1.0 Call to Order 2.0 Minutes Cabrillo College Faculty Senate AGENDA Tuesday, February 16, 2010 Sesnon House 3:00 – 5:00pm The senate will review the minutes of our 12.01.09 meeting. 3.0 Standing Reports President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, CCFT, CCEU, Watsonville, ASCC, SLO Assessment Coordinator, VPI 4.0 Unfinished or Ongoing Business 4.1 LIBRARY INFORMATION RESOURCES The senate will consider endorsing the California Chief Librarians resolution in support of Library Instructional (TTIP) funding we previously reviewed. 4.2 FACULTY RETIREMENT AND REPLACEMENT ATTACHMENTS 12.01.09 Minutes TTIP Resolution Kaplan MOU This year none of the retiring faculty were replaced. The senate will continue our discussion of the budget implications on departments that loose full time faculty. 5.0 New Business 5.1 US CENSUS Andrew Dean from the US Census Bureau will speak to the senate about the upcoming census. 5.2 KAPLAN UNIVERSITY Faculty Senate Spring 2010 Calendar February 1st (Flex) February 16th March 2nd and 16th April 13th and 27th May 11th and 25th The ASCCC has recently been informed that Chancellor Scott signed a MOU with Kaplan University (a private for-profit corporation) regarding CCC students taking classes in conjunction with Kaplan. 6.0 Open Forum and Agenda Building Senate members and guests may speak to non-agenda items or propose items for future meetings. 7.0 Adjourn