1.0 Call to Order 2.0 Minutes 3.0 Standing Reports

1.0 Call to Order
Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012
Sesnon House
3:00 – 5:00pm
2.0 Minutes (time allotted - 5 minutes)
The Senate will review the minutes of the 10-2-12 meeting.
3.0 Standing Reports (30)
President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, CCFT, CCEU, Watsonville, ASCC,
SLO Coordinator, VPI
10-2-12 Draft Minutes
Curriculum Report
4.0 Unfinished Business
4.1 Faculty Hiring Update (5)
The Senate will get an update on possible faculty positions.
BP 3190 Articulation
BP 3310 Copyright
AR 3310 Copyright
4.2 VPI Update (5)
An update on the search for a permanent VPI and on the event to
honor Renee on Friday, Nov. 30, 3-5pm, in Sesnon.
5.0 New Business
5.1 Curriculum Committee Fall 2012 Report (10)
Michael Strunk and Dale Attias will report to the Senate.
5.2 Degree Audit and e-Advise (20)
Faculty Senate
Fall 2012 Calendar
Sesnon 1804, 3-5pm
Oct. 30
Nov. 13, 27
Dec. 11
Carolyn Jackson and Jay Jackson will report to the Senate on issues
related to catalog model programs and degree requirements.
5.3 BP 3190 and BP3310 (15)
The Senate will discuss the Articulation and Copyright policies.
5.4 ASCCC Fall Plenary Topics (10)
Michael will share the latest statewide proposals on the Discipline’s
List and on program elimination.
5.5 Division Reports to Senate 2012-13 (5)
The BELA reps will share what’s new in their division. HASS next.
6.0 Open Forum
7.0 Adjourn