Cabrillo College Faculty Senate Tuesday, November 18, 2008 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM Sesnon House In Attendance: Eva Acosta, Winnie Baer, David Balogh, Janus Blume, Virginia Coe, Becka Fortune, Jean Gallagher-Heil, John Govsky, Paul Harvell, Steve Hodges, Renee Kilmer, Diego Navarro, Rory O’Brien, Beth Regardz, Dave Reynolds, Georg Romero, Dan Rothwell, Pam Sanborn, Letitia Scott-Curtis, Alex Taurke, Francine VanMeter Note Taker: Jamie Malone 1.0 Call to Order 1.1 – The meeting was called to order at 3:07 PM. 2.0 Minutes 2.1 – Postponed the approval of the minutes from October 21, 2008 to the next meeting. 3.0 Reports 3.1 – President (Steve Hodges) 3.1.1 – I am trying my best to stay very involved in the statewide budget situation, and balance that with my other duties as well. 3.1.2 – Holt Murray was an excellent example of the best kind of Cabrillo faculty. The senate honored his memory with a moment of silence. 3.1.3 – Attended the Plenary Session. There was lots of talk about budget cuts statewide. Everyone is dealing with the same things Cabrillo is. Lots of talk about SLOs (also regarding the letter that went out from the union). 3.1.4 – MIS system (people were complaining about Banner and wished they had Datatel Colleague). 3.1.5 – The statewide senate is adding UMOJA to the list of student services programs that it likes (endorsed). 3.2 – Vice President (Rory O’Brien) 3.2.1 – Also attended the Plenaries. This marked the 20th anniversary, and we got to hear from the president of the academic senate. I have come back with a new appreciation for and confidence in Cabrillo after talking with people from other colleges who don’t function well and have accreditation issues. We are in a minority. Everyone is concerned about the budget. Random conversations with colleagues were valuable. 3.2.2 – There will be a town meeting at Sesnon tomorrow at 3:00 PM (Brian King’s e-mail). Please attend and invite others. 3.3 – Secretary (Georg Romero) 3.3.1 – Reported on several committees: conversion to the new voiceover internet and servers is going well (a huge changeover on Tuesday went smoothly), still on target for the phone switch in January. It is more likely to stay up in emergency situations (e.g. power outages, earthquakes, etc.) 3.3.2 – Transportation Management Advisory Committee: has a ninety thousand dollar grant for doing bike related things (racks, etc.). Also discussing a loan program for students to buy bikes. There will be a campus review of where bike-storing stations already are. This all depends on the time people are willing to spend on this project. 3.3.3 – Reminded everyone that the fall elections are going on. 3.4 – Treasurer (Paul Harvell) 3.4.1 – I’m going to try to make us a lot of money with credit default swaps. 3.5 – CCFT (John Govsky) 3.5.1 – Paul sent out a letter about the budget that said it all. 3.6 – CCEU (Janus Blume) 3.6.1 – We’re having elections too. We elect half of our officers each year. We are voting for the first vice president, secretary, at large reps, and CCFT. Should have our results by the end of this week. 3.7 – Watsonville (Eva Acosta) 3.7.1 – The old Watsonville Library is being demolished as part of the expansion. 3.7.2 – Watsonville is having a Thanksgiving lunch, and the student senate is having a dinner as well. 3.8 – ASCC (Becka Fortune) 3.8.1 – We have been focusing on funding and student outreach recently. 3.8.2 – MLK Day is completely funded for next semester. 3.8.3 – We are giving out free coffee to encourage students to talk to us about the campus (also doing juicing in the quad once a month). 3.8.4 – We have a social justice conference set for next semester. 3.8.5 – Having a Thanksgiving event in Watsonville on Monday and in Aptos on Tuesday. 3.8.6 – Participating in the Second Harvest food drive is an incentive for clubs (not a competition). They get money for their club if they participate. 3.8.7 – The blood drive is going on now and continues through tomorrow. 3.8.8 – We are handing out grants in a ceremony here on Thursday (cut student senate meeting to an hour). Georg asked for the records of past grants from the student senate for to put on file. 3.9 – VPI (Renee Kilmer) 3.9.1 – The hiring prioritization process is frozen because of the word from Sacramento. I’ll be sending out an all-faculty e-mail. Next year it will start anew. There is really no alternative. 3.9.2 – Also went to CIO conference. All the same topics (budget, SLO). Another big topic was distance ed authorization. DE programs need authentication by next year. We don’t really know what that means and people are interpreting it differently (will know by June). 