Committee Name: Faculty Senate Date: 08/25/2015

Committee Name: Faculty Senate
Date: 08/25/2015
Time: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Facilitators/Location/Chair: Sesnon House, Room 1804
Marcy Alancraig, Toni Alderson, Essy Barroso-Ramirez, Arturo Cantu, Vicki Fabbri, Timothy Frank, Skye Gentile, John
Govsky, Meg Gudgeirsson, Jay Jackson, Sheryl Kern-Jones, Drew Kelley, Robin McFarland, Dusty McKenzie, Michelle
Morton, Ekua Omosupe, Nancy Phillips, Rudy Puente, Beth Regardz, Dave Reynolds, Peter Shaw, Susan Stuart, Kathie
Welch, Anna Zagorska.
Wanda Garner, Isabel O’Connor, Terrence Willett, Alta Northcutt, David Luerano (Watsonville ASCC rep), Lenny Norton,
Isabel O’Connor, Margery Regalado Rodriguez
Call to Order
• Meeting convened at 3:03 p.m.
Minutes (from 05-12-15 meeting)
• All in favor of approving the 05-12-2015 minutes?
• All FS approve 05-12-2015 pending minor changes
3.0 Public Comments
• None
Standing Reports
President (Robin McFarland):
• Attendance sheet is sent around the room along w/Flex sign-in sheet
• Welcome and introductions
• Faculty Senate attachments will be mailed out prior to meetings
• Learning Moments will now be a part of all Faculty Senate meetings
- Skye will present today’s very first Faculty Senate Learning Moment
• Faculty Senate is legislative as well as:
- Acts as an intermediary
- Has shared governance
- Has primary reliance
- Weighs in on any student-related activity
- Works closely w/Administration
10+1 is written into law
Review of some of last year’s topics that will be ongoing
- Student success
- Action groups
- Professional development
- Equity
Vice President (Skye Gentile):
• CPC pizza party take-aways:
- How to run effective meetings
- Strategic aligning of goals
• Need to update the rosters – contact John with any updates and changes
• Will present first Faculty Senate Learning Moment at today’s meeting
Secretary (John Govsky):
• Maintains Faculty Senate website
• Asks everyone to mark down any changes to be made on the attendance sheet
• May also e-mail John with any changes re: committees, name or title changes, etc.
• Senate website will have the handouts posted on the Faculty Senate website, prior to each meeting
• You don’t have to print everything out – for the sake of saving paper (and trees) and reducing costs, please bring your
iPads or laptops with your downloaded documents to view during the meetings
Treasurer (Sheryl Kern-Jones):
• Senate Treasury Report: current balance is $5,280.37 in the checking and $1,003.57 in the savings accounts
• Most Faculty Senate members contribute during the academic year
• Retirement parties, end of year graduation party, and FS food (supplied at each mtg.) is funded by the Faculty Senate
• Motion to approve continued funding of all above items
• Motion is approved by Faculty Senate
• Any faculty members are welcome to attend any of the FS mtgs.
• There will be a membership drive in the Spring 2016 and we would like to ask that you please contribute to the FS
CCFT (Barbara Schultz-Perez):
• Mention of tomorrow’s luncheon 12 – 1 p.m. in the HORT center
• Joshua Pechthalt (CFT) will be our speaker – looking at statewide concerns
• Completed salary negotiations in June – achieved 1 time increase that was made permanent
• 1.5% increase
• One time lump sum payment at end of October = 3 to 4% - for full-time faculty
• Research for negotiating the entire contract
• Surveys will be coming out – please participate in these surveys
CCEU (Alta Northcutt for Lori Amato):
• Mentions that Lori Amato will be the new CCEU rep within the Faculty Senate
Watsonville (Rudy Puente):
• Watsonville had to cancel a few classes already
• Program to help bridge the technology gap – provides WiFi, access to computers/Internet
• Facebook donated laptops
ASCC (Essy Barroso-Ramirez):
• Introduces new Watsonville rep, David Luerano
• Create and establish a Watsonville budget and committee
• Create a plan for a multi-cultural center in Aptos
• Tutorial center and extended hours for students at Aptos
SLO Coordinator (Marcy Alancraig):
• ACCJC released new guidelines to accrediting and standards
- They (ACCJC) indicate that we need to disaggregate SLO data, along with some other new requirements
• Consulted with a community college in southern California
• ARC will come up with a plan to meet the new ACCJC requirements
• Other new requirements:
- Students are supposed to know how they are doing academically at any given time
• ARC will be looking at program plan assessment data to write its annual report
Vice President of Instruction (Kathie Welch):
• Incentives for faculty to teach DE:
- DE Conference (Cabrillo will pay for 6 faculty members to attend the next DE conference)
- OEI – giving faculty opportunity to learn how to review online courses
- Series of courses to obtain certificate for teaching online – (cost covered for those who may want to pursue)
• Francine will go to division meetings with Kathie to present these opportunities
45 min.
