Cabrillo College Faculty Senate Tuesday Nov 17, 2009 3:06pm-5:06pm

Cabrillo College Faculty Senate
Tuesday Nov 17, 2009
Attendance: Eva Acosta, Winnie Baer, Dave Balogh, Rick Fillman (Subbing for Janus Blume), Virginia
Coe, john Govsky, Steve hodges, Calais Ingel, Renee Kilmer, Diego Navarro, Beth Regardz, Dave
Reynolds, George Romero (Representing for Sylvia Winder), Dan Rothwell, Letitia Scott-Curtis, Topsy
Smalley, Kayleb Spencer, Deborah Shulman, Alex Taurke, Lenny Norton.
Visitors: Pattie Tomnitz
Note Taker: Kayleb Spencer
1.0 Call to order
1.1 – The meeting was called to order at 3:06pm
2.0 Minutes
2.1 – The senate did not review the 11/03/09 minutes but will review them at the next meeting.
3.0 Reports
3.1 – President (Steve Hodges)
3.1.1 – Steve highlighted some articles from and distributed copies of the latest ASCCC
3.1.2 – The election kick off has started and nominations are due 11/30/2009.
3.1.3 – There was some discussion about reminding Faculty to be careful about posting
grades. In order to ensure compliance with the appropriate student privacy laws, Steve
recommended that faculty refrain from posting grades that are viewable by other
3.1.4 – At the last CPC meeting 2010–2011 winter session has been cancelled. Left
unresolved at this point is what will happen to the approximately 100 TUs that would
have been scheduled. It is likely that winter session is not going to be coming back for a
3.1.5 – Georg has been serving on the Technology Committee as a Faculty Senate
representative, beginning next semester, he will be serving on that committee as a Library
representative, so there will be an opening for a new Faculty Senate appointed member.
3.1.6 – Steve reported back from the ASCCC Fall Plenary Session. Steve shared that
many resolutions before the body were referred to exec. Based on anecdotal
conversations with colleagues, Steve thought that the budget situation was interfering
with the ability of local senates to fully discuss statewide senate issues. Steve also
reported that he had discussed the budget situation with as many colleagues as he could
catch, and Steve shared some of the highlights: – Colleagues thought that mid-year cuts were likely. – One campus reported a cut of 1000TUs primarily PE and
Theatre/Performance classes, but that have refrained from cutting “core classes.”
They also wanted to preserve summer session noting that they cancelled it once
and that it took a long time to recover. – Another campus reported that faculty at their campus haven’t been well
represented during budget discussions — they felt this was due to don’t see
themselves as targeted. – Faculty at several campuses reported that budget decisions were being
made without sufficient faculty input. – One campus with a hiring freeze has a chancellor vacancy. Faculty and
Students are planning on going to their governing board and ask for that position
to be frozen. – Several colleges that are over cap reported that they are “looking in many
places” so that they don’t have to make additional TU cuts. – There was discussion of general Community College advocacy — rather
than another centralized “March In March” action in Sacramento, it has been
suggested that distributed actions (by students, faculty, staff, and governing board
members) at local statewide representatives offices (when they are “home”) would
be more effective this time.
3.2 – Vice President (Letitia Scott Curtis)
3.2.1 – Letitia announced that Dan, John, and she attended the Budget Work Group study
session, which was a lot of work but very informing.
3.2.2 – As a representative for ARC, Letitia wanted to thank Winnie for her great work as
3.3 – Secretary (John Govsky)
3.3.1 – John reminded the senate that the nominations are in the library, mail room, and
have also been emailed out to all staff.
3.4 – Treasurer (Dave Reynolds)
3.4.1 – Dave reported that the senate still has money.
3.4.2 – Dave will report on the results of the membership drive at a future session.
3.5 – CCFT (John Govsky)
3.5.1 – John reported from the council meeting that there was talk about the budget and
that they are looking at all angles. One area of interest is our large ending cash balance
(about double of what it was five years ago.) Also a few resolutions were passed, and
CCFT is opposing further cuts in TUs for 2011-2012.
3.5.2 – John wanted to negotiate a side letter reassigning time for library faculty member
coordinator to 9-10 units a year.
3.5.3 – There is a concern that independent (special) studies courses are being scheduled,
but faculty aren’t getting paid for them, which doesn’t appear to be in compliance. It was
proposed that faculty get paid $1.00 for each special studies course so as to allow for pay
without having a material impact on the college during tight budget times.
3.5.4 – On the tech committee we are looking at intellectual property and computer
network policy.
