1.0 Call to Order 2.0 Minutes 3.0 Standing Reports

1.0 Call to Order
2.0 Minutes (time allotted - 5 minutes)
The Senate will review the minutes of the 9-4-12 meeting.
Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2012
Sesnon House
2:30 – 4:30pm
3.0 Standing Reports (30)
President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, CCFT, CCEU, Watsonville, ASCC,
SLO Coordinator, VPI
4.0 Unfinished Business
9-4-12 Draft Minutes
Academic Hiring Priority Process
4.1 Faculty Hiring Criteria and Timeline Review(15)
The Senate will continue its review of the points and criteria in the
matrix for establishing hiring priorities for future contract faculty.
Academic Hiring Timeline
Deans’ Proposed 2013-14 Calendar
4.2 Calendar 2013-14 (30)
The Senate will continue to discuss the 2013-14 calendar.
5.0 New Business
5.1 Creating Senate Task-Forces (15)
Faculty Senate
Fall 2012 Calendar
Sesnon 1804, 3-5pm
Oct. 2, 16, 30
Nov. 13, 27
Dec. 11
Following up on group discussions, the Senate will discuss ways to
improve dialog, follow-up, and taking action on matters of concern to
the Senate.
6.0 Open Forum
7.0 Adjourn