Counseling Initiatives for Student Success Cabrillo College Counseling Department Beginning Summer 2013 . . . Probation / Dismissal Workshops Education Plan Workshops (Student Planning tool) Counseling & Guidance (CG) 51 – Introduction to College Probation / Dismissal Workshop Part of the Student Success Act: provide follow-up to student in trouble. Two-hour workshop offered regularly at both Aptos and Watsonville campuses. Required for students with poor Academic Standing (two semesters with cumulative GPA below 2.0 and/or excessive grades of W/NP). Registration hold is cleared by participating in the workshop. Content of the Probation/Dismissal Workshop Understanding the policies Strategies for improvement Utilizing college resources A reflective process: How did I get here? How do I get out of this dilemma? Student Change Contract Successful Outcomes Probation/Dismissal Workshop 589 students have attended the Probation/Dismissal Workshops from inceptions through March, 2014 Of 309 who completed through fall 2013, 60% successful no negative Academic Standing issues at end of fall 2013, or they improved in fall 2013. Continued monitoring of those who have attended the workshop “The counselor discussed and reiterated throughout the workshop that we need to change past patterns so that we can be successful in the future. I need to change the things that lead me to repeat the same mistakes. I took this to heart.” Education Plan Workshop Two-hour workshop offered regularly at both Aptos and Watsonville campuses designed to highlight use of Student Planning – a new tool in WebAdvisor giving all students access to an electronic education plan. Financial Aid students needing an education plan are directed to the workshop. Many incoming Running Start students are attending the workshop while still in high school. Promoted to all students through the upcoming Schedule of Classes. All attendees leave with an Abbreviated Education Plan, electronically available through the new Student Planning Tool (Student Success Act). Content of the Education Plan Workshop Career Goal, Educational Goal, Cabrillo Program of Study (major) Occupational certificates, degrees, and transfer requirements Understanding requirements (GE, major prep, electives) Resources for planning Time management Student Planning Tool Successful Outcomes – Ed Plan Workshop 572 students have attended the Education Plan Workshops from inception through March, 2014 Students leave with a counselor-approved Abbreviated Education Plan available electronically through Student Planning. Students know how to use Student Planning to continue planning on their own. Students know to schedule an appointment with a counselor to further develop their Comprehensive Education Plan. Student Planning A new tool available to students in WebAdvisor. Based on the student’s Program / Major, Student Planning evaluates how completed and in-progress courses meet specific requirements. Allows the student to plan future terms to complete remaining requirements. Migrating from paper to the Electronic Education Plan CG 51 – Introduction to College A required course for incoming Running Start students Career Goal / Educational Goal / Major Resources for Success Academic Planning All students develop at least an Abbreviated Education Plan using Student Planning (1-2 semesters) Increase from .5 unit to 1 unit In fall ‘13, 906 Running Start students enrolled at Cabrillo; approximately 85% completed CG 51. Nearly all who enrolled successfully completed CG 51. Counseling . . . Student Success it actually makes a difference! Choosing an educational goal and major Educational Planning Anticipating challenges Resources for success Knowing processes Developing a plan for success!