3.5.5 – John announced that there is a show called Teacher Speak Out on cable talking
about the budget cuts which will be aired December 18-23.
3.6 – CCEU (Rick Fillman)
3.6.1 – Rick announced that CCEU is anxious about the pending reorganizations in
categorical programs. There’s concern with keeping folks in appropriate jobs.
3.6.2 – Rick was pleased to have been included along with Faculty Senate reps in recent
CCFT budget study session. Rick stated that they will continue to value good relations
with faculty and believes it’s important to move together with a common understanding
of the issues.
3.6.3 – CCEU is heading into contract negotiations and though the district has opened up
any and everything to do with dollars, they are not convinced it is time for additional give
3.7 – Watsonville (Eva Acosta)
3.7.1 – Eva announced that they are talking about the budget.
3.8 – ASCC (Kayleb Spencer)
3.8.1 – Kaycee Beames, Student Senate President, has officially resigned from her
position to volunteer (without pay) for the MESA program.
3.8.2 - $350 was allocated for the nursing graduation
3.8.3 - $2k was allocated for the 4th annual social justice program that will be held on
April 30th in Watsonville and May 1st in Aptos.
3.8.4 – We have an ASCC T-Shirt competition going on. The winner will receive $100!
3.8.5 – The annual General Assembly for all CA community colleges was held last
weekend in Sacramento. Three resolutions were brought forth by the students on the
senate, of which two were passed.
3.9 – VPI (Renee Kilmer)
3.9.1 – Renee announced that two full-time faculty positions are available. It’s a five year
Title V grant-supported program in which one is an activities coordinator and the other is
an activities director.
3.9.2 – Forms will be sent out for a Teaching and Learning faculty award and the winner
will go to the conference in April.
4.0 Unfinished or Ongoing Business
4.1 – BP Changes
4.1.1 – 3010 Change to graduation requirements: Motioned, approved, and passed.
4.1.2 – 3110 Field Trips: Motioned, approved, and passed.
4.1.3 – 3230 Honors transfer program: Motioned, approved, and passed.
4.1.4 – 3410 Safety Glasses: Motioned, approved, and passed.
4.1.5 – 3290 Auditing credit courses and auditing fees: Motioned, approved, and passed.
5.0 New Business
5.1 – DSPS
5.1.1 – A handout was passed out to the senate that touches on mandated services and its
important to know that DSPS are doing the best they can with the cuts. Mandated
services must be provided by the college—from the general fund, if necessary. First big
point is that these students are not just DSPS students; they’re in English, Math, biology,
etc…These students have higher completion of units and what DSPS does for these
students helps them do well in all of their classes. In the Learning Skills program there
has been a 38% cut and there are students not getting the testing they need.
5.1.2 – Patty commented that the issue is that we are not going to be able to serve the
students in the same way as we have in the past. Right now in counseling we are looking
at medical documents and finding what is the appropriate accommodation. Interpreting
services are very expensive. Many veterans have disabilities and don’t want to be
identified as disabled, so they don’t know how these services can benefit them.
5.2 – Textbooks
5.2.1 – The senate discussed the issues concerning the new laws regarding textbooks in
order to help shape new policy and inform our colleagues. On-time faculty textbook
requisition rates has varied from 51% to 80%. It was reported that on-time requisition
forms have a major impact on textbook costs for students. Virginia pointed out the
difficulty faculty face regarding the timing of textbook orders and new textbook edition
publication. Letitia suggested to have staff email their reps and get them to respond so
that it would be easier for staff to get the forms in and on time. Faculty members are
encouraged to change textbooks only when necessary.
5.3 – Budget Situation: Faculty Positions
5.3.1 – The senate talked about how the budget is affecting faculty, in particular the loss
of full-time tenured faculty and the loss of a large number of adjunct instructors. A full
discussion of this issue was not possible due to time constraints but a few
“brainstorming” ideas were “automating” one-year temporary replacements for retiring
full-time faculty (which would likely not be enough to “bridge” us to recovery) and
encouraging faculty in small departments not to retire this year. Dave Balogh commented
that it might make sense to implement a departmental minimum for faculty, and that
departments that fell below that number would be automatically replaced.
6.0 Open Forum and Agenda Building
6.1 – Noemi, President of OLA, wanted to remind everyone about the tamale sale going on. Also
she needs any suggestion on advisors for a few clubs on campus. She can be reached in the
student senate office.
7.0 Adjourn
7.1 – The meeting was adjourned at 5:06pm.