Faculty Senate AGENDA Tuesday, September 21, 2010 Sesnon House 3:00 – 5:00pm 1.0 Call to Order 2.0 Minutes The senate will review the minutes of the 09.07.10 meeting. 3.0 Standing Reports ATTACHMENTS Draft Minutes 09.07.10 2010 Midterm Report BP 3010, AR 3010 BP 3030 BP 3090 BP 3120 SEPARATE ATTACHMENT 2011/2012 Academic Calendar President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, CCFT, CCEU, Watsonville, ASCC, SLO Assessment Coordinator, VPI 4.0 Unfinished or Ongoing Business 4.1 FACULTY HIRING PROCESS The Senate will review a question about scoring of replacement points for the upcoming process. 4.2 BP AND AR REVIEW The Senate will continue our review of proposed changes the governance manual coming from Instruction Council. Today, we will review 3010 (Graduation Requirements), 3030 (Accreditation), 3090 (CTE Advisory Committees), and 3120 (Program, Curriculum, and Course Development.) 4.3 2010 ACCREDITATION MIDTERM REPORT The Senate will review the 2010 accreditation midterm report. 5.0 New Business Faculty Senate Fall 2010 Calendar August 24th (Flex) September 07, 21 October 05, 19 November 02, 16, 30 5.1 TEXTBOOKS AND INFORMATION RESOURCES Robin Ellis, Bookstore Manager, will visit the senate for a presentation “Lowering Textbook Costs for our Students” and a discussion on textbook and information resource projects, grant opportunities, and partnering with the senate. 6.0 Open Forum Senate members and guests may speak to non-agenda items. 7.0 Adjourn