1.0 Call to Order 2.0 Minutes Cabrillo College Faculty Senate AGENDA Tuesday, March 02, 2010 Sesnon House 3:00 – 5:00pm The senate will review the minutes of our 02.01.10 and 02.16.10 meetings. 3.0 Standing Reports President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, CCFT, CCEU, Watsonville, ASCC, SLO Assessment Coordinator, VPI 4.0 Unfinished or Ongoing Business 4.1 KAPLAN UNIVERSITY The senate will continue our discussion about the recently signed Kaplan University MOU. 4.2 FACULTY RETIREMENT AND REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENTS 02.01.10 Minutes 02.16.10 Minutes DE-K_MOU AP 5075 The senate will continue our discussion of the hiring of full time faculty. 5.0 New Business 5.1 AP5075 ADDS AND DROPS The senate will discuss proposed revisions to AP5075 add/drop policy. 5.2 HONORS TRANSFER PROGRAM Donna Mekis, Director of the Honors Transfer Program will report to the senate. Faculty Senate Spring 2010 Calendar February 1st (Flex) February 16th March 2nd and 16th April 13th and 27th May 11th and 25th 6.0 Open Forum and Agenda Building Senate members and guests may speak to non-agenda items or propose items for future meetings. 7.0 Adjourn