Cabrillo College Faculty Senate Monday, February 2, 2009 – 5:00 PM 3:00 PM

Cabrillo College Faculty Senate
Monday, February 2, 2009
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Watsonville Center, Room 4350
In Attendance: Eva Acosta, Winnie Baer, David Balogh, Virginia Coe,
David Douglas, Jean Gallagher-Heil, John Govsky, Steve Hodges, Brian
Legakis, Diego Navarro, Beth Regardz, Dave Reynolds, Georg Romero,
Dan Rothwell, Pam Sanborn, Letitia Scott-Curtis, Topsy Smalley, Alex
Guests: Paul Harvell, Rachael Mayo, Sarah Albertson, Mark Desmet, Jeff
Note Taker: Eric Barbour
1.0 Call to Order
1.1 – The meeting was called to order at 3:06 PM.
2.0 Watsonville Center Tour
2.1 – Olga Diaz substituted for Dr. Rachael Mayo as Watsonville Center tour
2.1.1 – Visited the old building lobby and the new building third floor.
Discussed classrooms, offices, etc.
3.0 Reports
3.1 – President (Steve Hodges)
3.1.1 – Opened a round of introductions, recognizing new senators and
3.1.2 – Steve’s is continuing work in budget reduction task force
3.1.3 – Motion: maintain Georg Romero as Faculty Senate Secretary
Passed without opposition
3.1.4 – Motion: confirm Dave Reynolds as Treasurer
Passed without opposition
3.1.5 – Assessment Review Committee (ARC) may develop an opening
under the departure of Rory O’Brian.
3.1.6 – Staff Development Committee has an opening; comittee meets one
Thursday per month from 3PM-5PM in the TLC. See Steve for exact
3.1.6 – Faculty Senate will be meeting every other week from this day
onward. The meeting scheduled during spring break will be canceled.
Regular meetings will take place in the Sesnon House.
3.2 – Vice President (Vacant)
3.2.1 – No report
3.3 – Secretary (Georg Romero)
3.3.1 – A copy of the senate roster was handed out for review and
3.4 – Treasurer (Dave Reynolds – report by Paul Harvell)
3.4.1 – CCFT is asking for a $3M deficit plan to be followed for the
March 15 issuance of notices instead of $5M
3.4.2 – Motion: Steve to encourage Governing Board to accept a $3M
deficit plan over the previously considered $5M on behalf of the Faculty
Senate. – Governor’s current proposed budget is less severe on
CCCs than expected - Federal government may bring $19B to CA in order to aid
with our crisis, lessening the burden on our colleges – Difference between the two plans will be met with the
number of notices handed out to personnel. After the $2M mark,
very little is left to cut aside from personnel. - There are $3.5M in reserves that were not expected at the
college which might hold us over an extra year.
Passed without opposition
3.4.3 – Faculty Senate has the power of recommendation in decisions to
cut academic programs.
3.4.4 – Wed @ 5:00PM there will be a Governing Board mixer cosponsored by CCFT, CCEU and the Faculty Senate; there is a planned
presentation about losses from budget cuts
3.4.5 – Paul is in the process of revamping the governance manual, last
updated in ’92. Product will be returned to the Faculty Senate within about
a month, then CPC, then Governing Board.
3.4.5 – Faculty Senate Presidency: suggestion to allow the president to
appoint VP for next term.
3.5 – CCFT (John Govsky)
3.5.1 – No report
3.6 – CCEU (Janus Blume)
3.6.1 – Not Present
3.7 – Watsonville (Eva Acosta – report by Rachael Mayo)
3.7.1 – ITEC is one of first federal grant projects for any CCC in the
country. They are hoping not to default and lose further funding.
3.7.2 – Aiming to get a platinum environmental grant for the new CTE
building. CEM planned to move in as a major CTE constituent. Emphasis
on Solar Tech. Construction likely to begin Fall 2011 or Sp 2012.
3.7.3 – Fundraising within Watsonville has gained a very large emphasis.
Present Watsonville City fundraising has been very successful.
3.8 – ASCC (Becka Fortune – substitute Eric Barbour)
3.8.1 – The Student Senate will be hosting a Lunar New Year celebration
February 13th at 5:00PM in the Aptos cafeteria to honor Asian culture
3.8.2 – The Community College League of California (CCLC) held a
legislative conference January 25-26, which 7 students from Cabrillo
attended. The students met with Ana Caballero, Bill Monning, Joe
Simitian, Abel Maldonado’s Chief of Staff, and an intern fellow of Jeff
Denham’s to discuss the California Budget Crisis. They also attended
several workshops to develop a better understanding of exactly the details
and implications of that crisis.
3.9 – VPI (Renee Kilmer)
3.9.1 – Not Present
4.0 Action Items
4.1 – No action items were scheduled for this meeting
5.0 Information Items
5.1 – 10-Minute Passing Period
5.1.1 – Starting fall 2009 schedule, there will no longer be a 10-minute
passing period in the schedule of classes. Classes will be indicated by
their actual time of session, e.g. classes presently listed as 9:30AM11:10AM will change to 9:30AM-11:00AM, etc.
5.2 – Senate Officers
5.2.1 – Faculty Senate President is compensated on a ½ time schedule. VP
is compensated for 5 units. Secretary and treasurer do not get any
compensation. Proposition to restructure vice president compensation to 3
units and to bring secretary & treasurer to 1 unit of compensation – Opposing opinion: ½ time president compensation is fair.
5 units for VP is so that the VP can attend the same activities &
committees that the president does to learn how appropriately to do
the president’s job – Favoring opinion: above rests on arguments of theory.
The vice president does not require 5 units compensation to do
their job. The VP does not have as heavy a load in practice as in
5.2.2 – Decision will need to be voted on and brought to the instruction
office for confirmation
5.3 – Budget Crisis
5.3.1 – Topics of concern covered in Treasurer’s Report
5.4 – Space Planning
5.4.1 – Space planning implementation is on hold until the present budget
crisis relaxes
6.0 Open Forum and Agenda Building
6.1 – Move to action: Senate Officers’ Compensation Change item
7.0 Adjourn
7.1 – The meeting was adjourned at 4:36PM.