Faculty Senate s p r i n g 2 011 s e m e s t e r AGENDA Tuesday, March 1, 2011 Sesnon House 3:00 – 5:00pm 1.0 Call to Order 2.0 Minutes The senate will review minutes from our 02.15.11 and 02.01.11 meeting. ATTACHMENTS draft Minutes 02.01.11 draft Minutes 02.15.11 2010 ARC Annual Report draft BP 3250, 3260, 3220, 3020, 3025 3.0 Standing Reports President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, CCFT, CCEU, Watsonville, ASCC, SLO Assessment Coordinator, VPI 4.0 Unfinished or Ongoing Business 4.1 SLO ARC COMMITTEE REPORT Marcy Alancraig will present a report form the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Review Committee. 4.2 BRIC/TAP UPDATES The Senate will see a presentation and discuss the goals of the BRIC grant and discuss the data tools that are intended for faculty use and guidelines for data access. 4.3 BP UPDATES The Senate will review proposed changes to BP3250, BP3260, BP3220, BP3020, and BP3025. Faculty Senate Spring 2011 Calendar February 01 (Flex at Wats.) February 15 March 01, 15, 29 April 12, 26 May 03, 17 5.0 New Business 5.1 GRADUATION The Senate will discuss increasing faculty participation at graduation. 6.0 Open Forum Senate members and guests may speak to non-agenda items. 7.0 Adjourn