Committee Name: Faculty Senate Date: 03/15/2016

Committee Name: Faculty Senate
Date: 03/15/2016
Time: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Facilitators/Location/Chair: Sesnon House, Room 1804
Marcy Alancraig, Toni Alderson, Alex Ayres, Arturo Cantu, Sarah Doub, Vicki Fabbri, Timothy Frank, Skye Gentile, John
Govsky, Meg Gudgeirsson, Jay Jackson, Ray Kaupp, Drew Kelley, Michael Mangin, Tera Martin, Robin McFarland, Michelle
Morton, Michael Pebworth, Rudy Puente, Beth Regardz, Barbara Schultz-Perez, Debra Spencer, Claire Thorson, Marcus
Watson, Kathie Welch, Anna Zagorska.
Spring Andrews, Kevin Cartier, Wanda Garner, John Graulty, Karen Groppi, Cesar Cuevas-Lopez, Isabel O’Connor, Georg
Romero, Jim Weckler, Terrance Willet
Call to Order
• Meeting convened at 3:02 p.m.
Approval of Minutes (from 03-15-16 meeting)
ApprovalofMinutes • Motion to approve the 03-01-2016 minutes
• Jay Jackson motions to approve minutes
• Faculty Senate (FS) unanimously approves minutes
3.0 Public Comments
• Karen Groppi, Engineering, is going to be sitting in for Kelli Horner
Standing Reports
President (Robin McFarland):
• Theme for today’s FS meeting is “nourish”
- We need to nurture plants so that they can grow strong and healthy
- Some plants need more nurturing than others
- Sometimes you get your hands dirty and have to do a lot of work that you don’t want to do
- Plants are very complex systems
- I like the ecosystem analogy as it reminds us of how we can do a better job of nurturing our campus ecosystem
• Exciting information came out of the meeting about what was learned at the pathways conference
• Equal Opportunity reporting
- Need more equity and diversity training
Kathie and Diane Putnam have completed the ACCJC Mid-Term report which will be coming to Senate soon
Claudia Close will be the new Curriculum Chair
Great Teachers seminar
- Will include this topic as part of the discussion FS has regarding funds
FS President would like to add one item to today’s agenda with the Senate’s approval
Michael Mangin motions to approve the change in today’s agenda, which FS unanimously approves
Vice President (Skye Gentile):
• Timothy Frank stood in for Skye at the last CPC meeting
- Timothy mentions a disconnect in relation to the limited amount of time faculty had to decide upon bond
- Issues that were not addressed included items such as Equity
• LFM Connects
- 2 retirement meeting on Thursday, April 29, from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m., in Room 509
- Guided Pathway brown bag lunch (bring your own lunch)
- Must register to have PETL credit
Secretary (John Govsky):
• Nothing to report
Treasurer (Marcus Watson):
• Marcus and Robin are now the official authorized signers on the FS checkbook
CCFT (Barbara Schultz-Perez):
• Election is underway
• Division offices should have a ballot box
- Ballot boxes close on Thursday, March 24, 2016
• Can write in any person for any position
• CCFT is publicly supporting the bond and will be helping with the campaign
• Term starts in the fall 2016 semester
CCEU (Sarah Doub):
• Nothing to report
Watsonville (Rudy Puente):
• There were 15 students at the Ag Hackathon
• Funding for putting up TV screens that provide student services information
• Spring and fall “Wellness Day”
• Library funds to support the Book Drop Off
• Math Day will be held on April 30 to help students prep for finals
• Extra funding for laptops that can be checked out by students
ASCC (Alex Ayres):
• Student Senate is having elections in either late April or early May
• Need to generate a higher turn out
• If possible, maybe professors could give a little extra credit to students who attend the Student Senate election
• Trying to book Room 450 to hold the election but we’re still working this part out
SLO Coordinator (Marcy Alancraig):
• The Department of Education has agreed with the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity
(NACIQI) that the ACCJC has six months to correct faults that they have both found in their processes and operations
• The ACCJC Annual Report is due March 31
- Cabrillo needs to provide them with the number of courses and certificate SLOs that have been assessed
- Once again, the courses on the books that have not been offered are the major problem
• Sarah Doub will be sending out an e-mail to the Department Chairs regarding the courses that have not been active in a
while and whose SLOs have not been assessed
• Terrance received an award from the Research and Planning Group for his statewide project on multiple measures
- Terrance worked with a team of researchers including Cabrillo’s former head of PRO, Craig Hayward
Vice President of Instruction (Kathie Welch):
• Guided Pathways
- Faculty are developing a proposal for Laurel to bring Rob Johnstone as the speaker for All College Day in the fall
• The interim CTE Dean position will be posted for internal candidates
• Board thanked faculty for the work they do on curriculum development
• Bond process discussions
- Resolution will go to voters in June
- Interested in getting input from faculty to find out how we can improve communication and processes moving
Learning Moment
5.1 Learning Moment (12 minutes):
• Bill Marzolla, who works at Total Fitness, will be giving an interactive Yoga demo to FS
• David Salinas will be giving a brief, informative speech
6.0 New Business
15 in.
