Document 12995912

 DRAFT Resolution for Fall 2010 Plenary Session Online Publishing of ASCCC Plenary Session Resolutions Steve J. Hodges, Cabrillo College, Area B Whereas, The ASCCC has an established tradition of supporting local senates; and Whereas, The ASCCC has a well designed website with a plethora of information for community college faculty statewide; and Whereas, Informed local senates support the mission of the ASCCC; and Whereas, Portable computing devices, such as laptops, are becoming more common amongst ASCCC Plenary Session delegates; and Whereas, New resolutions and amendments introduced at the ASCCC Plenary Sessions may significantly alter motions that had been discussed by local senates; and Whereas, Some local academic senate presidents may want to be able to discuss newly proposed resolutions and amendments with local college colleagues; Resolved, That during the plenary sessions, updated resolutions and amendments will be posted online at the same time as they are being distributed on paper; and Resolved, That these updates be listed in addition to previous versions; and Resolved, That the page of plenary session resources should be reformatted to allow for the clear posting of these documents as they become available. 