Cabrillo College Purchase Requisition for Student Senate and Cabrillo Clubs ONLY Please print clearly in blue or black ink, no staples, please paperclip all documentation to Purchase Requisition Date:____________ Date of Minutes:____________ Vendor:_______________________________________ Club Name or Senate:________________________ Address:______________________________________ Requested By:______________________________ _____________________________________________ Phone Ext: circle one: 3508 or 3584 or 6525 Tax ID or SS or SID#_____________________________ Deliver to:_________________________________ Vendor No._____________________________________ Budget Number: Total Expense: $ Budget Name: Quantity Unit Catalog No. PO Attn To: Description of items or service (include style, color, etc.) Unit Price Amount Payment Delivery: mail check to address above hold check at BSO, Bldg. 2600 Documentation check-off: Meeting Minutes Always required Scholarship or transfer? Need only minutes Re-imbursement? Need original receipts Ordering goods or services? Need quote from vendor Paying a bill? District Credit Card? Need original invoice SIGNATURE(S) REQUIRED: I hereby acknowledge this expense was approved by the above named organization; valid minutes and documentation are attached. APPROVED President or Treasurer Date: APPROVED For Clubs: Advisor Date: Subtotal: Sales Tax: Shipping: For office use only: APPROVED Student Activities Coordinator Date: APPROVED Dean of Student Services Date: Docs complete White: BSO D:\612865979.doc Date sent to BSO: PO# Yellow: Student Affairs Total: PV# Amount Pink: Organization rev. ADF, 7/09