Colleagues, This is a quick reminder about the next (special) Faculty Senate... Tuesday, May 3rd.

This is a quick reminder about the next (special) Faculty Senate meeting on
Tuesday, May 3rd.
This is a special "one topic" only meeting to discuss criteria (and related process
discussions) to provide strong input to the "task force" (should that process be
endorsed by the senate) or whatever body is tasked with program reductions.
There will be no other business conducted at this meeting. (We do have one
more "regular" meeting this semester on May 17th.)
Since I believe that a ranked/prioritized list coming from the senate will be a
much stronger statement than a long list of "unranked" criteria, it is (currently) my
intention to use today's meeting primarily for the identification of criteria. These
criteria will be itemized/collected during Tuesday's meeting, and from those
ideas, the senate executive committee will create a ballot for distribution to the
senate (electronically) -- senate members will vote. We will review the results of
this ranking at our last meeting of the semester (May 17th), and if the senate can
endorse the results, then we can use the "ranked results." The exact mechanism
of the voting process, ballot methods, and how to categorize the results are still
under discussion, and I would welcome your thoughts on this (either at
tomorrow's meeting or via email.)
Several folks have contacted me with a suggestion of moving the meeting to a
larger venue in anticipation of a large attendance at the meeting. So far, I've felt
that it is best to retain our regular Sesnon House location.
* The primary reason is that I'm afraid that the larger the meeting gets the harder
it will be for the senate to have the conversation we need in order to yield
productive results, and
* Secondly, I'm hoping that faculty campus wide are using the system of
representatives that we have established to communicate their thoughts to the
senate (I've seen many emails about this, so I think this is true.)
If you think/are hearing otherwise from your faculty colleagues and expect that
large numbers of faculty have expressed to you that they will be coming, let me
know -- it may be too late to seek an alternative location (and then to adequately
communicate that to all interested parties,) but perhaps I can do something else
to facilitate much larger than expected numbers should that become necessary.
-Steve Hodges
Computer Science, Cabrillo College
Faculty Senate President 