1.0 Call to Order 2.0 Minutes 3.0 Standing Reports

1.0 Call to Order
2.0 Minutes (time allotted - 5 minutes)
The Senate will review the minutes of the 10-30-12 meeting.
Tuesday, Nov 27, 2012
Sesnon House
3:00 – 5:00pm
3.0 Standing Reports (35)
President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, CCFT, CCEU, Watsonville, ASCC,
SLO Coordinator, VPI
4.0 Unfinished Business
10-30-12 Draft Minutes
Board Item for 2013 New Contract
Faculty Hiring Prioritized List
BP 5520
4.1 Faculty Hiring Process Review (10)
The Senate will debrief on this year’s process.
4.2 Renée Day (10)
The Senate will finalize plans for the Friday event.
4.3 ASCCC Fall Plenary Report (10)
Michael will give an update on the latest statewide issues.
5.0 New Business
5.1 New BPs and ARs (15)
The Senate will discuss approving BP 5520 (Education and
Retraining Leave) and other BP/AR topics.
Faculty Senate
Fall 2012 Calendar
Sesnon 1804, 3-5pm
Dec. 11
Spring 2013 Flex Meeting
Tues., Feb. 5, 3-5pm
Watsonville Center!
5.2 FS Elections in Dec. 2012(10)
The Senate will discuss upcoming elections for new Senate terms.
5.3 Division Reports to Senate 2012-13 (10)
HAWK reps will report to the Senate about what is happening in their
6.0 Open Forum
7.0 Adjourn