3.9.3 – TBA hours was a huge topic. We need to know what they mean by “scheduling.” Forming a task group now. There are two types of audits (TBA isn’t under either, it is a special audit). Lab is open from 7:00 AM – 9:45 PM and that is a schedule, but is that enough? We will be moving forward with this discussion to see if legal advisory sticks to the strictness of the rule and we will come up with alternatives. 3.9.4 – A reminder that the faculty senate party is on December 11th at Renee’s house starting at 3 PM. You will receive a formal invitation in your mailboxes. Don’t need to bring food. 4.0 Action Items 4.1 – No action items are scheduled for this meeting. 5.0 Information Items 5.1 – AR5105C Adjunct Hiring 5.1.1 – Departments feel the need to change the way we hire. Changes were made, but it is no different than what has been going on for the past 2 years. Many people like the way it is. The new process is much easier. The only problem seems to be making sure we get back to the applicants. 5.2 – Scheduling Parameters 5.2.1 –Changing the start/end times in the class schedule. Title 5 requires that the class schedule have the exact start and end time of the class (no passing time). When creating the 320 report, it is manually extracted (not collecting too much apportionment, but we are still out of compliance). Effective fall 2009. Spring continues with the old way. We are one of five colleges in the state that does it this way and we are all out of compliance and need to change. 5.2.2 – There are three other scheduling projects going on. Linked classes are very complex when scheduling multiple classes. 5.2.3 – The scheduling patterns group hasn’t met yet (faculty, counselors, and deans). They go through all programs and see if a student can complete a degree or certificate requirement in 18 months without scheduling conflicts. Don’t forget about the night students! 5.2.4 – Affects PCs: production timeline. There are so many steps in our production, and there needs to be a downtime for audits. All faculty was invited to join these committees. This is critical for everything (how you get paid, schedule, class load, etc.). 5.3 – Distance Education Report 5.3.1 – We submit a report to the governing board each year. Francine went over the summary report for 2007-2008. The actual 10 page report is on the distance ed website. 5.3.2 – There was a 12% increase in unduplicated enrollment. We served over 10,000 distance ed students last year. Over 50% of blackboard accounts are for on-campus instruction. 5.4 – FLEX Calendar 5.4.1 – The staff development committee approved a draft on Thursday. We will have copy for you at the final faculty senate meeting. 5.4.2 – Francine gave a preview of some of the upcoming events. You’ll have the printed copy the week before finals week and it will be online as well. 5.4.3 – There is no Friday FLEX for this spring. The faculty senate meets on Monday. The first meeting of the new semester is in Watsonville. 5.5 – Fall Election 5.5.1 – The deadline is November 28th for three at-large positions. Maybe we can do it all electronically (the bylaws may need to be revised to allow that). 5.5.2 – Senators whose terms have expired are Paul, Francine, and John 5.6 – Space Allocation 5.6.1 – There is a forum (focus group, not the final meeting) on Friday at 1:30 PM at SAC 202. No more feedback. 5.6.2 – Becka said that the student senate received word about final feedback the day before it was due! There was confusion with colorcoding and lack of explanation so they couldn’t get their comments in fast enough. A reminder was sent out two minutes before the noon deadline. They also didn’t send the notices to all Cabrillo e-mails. There were lots of complaints about not having enough information or awareness of meetings. Need questions answered. 5.6.3 – We started the process with money for remodeling. 5.6.4 – That is why we hired outside forces to see the needs clearly and utilize the space efficiently. Someone will always have a problem with the solution. 5.6.5 – BELA is short 8 offices. 5.7 – Budget Crisis 5.7.1 – Steve would appreciate input towards the process so he can better represent the faculty senate in this situation. He shared one document that came out of CPC. 5.7.2 – Expressed appreciation to Peggy and Ryan for their communication. Other colleges are clueless of how they will deal with this crisis. 5.7.3 – Need more outreach to adjunct faculty. 5.7.4 – Transfer students are panicking about classes being cut. Fall and spring are out biggest terms, and we will try not to cut as much there. The online spring schedule is current (all cuts that have been made are reflected in the online version). 5.7.5 – Lets talk more about increasing revenues and raising money. Explore the possibilities. There are alternatives. 6.0 Open Forum and Agenda Building 6.1 – No items. 7.0 Adjourn 7.1 – The meeting was adjourned at 5:09 PM.