Estimates of funding available for alloction in 2013-14 Augmentation process

CPC Draft 11-6-13
Estimates of funding available for alloction in 2013-14 Augmentation process
Restricted Funds Available
20% additional funding increase from 2012-13, some funds have already been allocated
Additional funding is expected.
SSSP funding (new funding net of technology RFAs
$360k - was allocated as part of the 2013-14 Final Budget
SIE funding (88% Instruction/12% Student Services)
$134K plus Match of $44K (See technology refresh spreadsheet)
Scheduled Maint. Replacement funds (Facilities)
350K + $134K= $484K (Allocated to projects identified in the state scheduled
maintenance plan)
Restricted Lottery Funding- President
$100K/Instruction $100k
$200K (See technology refresh spreadsheet)
Bond funds allocated to classroom upgrades Spring
2014/2014-15 (FPAC approved)
$650K (the technology portion of the work is on the technology refresh spreadsheet)
Unrestricted General Funds
General fund one-time funds to allocate for 2013-14
$300k (See 2013-14 Program Planning Allocation & New funding requests as
recommend by component councils and prioritized by Cabinet)
General fund (SIE replacement funding- in fund 11,
can be allocated to SS and Instruction not restricted) $88K (See technology refresh spreadsheet)
Prop. 39 funding Facilities project allocation
$392K- 12 projects submitted. Ist priority to 1000 building chiller replacement