New Business
5.1 Academic Calendar (10 minutes):
• Review of Academic Calendar
• Senators will have the first chance to have input re: academic calendar
• Not much different than the 14-15 calendar
• Comments:
- Will Winter session be returning - Winter session may be addressed in the future if the Senate wishes to do so
- Final exams: may have a formatting issue here
- Graduation date is missing
• Faculty Senate motions to approve academic calendar
• Faculty Senate approves academic calendar with minor changes
5.2 Learning Moments (5 minutes):
• Habits of Mind #3 – Listening with Understanding and Empathy
- Empathy vs. Sympathy
- Students don’t need our sympathy but our empathy
- Mindful intentions – strategy for understanding yourself and others
- Group activity
5.3 Report: Leading from the Middle – Vicki Fabbri (8 minutes):
• Opportunity that 6 at Cabrillo came up with:
- Take apps for teams to spent time away to think together
- Student Equity project – Pedagogy and Pathways
- Teams worked together – came up with an action research project
- Data driven – each project has an outcome
- 23 participants
- Will pass binder around for everyone to see
- Presentation from each team
- We won’t have the results until Spring 2016
- Watsonville – activities is directly tied to outcomes – Watsonville has a lot of activities going on
- FS discussion about some of the early analysis from the data
• FS Comments:
- Will be very valuable to the college
- A chance for people to think beyond their departments
- Made the data understandable – made it easier to engage with the data that was presented
- Bigger challenge is to move into pathways
- Presentations w/goals – actions – outcomes
• Arose from a committee O2 (subcommittee of Student Success Taskforce)
• Developing ideas – collaborating – action outcomes
5.4 Faculty Working Groups (10 minutes) – followed by review and sign-up:
• Idea of Michael Mangin’s that came out of enrollment challenges
• Convened a meeting in April to discuss the working groups
• 1 group = Equity
• 2 group = Obstacles & Bugs – new director of A&R – meet w/new Director of A&R to discuss obstacles that students
experience when registering
• 3 group = Leakage, Stronger Pathways, Early Alert – lacking traction from last meeting – interested in retention software
• 4 group = Watsonville Center – set the goals
• 5 group Outreach to High Schools – exploring idea of volunteers to go to high schools to create more excitement about
going to Cabrillo – have a ready-made (via the faculty outreach group) handout
• 6 group Community Education & Outreach – Kristin is developing marketing ideas as a result of their last meeting
• 7 group Enrollment Management – nothing as yet
• Continue developing working groups – goal for today is to see where each group is at
• Comments:
- Some of the initial energy that went into the forming of these groups and their initial ideas came from the news of the
2M cuts
- Enrollment has not been following its historical pattern
Agenda Setting and Items from the Floor:
6.1 Goals for the semester:
• Equity deep-dive conversation
- Sept 25 from 9-12 p.m. at Sesnon House
- Want to drive the agenda
- Maybe have some of the students there
- Need time to really focus on this
- FS comments:
- Question re: faculty diversity or lack of
- Offer salaries that compensate people
- Volunteers to help with organization for diversity
• Status of Equity Plan:
- Discussion of the composition - adjunct representation
- Union and the Faculty Senate
- Adjunct reps on different committees
- Adjuncts are currently not being compensated for their time on committees
- Stipends for adjunct faculty
- If FS expanded to include adjuncts, there might be a possibility of giving stipends to adjuncts
- FS needs to address this in the future
- Would have to change the bi-laws
- Should there be more seats on the senate?
- Should each division have their own reps?
- Useful to have a subcommittee to do research about what other colleges are doing and what is most successful
- Comments:
- Have at-large adjunct seats
- Any volunteers to do research as to what other colleges look like as compared to CC?
o Vicki, Meg, Timothy Frank, and John
• FS Issues – What is your Intention – How can we help you?
• FS President turns floor over to David Schwartz
- Faculty grants is coming back
- Will have a different name
- Some of the governing board members will be a part of this
- An All Faculty e-mail will be sent out soon
- There will be a request for volunteers
Meeting ended at 4:57 p.m.
Information Requested – Action Approved
Meeting Summary or Take Away: