Cabrillo College Faculty Senate Tuesday, August 26, 2008 – 5:00 PM 3:00 PM

Cabrillo College Faculty Senate
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Horticulture 5005
In Attendance: Eva Acosta, Winnie Baer, Dave Balogh, Virginia Coe, Becka
Fortune, Jean Gallagher-Heil, John Govsky, Paul Harvell, Steve Hodges,
Renee Kilmer, David King, Brian Legakis, Diego Navarro, Rory O’Brien,
Beth Regardz, Dave Reynolds, Georg Romero, Dan Rothwell, Pam Sanborn,
Mary Ellen Sullivan, Alex Taurke, Francine VanMeter
Note Taker: Jamie Malone
1.0 Call to Order
1.1 – The meeting was called to order at 3:16 PM.
1.5 Introductions
1.5.1 – All members, liaisons, and visitors introduced themselves.
2.0 Minutes
2.1 – Steve welcomed back Jamie Malone who will continue to take the senate
minutes for the Fall 2008 semester.
2.2 – Minor wording changes made to the minutes from May 20.
2.2.1 - Section 3.4 (tenure; silent meaning the dean reports the offer and
contacts them personally).
2.2.2 – Section 3.4.3 (hired masseuses for staff appreciation day).
2.2.3 – Section 3.6.1 (the vote at flex was a vote to affiliate for action
2.2.4 – Section 3.9.6 (There is less apportionment in DE courses than in
face-to-face classes because of the compressed calendar. There is close to
the same apportionment on lecture classes.).
2.3 – Minutes were approved with none opposed.
3.0 Reports
3.1 – President: Steve Hodges
3.1.1 – Said he had a wonderful summer. Online classes went very well
and kept him busy. Had budget meetings and small business meetings over
summer. Steve got married on August 16th!
3.2 – Vice President: Rory O’Brien
3.2.1 – The state of California still has no state budget. The budget will
depend on future senate meetings and the governor’s decision.
3.2.2 – We are 4% up in enrollments! Starting off well.
3.3 – Secretary: Georg Romero
3.3.1 – Asked if there was a HWPEA rep present. Pam Sanborn joined the
3.3.2 – Nothing to report.
3.4 – Treasurer: Paul Harvell
3.4.1 – We have money. May transfer $8,000 to the Cabrillo Foundation.
3.4.2 – Will have important things to report in a few meetings including
last year’s totals and budget information.
3.5 – CCFT: John Govsky
3.5.1 – Will talk about ratification for filing complaints at future meetings.
3.5.2 – Mentioned the board election. The union will look at one seat that
is contested.
3.5.3 – Sixty-seven percent takes effect next year. Starting January 1st,
adjuncts may teach more than one class per year (60% = 18 units, 67% =
20 units). The contract must be changed first.
3.6 – Student Senate
3.6.1 – Mentioned that the student senate met several times over summer.
They revamped their constitution. Just came back from a senate retreat.
3.6.2 – There are vacancies on the student senate. Please help spread the
word. They are looking for a Watsonville rep, and Scotts Valley rep, and a
recording secretary (paid position).
3.6.3 – They have already developed 2008-2009 goals that they will be
discussing at the all college day event.
3.6.4 – Becka Fortune will be coming to future faculty senate meetings as
a student senate rep.
3.7 – VPI: Renee Kilmer
3.7.1 – She and Steve have been working on “to be arranged” hours. They
must be documented because they need a census number. One solution
they came up with is a hardcopy roster sheet for the teachers that the
students sign. Possibility of doing that electronically in the future. More
on this at later meetings.
3.7.2 – Curricunet is going smoothly. Cabrillo adopted it a year ago and it
is one of the few colleges that have it. Now the system office is using it,
which streamlines the process even more.
3.7.3 – Space allocation process will be discussed Thursday afternoon
from 2-4 PM. Discussing what is best for the students and also meets
faculty needs. You get flex credit for going. There is still plenty of time
for feedback (electronically and hardcopy). Accepted until October. Georg
asked if every area would be summarized during specific meetings. It is
difficult to explain all areas at one meeting, and it is in the conceptual
stages right now. Won’t be able to move people until the buildings are
completely vacated.
3.8 – Extra
3.8.1 – Steve made a quick announcement about the sabbatical review
board. They are looking for people to serve on the committee. They will
be recruiting over the next few weeks.
4.0 Action Items
4.1 – No action items scheduled.
5.0 Information Items
5.1 – Honors Program (overview from Margery Regalado-Rodriquez)
5.1.1 – Extensive planning and preparation has gone into the Cabrillo
honors program. Offering three honors classes during the Fall 2008
semester: History 4AH, Political Science 1H, and English 1AH. The target
groups for these classes are underrepresented, high-performing students.
They started recruiting at high schools in April. Tried to reach as many
students as possible. Received 55 applications after only two months. At
this time, honors classes are only available at the Aptos campus.
5.1.2 – Students must be eligible for EN 1A to take honors classes. They
are still in touch with some students who are trying to pass. Drop in
Latinos because of this.
5.1.3 – Francine asked if the cap for is still the same for honors classes. It
is 75% (we want these students to make it).
5.1.4 – Fifteen units of honors classes will transfer. It makes a difference
when submitting to universities.
5.1.5 – Students who want to participate in these honors classes must have
a 3.3 GPA or higher.
5.1.6 – Their website is
5.1.7 – If you want to teach an honors class, it takes 1½ -2 years after
submitting it to have it approved.
5.2 – GAITS
5.2.1 – Craig introduced the Goal Area Implementation Team (GAIT).
They discuss strategies that support objectives and goals. You can ask to
be a member of the team as it is new this year. There are lots of ways to be
involved. The team consists of areas A – E. They make the meetings as
active and functional as possible.
5.3 – Linking Classes
5.3.1 – There was a request made to link SOC 9 and ANTH 9 (cross list).
It is an information item that the senate does not vote on. They went
through curriculum and were approved as cross-listed courses. Moved
item to be discussed at next meeting.
5.4 – Clustering
5.4.1 – Briefly discussed clustering (viewed independently, but program
chair oversees all 3).
6.0 Announcements and Open Forum
6.1 – Bus Passes for Faculty
6.1.1 – Discussed why the faculty wasn’t given a discounted bus pass rate.
Faculty is allowed 2 vehicle stickers (the second one at $2). Bus passes are
$80. Students can get it for $55. The metro has a contract where the
college pays every time the pass is used but it is not full price fare.
6.2 – Paul asked for future feedback about faculty meetings and how they could
be improved.
7.0 Adjourn
7.1 – The meeting was adjourned at 4:22 PM.