6.1 Obstacles and Bugs Task Force Report – Anna Zagorska, Michelle Morton (15 minutes):
• Working out the enrollment process bugs and trying to focus on the big picture of the enrollment process
• Tried organizing a group, comprised of people from all areas involved in enrollment
• Enrollment bugs included:
- Technical complications
- New areas that Cabrillo has been implementing
- New regulations
• Impact of new requirements for Bog:
- Approximately, 706 students may be at risk of losing their BOG
- Working closely with students who are in jeopardy
- Must pass more than 50% of their units and have a GPA of 2.0 or above
- Need to encourage students to apply for financial aid but need to use the right language
o Tootie Tzimbal, Director of Financial Aid, is going to be sending out an e-mail to ALL FACULTY
• Q&A feature on website
• More online forms that faculty will be using in FA16 semester
• Enrollment has improved and seems to be linked to having more things automated online
• Students have requested to have more time with counselors to enable more of a connection
• What we’re doing in regards to high school students:
- Transfer Center is going out to high schools
- Communicating with high school Counselors
• Portal is in the planning phase:
- Have a single point of entry
- Would be nice to have all faculty be familiar with the registration process on WebAdvisor
- Counselors do offer workshops for WebAdvisor, registering and student education planning
• Welcome Center:
Michelle Donohue is going to come and speak to FS to explain the Welcome Center in more detail
Will have an entry door at Student Services to help new students
Wil have a self-serve area for students
Cross-trained staff will be in place to help serve students
Old Business
7.1 Multicultural Center – Timothy Frank (10 minutes):
• Having a place where students can gather can help lead to student success
• Making a lot of progress towards this effort
• Michelle Donohue, in Student Services, has come forward to support the multicultural center via funding streams
7.2 Faculty Hiring Money – Vicki Fabbri (10 minutes):
• There is a balance of $302,000 that remains
• Would like to send 10 faculty to Student Success Conference being held in October
- I believe registration begins in April
• Would like to send maybe 5 faculty to the Great Teachers seminar being held in July
• Need to work out how to pay adjuncts for their participation in committee and department meetings
• Use remaining funds for temp contract hiring
• Discipline specific, professional development funds have already been allocated ($143,000)
• If there is a time limit, is there any reason why the entire cost can’t be covered
• Jay Jackson motions to have a faculty hiring money task force formed in order to budget out proposals and bring
information back to FS so that the FS can vote to move a proposal forward to Administration
• FS unanimously approves motion
Bond Process Discussion (30 minutes):
• This discussion is not about whether or not you approve of the bond, but how we were informed about the bond process
• “Disconnect” was a word used frequently to describe the bond process and discussions
• At the March 7, 2016 Board of Governor’s meeting, there was a lot of ambivalence, with faculty feeling like they are not
being kept in the loop
• Need to get input from faculty on this matter
• We have important work to do (e.g., Guided Pathways, Equity, etc.) but we need to find a way to improve communications
on campus
• Need to identify what didn’t work in the communication process
• This is an opportunity for a difficult but necessary conversation to occur
• FS comments and suggestions:
- Maybe at our next FS meeting, faculty should have a discuss without the Administrators present so as to find out if
some faculty might not be as comfortable speaking up in the presence of Administration
- Many things happen in the discussion process (e.g., committee meetings, etc.) that lead to recommendations
- Efforts have been made to streamline the committee processes but it’s not working as far as communications
• Vicki Fabbri motions that the next FS meeting be Administrator-free
• FS unanimously approves motion
Agenda Setting and Items from the Floor (10 minutes):
ItemsfromtheFloor • None
Meeting ended at 5:09 p.m.