — 2.996 — — — — — 0.056 0.212 — — 0.268 0.129 0.185 1.186 — 3.050 — — — — — 0.172 0.463 — — 0.635 0.012 0.117 2.954 — 3.457 — — — — — — — — — — 0.007 0.045 6.366 — 7.339 — — — 0.473 — 0.035 0.095 — — 0.605 0.525 0.612 7.858 — 9.883 — 0.036 — 0.410 — 0.205 0.019 — 0.911 1.581 0.017 0.567 1.195 — 2.404 — 0.014 — 1.484 — — 0.120 — 0.218 1.836 0.137 0.518 2.496 — 4.345 — 0.001 0.010 2.382 — — 0.020 — 0.045 2.458 0.013 — 3.615 — 3.719 4.200 — — 0.542 1.620 — — 0.029 0.446 6.837 Loach minnow and green sunfish were not collected at either reference site during the study. demonstrated that nonnative electrofishing mechanical removal efforts are not always ‘quixotic enterprises’ (Meyer et al., 2006). The relative success of our efforts was likely related to the comparatively small size of the West Fork Gila River in the removal reach. Mechanical removal efforts in large systems have been less successful (Tyus and Saunders, 2000; Mueller, 2005), although these efforts were evaluated early in their implementation. Recently, Franssen et al. (2014) showed that sustained removal efforts yielded riverwide declines in common carp and reach-specific declines in channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus in the comparatively large San Juan River. Nonnative removal success in the West Fork Gila River was also facilitated by the susceptibility of target species to capture with the gear used (estimated > 50% mass removal), initial low abundance in the removal reach and persistent low abundance in adjoining reaches. Several points merit consideration in evaluating the efficacy of a nonnative control effort, such as that undertaken in this study. With only 6 years of data, the power to detect statistically significant trends was influenced by uncontrolled factors that were likely to either mask effects of removal or be more powerful drivers of changes in Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. assemblage structure than removal of nonnative fishes. Similar trends in the removal reach and reference sites, as we found with brown trout, suggested regional factors, rather than our removal efforts were driving abundance trends for this species. For other species, it was evident that changes in mass were synchronous across the removal reach and reference sites. Mass of native fishes at all sites, except headwater chub at reference sites, was lower in 2010 than in the preceding or Table V. Percent of total estimated mass captured in first pass during two-pass capture–recapture population estimate at Middle Fork reference site during June 2008–2011 Native Species Longfin dace Headwater chub Spikedace Speckled dace Desert sucker Sonora sucker Nonnative Percent Species Percent 19 41 54 55 18 24 Yellow bullhead Rainbow trout Brown trout Smallmouth bass 31 60 73 36 River Res. Applic. (2014) DOI: 10.1002/rra NONNATIVE PREDATOR REMOVAL Table VI. Pearson correlation coefficients of fish mass (log10 mass/10 m + 1) change over time for West Fork Gila River Heart Bar removal reach, West Fork Gila River reference site and Middle Fork Gila River reference site Removal Species Longfin dace Headwater chub Spikedace Speckled dace Loach minnow Desert sucker Juvenile Sub-adult Adult Sonora sucker Juvenile Sub-adult Adult Total native Yellow bullhead Rainbow trout Brown trout Smallmouth bass Total nonnative Total NN without 2012 flathead catfish West Fork r Middle Fork r p p r p 0.57 0.22 0.72 0.55 0.42 0.24 0.68 0.10 0.26 0.41 0.77 0.51 0.14 0.38 — 0.13 0.38 0.81 0.52 — 0.24 0.78 0.30 0.34 — 0.70 0.12 0.63 0.56 — 0.11 0.12 0.01 0.83 0.82 0.99 0.05 0.75 0.87 0.94 0.14 0.02 0.38 0.88 0.08 0.52 0.05 0.90 0.02 0.44 0.53 0.53 0.70 0.61 0.53 0.12 0.01 0.69 0.79 0.38 0.28 0.28 0.04 0.07 0.10 0.51 0.97 0.04 0.76 0.09 0.33 0.70 — 0.15 0.79 — 0.76 — 0.13 0.89 0.59 0.19 — 0.52 0.04 — 0.06 — 0.11 0.22 0.48 0.62 0.17 — — 0.12 0.92 — 0.86 0.72 0.41 0.27 0.49 — — 0.57 0.01 — An α of 0.10 was considered significant. Bold values indicate significant relationships. succeeding year. This was coincident with higher and longer duration spring discharge in 2010 than either 2009 or 2011 (discharge at time of sampling in 2010 was higher than most years, but water was clear). Extended runoff may have delayed spawning by native fishes and hence their not being represented in the June catch. This might explain the decrease in mass of small-bodied natives, of which age-0 individuals typically comprise a larger portion of June mass than for suckers. Comparatively low mass of juvenile suckers might relate to effects of high spring discharge and delayed spawning coupled with downstream displacement. Displacement by elevated flows, however, does not seem a reasonable explanation for the reduction in mass of sub-adults and adults of both sucker species in 2010. Nor did somewhat elevated flows during sampling in 2010 preclude thorough sampling of all habitats and thus reducing sampling efficiency. We have no plausible explanation for the dramatic decline in mass of native fishes, especially sub-adult and adult suckers, in 2010, and subsequent rebound in 2011. Ash-laden flows associated with the 2011 Miller Fire further caused mortality of fishes in the removal reach as well as reference sites prior to sampling in 2012 and thus likely diminished mass (from 2011 levels) of all native fishes in both reference sites and removal reach. These points illustrate how extrinsic factors confound removal efficiency estimates or the statistical power to detect responses in the native fish community. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Because population turnover rates are higher for native short-lived (≤3 years) species, we might expect a more rapid response from them than for long-lived (≥3 years) species. Indeed, our results provide some substantiation for this premise in that mass of spikedace increased over time in the removal reach, and there was no evident change in mass of long-lived natives. Whether a native species benefitted from nonnative predator removal might also be influenced by the habitat it occupied (Stefferud et al., 2011). Thus, spikedace, which is found in low to moderate-velocity habitats also occupied by nonnative predators, increased in mass, whereas no change was noted for loach minnow, an obligate riffle-dweller where nonnative predators were largely absent. Removal of sufficient numbers of undesired fishes from an open system to achieve desired effects is a challenge and is dependent upon overcoming several obstacles. For example, our inability to diminish smallmouth bass may have been that individuals from contiguous stream reaches moved into the removal reach, its low capture probability or there was a compensatory response (Zipkin et al., 2009). Movement has been implicated as the cause for the inability to control mobile brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis; it quickly (<1 year) recolonized areas where it was eradicated (Phinney, 1975; Peterson et al., 2004). Because juvenile smallmouth bass were infrequently captured during the 6-year effort, it seems unlikely its persistence was a compensatory response. Nor River Res. Applic. (2014) DOI: 10.1002/rra D. L. PROPST ET AL. Figure 4. Proportion of each age class of large-bodied native (Sonora sucker and desert sucker) and nonnative (yellow bullhead, rainbow trout, brown trout and smallmouth bass) fishes at West Fork Gila River Heart Bar removal reach, Catron County, New Mexico, 2007–2012 was relative capture efficiency likely a factor. All habitats, including debris and root wad pools, occupied by smallmouth bass in early June when discharge was at or near annual minimum were efficiently sampled with backpack electrofishers, as indicated by our capture efficiency estimates. Thus, movement into the removal reach was the most likely reason mass of this species was not diminished, rather than reproduction and recruitment within the reach or poor capture probability. Demonstrating the efficacy of removal efforts may depend upon the initial conditions of the target system, as it should be easier to demonstrate a positive effect if starting under conditions where nonnative fishes vastly outnumber natives. In the Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam where nonnative fish were numerically dominant, Coggins et al. (2011) demonstrated a strong removal effect, Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. decreasing the percentage of nonnatives in the assemblage from 95% to 50% in 2.5 years. In comparison, nonnative fish mass in the West Fork Gila River Heart Bar reach was 12% of total in 2007; and for 3 of the next 4 years, nonnative mass was substantially less, indicating that removal efforts were suppressing nonnative mass. But collection of 31 kg (38% of total mass) of flathead catfish in 2012 dramatically altered that perception. Thus, the dilemma: With marginal support, was there sufficient gain for native fishes to warrant continuation of nonnative fishes removal from the West Fork Gila River? Or from a broader perspective, do results of this effort support application of this approach to other systems supporting a native fish assemblage compromised by problem nonnative fishes? Several factors make a clear response River Res. Applic. (2014) DOI: 10.1002/rra NONNATIVE PREDATOR REMOVAL problematic. Certainly, the mixed results of other efforts (e.g. Meronek et al., 1996; Meyer et al., 2006) provide a cautionary backdrop. The inherent variability in species abundances and environmental factors driving their numbers coupled with a limited number of independent data points (1 per year per species) reduces the power of any analysis and thus the robustness of any interpretation. Although present in 2009 and 2011, the dramatic increase in flathead catfish mass (and abundance) in 2012 is puzzling. Regardless of reason, if flathead catfish persists at these levels, it imposes increased predation pressure on native fishes of the upper Gila River. A basic reason for an effort, such as that described herein, was to remove or ameliorate documented threats to imperilled species. Of the eight native fishes occurring in the study area, three (spikedace, loach minnow and Gila trout) are federally protected, and a fourth (headwater chub) is state protected. Each persists as several partially isolated populations and loss of any would additionally compromise their survival. Although restoration of imperiled organisms to historical habitats is an essential element of many conservation efforts, it is also critical that extant native assemblages be maintained by viable, practical and cost-effective measures (Clarkson et al., 2012). For each of these species, opportunities to restore historical populations are limited, thus making survival of extant populations essential. Results of this study indicated that at least one native fish responded positively to removal of nonnative predators and that three problem nonnative species declined. Importantly, this was accomplished with a moderate expenditure (about $17 700/year) and within what participating agencies could collectively afford. Whether continued removal of nonnative predators will yield more compelling results as to the efficacy of the effort, only continued removal will tell. Regardless, options to conserve native fish faunas are limited, and until or unless nonnative predator suppression is clearly demonstrated to have no positive and possible negative effects on native fauna, the prudent course is to continue the effort. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Field work was accomplished with the participation of individuals from cooperating agencies and universities. 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